How to retrieve build by commit? - azure-devops-rest-api

I have a PR which was merged with commit XXX. Is it possible to get build by the commit?
I found similar question - How to get build list for particular Commit through DevOps REST API
but statuses for my commit are empty. Could you please help me to get right solution here?

Unfortunately, there is no such api to get build by the commit, you could submit a suggestion at website below:
Currently, you need to filter sourceVersion (commitID) parameter from Builds - List api to get the build list.


Is it possible to delete a pull-request on BitBucket?

I cannot find an option to delete a PR on BitBucket.
Am I overlooking something or it's really not possible?
You can decline a pull request which has the same result -- stopping / removing the PR.
As per the link jonrsharpe mentioned, to the right of the merge button there are 3 dots. Under that menu you should have a delete option if you have permission to delete.
This is available only for BitBucket Server, not on
In there is no option to delete the PR.
For Bitbucket Cloud, there are no way to do this. One way of getting by is to have a 'dev/junk' branch, used for declined or useless pull requests.
Then just edit the existing request to go into this branch and merge.
Data is still there, in case you need it some day, or if it's sensitive info you can remove the whole branch. If its already declined before, well, nothing can be done then other than recreating that repo
See for the update on this feature request and vote on it!
I wanted to delete a pull request of a branch that had already been merged and deleted. Even though I am an admin of my project, I cannot see any "delete" options. For me what worked was to recreate the deleted branch from the main branch and push it. E.g.
git checkout master
git checkout -b [deleted branch name]
git push -u origin [deleted branch name]
Then I opened Bitbucket and the branch showed up as "merged" and disappeared from the PRs list.
You cannot delete the PR in .
Using Decline option will do exactly what you want - the PR won't be visible in the tab Pull requests (you need to sort PR by Decline to see it) but on tab Branches you will see that in column Pull request you have removed your problematic PR.
PS you cannot undo Decline of PR, so take care

Is there a way to get gerrit to reject commits without a JiRA ticket number?

How does an admin configure Gerrit to automatically reject commits without JiRA ticket number? I've read this documentation but not sure how to implement it on all branches in a specific repository (not all repos!). Do all users need to download the file and copy it to their local repository or how does it work? What I want to achieve is that git/gerrit automatically rejects a commit that are missing a JiRA ticket number - doesn't have to be valid, it's up to the team to control that the ticket number is valid.
The Jira plugin is based in the ITS plugin. These plugins have a association configuration that can be set to MANDATORY.
MANDATORY : One or more issue-ids are required in the git commit message, otherwise the git push will be rejected.
SUGGESTED : Whenever git commit message does not contain one or more issue-ids, a warning message is displayed as a suggestion on the client.
OPTIONAL : Issues-ids are liked when found on git commit message, no warning are displayed otherwise.
The below config example is taken from the Jira plugin documentation.
[commentLink "Jira"]
match = (\\[[A-Z][A-Z]+-[1-9][0-9]*\\])
html = "$1"
association = MANDATORY
The Git::Hooks is the best solution to this job.
See how to install and configure it here.
See more info about it here.

How to tag a build with it's pull request on TFS?

In VSTFS I'm trying to create a build tag that gets the source (pull request) from a merge. I've been trying to do it using variables such as those described by Microsoft in this link:
Just so you can get a little more vision on the issue:
Someone creates a Pull Request (it has a hash of it's own);
The Pull Request is approved and commited;
There's a merge;
A build is triggered;
It's tagged.
Currently we're just using the BuildNumber variable on the tag, we want to add to it the source Pull Request ID.
Variable Input
Resulting Build Tag
When you tag the build you can use the variable System.PullRequest.PullRequestId, it returns the Pull Request Id.

Jenkins trigger build on specific commit message of branch

I did a little search and googling for this issue, but most of the posts are related on how to isolate (by using git plugin etc.)
What I'm wondering is there a way to configure a jenkins job to trigger a build on specific commit message (let's say if it contains "build") on the branch I specified.
Thanks in advance,
You can use Commit Message Trigger Plugin to achieve this.
Once you install this plugin, go to your job configuration page and under Build Environment section check Enable Commit Message Trigger,then add the keyword that will cause the job to trigger.
The answers by #ANIL is totally correct just a few improvement to make thinks clear.
if you put the keyword as admin as shown in image then in your commit message you must
have "ci admin" included and it works. It didn't work without adding ci ahead of keywords in my commit message for me.
We don't have to add ci in keywords in the build environment setting.

Getting git items for a particular branch/tag via TFS rest api

Now that TFS 2015 comes with the same new Rest API of VS Team Services, I've taken a look at the API doc:
One question naturally raised is that most queries do not expose an parameter for git branch or tag (e.g. download /path/to/my/file with tag 'release_v1.0'), which looks like a show stopper. As in my case, I need programatically pull out some source file under a certain branch/tag.
Is it not supported yet?
Yes you can. As or the link that you have above you can use the provided so to retrieve both branches and yes. In git they are really all the same thing, pointers. This use the "refs" api.
