HTML encoding issue in azure devops extension - azure-devops-extensions

I'm working on an hub ms.vss-web.hub extension for azure devops and I'm facing emoji rendering issue (text is within a diff monaco text editor)
looking at the html source, the emoji is not rendered as well
during development, I was using baseUri ( and it was working as expected.
(below, display & source in devops, but with extension served from my laptop)
emoji rendering is failing in all parts of the page, not only monaco editor (I would exclude monaco editor from suspects)
html page is correctly in UTF8
I've checked html page after tfx extension create process (unzip) and encoding & emoji were still ok
I suspect an intermediate process done by devops while rendering.

I forced UTF8 with BOM rather only UTF8 and it fixed the issue.


Markdown + LaTeX + Jekyll (Github Pages) = HTML?

I'm trying to use Github pages to both host my source files (strictly markdown with LaTeX equations) and manage the equation rendering when hosting the actual webpage. If I understand this process correctly, github uses Jekyll to statically generate the website, I guess converting all my .md into .html, so I don't have to.
I've read so many posts at this point indicating that I just have to include some lines in my html to run some javascript to use MathJax. I don't know javascript or html so most of the answers seem unclear to me.
Does anyone have a I need a barebones hosted on that renders MathJax.
I've tried:
Creating files in layouts/default.html
<script src=""></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>
In _config.yml:
usemathjax : true in _config.yml, an
In the __*.md__itself (YAML Front matter):
usemathjax : true
My website is here with this page showing an html rendered from the markdown automatically via github, the other pages I generated the html locally in VS Code which doesn't scale properly on mobile and not what I want if github can just manage it directly. The source code is here for my repo.

how to display HTML files on BitBucket?

We currently use GitHub for our code repos, which include HTML files for documentation. On GitHub, the HTML files in the repo only display the HTML source, but I can publish it to GitHub Pages, where it displays as a regular web page for my users.
We have just begun the migration to BitBucket hosted within my organization. It looks like the BitBucket Pages plug-in is the equivalent to GitHub Pages, but we don't have that plug-in and I do not expect to get it. Without that plug-in, is there a way to display HTML files as a web page? We also have JIRA and Confluence, in case those help.
I currently document my Python code with pdoc (pdoc3) to create HTML documentation. I don't think this question is specific to Python or pdoc3, but I just thought I'd add that, in case it matters. (I like pdoc3, but if another tool solves my problem, I'll try it.)
In short, how do I display HTML in BitBucket without the Pages plug-in?

How to retrieve HTML representation of components?

I would like to output HTML codes of my vaadin's components at my console. I didn't find any methods for this . Can it be possible ?
It is not possible to retrieve component's generated HTML with Vaadin's server-side programming mode.
If you really need to do it, you could write your own extension what transfers component's generated HTML from browser to server after it's rendered. Writing your extension means the you need to it with GWT (GWT Web Toolkit, formerly Google Web Toolkit).

Changing character encoding for embedded Vaadin application

I need to embed Vaadin app in a third party web page.
Web server and application server are in different domains.
Due to the nature of the application, using iframe is not an option. So I used VaadinXS add-on and embeded application inside a div.
Now my problem is:
Web page has non utf encoding (actually it is windows-1251).
And Vaadin servlet default encoding seems to be utf-8.
The question:
Is there a way to override character encoding for Vaadin embedded XS servlet.
In case anyone will face the same problem. I found a solution. View it here

Dynamically built word document (.docx) is corrupt when saved and opened from an page

I have built a basic website for a company where I build a word document(.docx) file dynamically by using a template word doc and content controls and Open XML SDK. Its an ASP.NET MVC 2. I used the same code shown in this link where they build a Sales Contract document using Open XML. You can find it at almost the last section of the page seen in the following link:
My problem is everything works fine on my development system. But when I host the application on GoDaddy servers and at the end when the Word Document is saved, Microsoft Word says the document is corrupt and has to be recovered.
I saw a similar question in the following link:
Why are .docx files being corrupted when downloading from an ASP.NET page?
I tried the same and it did not work for me and I get the same error and now I am clueless as to where the error actually is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
