I installed FreeRadius 3 on CentOS 7. I got this error message:
Instantiating module "post_proxy_log" from file /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/detail.log /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/queries.conf[28]: Failed parsing expanded string: /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/queries.conf[28]: ...ed-IP-Address}','%{Service-Type}','%{Acct-Input-Octets:-0}','%{Acct-Output-Octets:-0}','%{NA... /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/queries.conf[28]: ^ Unknown module
The Acct-Input-Octets considered as Unknown Module.
I enabled "redis" and "rediswho" and installed redis-server. even I think that "redis" is not the module that I missed.
Why FreeRadius can not deal with "Acct-Input-Octets"?
What is the required module in mods-enabled that I should activate to use "Acct-Input-Octets"?
I solved it.
Just changed
I'm trying to connect to my local docker engine running on OSX (m1 chip) in order to create a dynamic inventory.
I've created a host file with the following config
I made sure that docker_containers module is well installed.
plugin: community.docker.docker_containers
docker_host: "unix://Users/ME/.docker/run/docker-cli-api.sock"
Then I run ansible-inventory --graph -i ./hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml.
But I'm getting the following error:
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /Users/ME/Projects/ansible-test/hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml with auto plugin: inventory source '/Users/ME/Projects/ansible-test/hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml' could not be
verified by inventory plugin 'community.docker.docker_containers'
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /Users/ME/Projects/ansible-test/hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml with yaml plugin: Plugin configuration YAML file, not YAML inventory
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /Users/ME/Projects/ansible-test/hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml with ini plugin: Invalid host pattern 'plugin:' supplied, ending in ':' is not allowed, this character is reserved to
provide a port.
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /Users/ME/Projects/ansible-test/hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
I tried
ansible-doc -t inventory -l | grep docker
community.docker.docker_containers Ansible dynamic inv...
community.docker.docker_machine Docker Machine inve...
community.docker.docker_swarm Ansible dynamic inv...
but somehow if I do this
ansible localhost -i ./hosts/hosts-docker-local.yaml -m community.docker.docker_containers
It complains
localhost | FAILED! => {
"msg": "The module community.docker.docker_containers was not found in configured module paths"
maybe something wrong with my module path, something wierd with OSX? (I installed Ansible with brew)
The inventory file must end in docker.yaml, as pointed out by #Zeitounator.
Uses a YAML configuration file that ends with docker.[yml|yaml].
I am working on a SilverStripe project. I am trying to write Behavioural Tests using Behat for my projects. But I am getting an error when I run the tests. Following is what I have done so far.
First I install the module using composer
composer require --dev silverstripe/behat-extension
I have the behat.yml file right under the project root folder with the following definition
suites: []
default_session: facebook_web_driver
javascript_session: facebook_web_driver
browser: chrome
wd_host: ""
browser_name: chrome
bootstrap_file: vendor/silverstripe/cms/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php
screenshot_path: %paths.base%/artifacts/screenshots
retry_seconds: 4 # default is 2
Then I tried to run the tests executing the following command.
vendor/bin/behat #framework
Then I get the following error.
In ModuleSuiteLocator.php line 166:
No behat.yml found for module silverstripe/framework
behat [-s|--suite SUITE] [-f|--format FORMAT] [-o|--out OUT] [--format-settings FORMAT-SETTINGS] [--init] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--lang LANG] [--name NAME] [--tags TAGS] [--role ROLE] [--story-syntax] [-d|--definitions DEFINITIONS] [--snippets-for [SNIPPETS-FOR]] [--snippets-type SNIPPETS-TYPE] [--append-snippets] [--no-snippets] [--strict] [--order ORDER] [--rerun] [--stop-on-failure] [--dry-run] [--] [<module> [<paths>]]
There is not behat.yml in the vendor/silverstripe/framework folder. Actually, it is supposed to come with the framework. But it is not there. How can I solve the error?
For all SilverStripe modules the tests and associated configuration are not shipped with distributable packages (e.g. tags).
If you want to use them, you'll need to install the "dev" version. E.g. 4.5.x-dev instead of ~4.5.0.
I see the documentation on https://docs.emqx.io/broker/v3/en/guide.html#emq-x-bridge-cache-configuration and it says that you can enable the cache on file if the network fails because emqx now is not doing this stuff.
When i set, for example the parameter on emqx it fails on start and says in the lof file that is not declared:
You've tried to set bridge.xxx.queue.replayq_seg_bytes, but there is no setting with that name.
2020-03-03T19:43:22.777171+03:00 [error] Did you mean one of these?
2020-03-03T19:43:22.962094+03:00 [error] bridge.$name.mqueue_type
2020-03-03T19:43:22.962572+03:00 [error] bridge.$name.clean_start
2020-03-03T19:43:22.962760+03:00 [error] bridge.$name.start_type
2020-03-03T19:43:23.102793+03:00 [error] Error generating configuration in phase transform_datatypes
2020-03-03T19:43:23.103040+03:00 [error] Conf file attempted to set unknown variable: bridge.aps.queue.replayq_seg_bytes
You know if its problem of my version of emqx or is possible a problem with the sintax.
Thanks in advance
It's sintax error.
It's means set the xxx bridge use queue.replayq_seg_bytes config.
bridge.mqtt.xxx.address =
Is exists? By the way the EMQ X v4.0.6 is recommended.
Getting the error Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: IdleProvider in my application when it is deployed to our staging server using dokku but I am not getting it when running it on my local machine. I'm using ng-idle 1.2.1
I've found this question asked a number of times but the cause was always related to the changes made in version 1.0.0 where the service names were changed. The only thing I can think of is that the minification of the code is the problem but as far as I can see the code should be ok but I am not an expert. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's written in Coffeescript
configuration = (RestangularProvider, $logProvider, growlProvider, IdleProvider, KeepaliveProvider) ->
configuration.$inject = [
.module 'vssApp.config', [
.config configuration
While trying to replicate the problem on my local machine I removed the 'ngIdle' module in the modules array below. This resulted in the same behavior so I am assuming that the problem stems from the ngIdle module not being loaded correctly here. I still feel that minification could be causing the problem but, again, I'm not sure why or how to fix it.
modules = [
runBlock.$inject = [
.module 'vssApp.core', modules
.run runBlock
Here's the full output from the error message I'm getting
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module vssApp due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module vssApp.config due to:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: IdleProvider
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:18814
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:16489
at getService (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14903)
at Object.invoke (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:15466)
at runInvokeQueue (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13793)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14062
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13964
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:18814
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14406
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13964
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at createInjector (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:16844)
at doBootstrap (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:28466)
at bootstrap (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:28995)
A rule of thumb is to load modules dependencies in each place where they are used. This allows to decouple them. And this eliminates race condition with service provider injection.
If the app looks like this
angular.module('vssApp', ['vssApp.config', 'ngIdle', ...])..
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular'])...
service provider for Idle service is not defined at the time when vssApp.config module is loaded.
While this
angular.module('vssApp', ['ngIdle', 'vssApp.config', ...])
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular'])...
avoids race condition but still indicates code smell.
It should be
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular', 'ngIdle'])...
This issue applies to service providers only and config phase. Service instances can be injected for any module order.
Finally found the cause and solution to this, it seems to have been a bower issue.
It's a Rails app, so I specified ng-idle 1.2.1 in the bower.json file but for some reason the bower file was ignored when the app was being deployed using Dokku and the last installed version 0.3.5 remained, which meant that the pre-1.0.0 ng-idle services naming convention was still being used where all service names were preceded with a $. This resulted in the Unknown provider: IdleProvider error because $IdleProvider was the actual service name.
In the end I had to connect to the docker container and remove and reinstall all bower components. Running bower update as part of the deployment was not enough for some reason. When I have more time I will investigate what caused this behavior and I will report here.
I am trying to Set-up a development environment of Kong. I have Kong & cassandra installed in my machine and able to run Kong Fine. I am facing problem when I am trying to set-up the development environment.
First I tried the Source Install as mentioned here.
Execution of sudo make install in the directory in which Kong github repo was cloned gave me the following message:-
Use --force to force removal (warning: this may break modules).
Failed removing.
Updating manifest for /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks
kong 0.4.2-1 is now built and installed in /usr/local (license: MIT)
After that execution of sudo make dev failed with the below error:-
bin/kong config -c kong.yml -e TEST
lua: bin/kong:13: module 'kong.cli.utils' not found:
no field package.preload['kong.cli.utils']
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils/init.lua'
no file './kong/cli/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils/init.lua'
no file './kong/cli/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.so'
no file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.2/kong/cli/utils.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/loadall.so'
no file './kong/cli/utils.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/kong.so'
no file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lua/5.2/kong.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.2/kong.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/loadall.so'
no file './kong.so'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
bin/kong:13: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
make: *** [dev] Error 1
Then I tried the vagrant install which also failed.
Issue 2
After executing the below command:-
KONG_PATH=/home/j/code/github.com/kong vagrant up
I got the following error:-
There is a syntax error in the following Vagrantfile. The syntax error
message is reproduced below for convenience:
/home/j/code/github.com/kong-vagrant/Vagrantfile:17: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8000, host: 8000
/home/j/code/github.com/kong-vagrant/Vagrantfile:18: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8001, host: 8001
/home/j/code/github.com/kong-vagrant/Vagrantfile:20: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
Can someone let me know what is going wrong?
Lua - 5.2.0
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - 64 Bit
Issue 1 was because I was using Lua 5.2. Kong supports only Lua 5.1
as mentioned here
Issue 2 was because of the Vagrant version. Kong-vagrant works only
with Vagrant 1.7 onwards.