How can I export the data from the results table in Image J Pendant Drop plugin? - imagej

I am using the pendant drop plug in ( to get the surface tension of droplets. It produces a table of results in a window called Results, however, it does not have the usual file, save as etc options. Also, when I try the getResults and nResults command in macro it doesnt give me any results and says the number of results is .
Do I need to edit the plug in to be able to output the results? My aim is to output the results as a csv file.

Pendent Drop is an ImageJ2-style plugin that generates a SciJava Table. In an up-to-date Fiji installation, you can save such tables using File > Export > Table....
The macro functions getResults and nResults do not work on those tables, because they require an ImageJ1 ResultsTable window.
See also this topic on the forum. In general, questions like this one are much better asked on (see also the description of the imagej tag).


Netlogo Behaviorspace How to save data not per tick but based on reporter

I have a netlogo model, for which a run takes about 15 minutes, but goes through a lot of ticks. This is because per tick, not much happens. I want to do quite a few runs in an experiment in behaviorspace. The output (only table output) will be all the output and input variables per tick. However, not all this data is relevant: it's only relevant once a day (day is variable, a run lasts 1095 days).
The result is that the model gets so slow running experiments via behaviorspace. Not only would it be nicer to have output data with just 1095 rows, it perhaps also causes the experiment to slow down tremendously.
How to fix this?
It is possible to write your own output file in a BehaviorSpace experiment. Program your code to create and open an output file that contains only the results you want.
The problem is to keep BehaviorSpace from trying to open the same output file from different model runs running on different processors, which causes a runtime error. I have tried two solutions.
Tell BehaviorSpace to only use one processor for the experiment. Then you can use the same output file for all model runs. If you want the output lines to include which model run it's on, use the primitive behaviorspace-run-number.
Have each model run create its own output file with a unique name. Open the file using something like:
file-open (word "Output-for-run-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv")
so the output files will be named Output-for-run-1.csv etc.
(If you are not familiar with it, the CSV extension is very useful for writing output files. You can put everything you want to output on a big list, and then when the model finishes write the list into a CSV file with:
csv:to-file (word "Output-for-run-" behaviorspace-run-number ".csv") the-big-list

PENTAHO data integration data source/destination mapping

I'm reaching you hoping to find answers about Pentaho data integrator limitation.
I'm currentlty working on a 1 to 1 data source integration and would like to make it n to 1-n. This requires dynamic jobs creation and would like to know if any of came across such issue. My 1 to 1 is working perfectly, it integration form differents data source types (CSV, databases "Mysql, Oracle ...) to same date destination and need to make it n to 1-n.
There is a Metadata Injection Step just for that.
A use case similar to yours is described by Diethard here.
Because it seams that you have a lot of different source format, it may be a good investment to read the use case of Jens, the author of the step, here, which (apart for the automation) is precisely your case.
AFAIK in Pentaho DI, it is not possible to create dynamic transformations for any random data sources. PDI looks for the input columns to be available in the input stream before it loads the data to the target database. For example, if you are using 1 data source (in MySQL) and loading the same to the csv output, the csv output step is expecting the presence of input columns in the data source step (Table input). If you are trying to load any n random data sources you need to define input columns/fields for each of them individually.
Alternatively there are few things which you can explore:
1. Fast Dump in Text File Output step:
There is an option to fast data dump the data set in Text file output step. Here you don't need to define any output column. The input fields will be automatically dumped without formatting as it is. You can use this to map all of the input sources to a csv format and then load it to their targets.
2. Extending Java and Kettle together to build a solution:
PDI allows you to create custom JAVA codes on top of kettle. You can check this blog for more. You can use this idea to create custom code to pass n data sources fields to the kettle as a parameter and execute them. {note: i haven't tried this step, just thinking out loud here}
Hope this helps :)

OSM - Boundary Export from XML file

I've been attempting to export boundary information from an OSM file. My process is nearly there however I have an issue with the polygon I'm generating drawing random lines.
I would appreciate some insight on where I may be going wrong.
Step 1: Export the OSM data into XML
osmfilter -v greater-london-latest.osm --keep="boundary= admin_level= place=" > b.txt
Step 2: Run a script to process the XML.
cycle each relation node
load the member ways
load the nodes from each specified way
record the lat/lon and build a poly set
This produces a series of lat/lon which when I build them as a polygon give the correct overall shape I'm looking for. However, there are issues with the connecting lines I assume..
My polygon output
I'm actually looking for this, which is similar but Im obviously missing something.
Actual Poly Im looking to generate
Again, thanks for any help.
Ways in relations are not necessarily sorted. See answers to this question on how to sort ways, especially the answer by user geocodezip.
Alternatively you can make use of various tools/libraries to do the sorting for you. Unfortunately I can't point you directly to one but there are various tools capable of sorting relation members, including the OSM website itself, JOSM, overpass turbo (I guess), some JS stuff, [...].
Maybe some other user can help out with pointing to some good examples?

Filter DOORS on historical data

Is there a way to filter based on historical data?
For example: "Show me all objects who had "Attribute_X" == True on 01/01/2013"
As Steve stated, this would require an advanced DXL script.
I'm not sure about creating a filter on this, but identifying those objects you are looking for, I might be able to help. Having recently solved a similar task, I recommend to start with Tony Goodman's really excellent Smart History Viewer (this code could be used as DXL tutorial!) which has almost all the code you need. You just need to find and understand it.
Let me elaborate. Besides other nifty stuff, the history viewer basically does:
For all (selected) baselines, explicitly including un-baselined current version: gather all module changes and put them into a two-dimensional Skip list each, for module/object/session changes. Focus on the object changes.
There is an unused function printObjectHistory in the code which helps understanding the data structures. Have a look at the inner loop
for hist in skipHistory do
Inside this loop, consider only changes which happened before "01/01/2013" (check hist->HIST_DATE to obtain this information). The history viewer code already classified the detected changes, so you want to watch out for changes which contain the string "Modify Attribute: Attribute_X". Assign the new value to a buffer. Outside this loop, check if the buffer contains "True". If so, you this is one of the objects you wanted to find.

How do I plot benchmark data in a Jenkins matrix project

I have several Jenkins matrix projects in where I output benchmark results (i.e. execution times) in a CSV file. I'd like to plot these execution times as a function of the build number, so I can see if my projects are regressing over time.
I can confirm Plot Plugin is a correct and quite useful approach. BTW, it supports CSV as well: plot configuration example
I've been using it for several years without any problem. Benchmarks results were generated as a property file. Benchmark id (series id) was used as a key and result as a value. One build produces one result for each benchmark. Having that data it is quite easy to create plot configuration ant track performance.
This may help you:
It adds plotting capabilities to Jenkins.
