Why it is necessary to restart every service in jitsi if some changes made to prosody? - docker

I'm using docker setup and whenever I made any changes to prosody then I have to remove the previous config of jicofo and jvb and then need to restart both the services. If I don't restart then jicofo started showing error like unable to connect to xmpp.meet.jitsi. Is is possible to fix this? Please help.


WebSocket connection to 'wss://postfacto.[mydomain].de/cable' failed

I've deployed postfacto version 4.3.11 by using the official docker image.
Additionally I did the following:
Added google Auth
Set DISABLE_SSL_REDIRECT to "false" (Not sure what this does)
Set USE_POSTGRES_FOR_ACTION_CABLE to "true" ( to not have a separate message queue via redis as documented in section Removing Redis dependency.
Added nginx-tls-proxy server as reverse proxy
Everything seems to be working just fine, but when checking google-chrome dev-tools, I can see the error message shown in the attached screenshot
Could any of you please tell me, what is causing this and if I can solve it?
Just let me know if you need more information :)

Can not run kubernetes dashboard on Master node

I installed kubernetes cluster (include one master and two nodes), and status of nodes are ready on master. When I deploy the dashboard and run it by acccessing the link http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/, I get error
'dial tcp connect: connection refused' Trying to
reach: ''
The pod state of dashboard is ready, and I tried to ping to (dashboard's ip) not succesfully
I run dashboard as the Web UI (Dashboard) guide suggests.
How can I fix this ?
There are few options here:
Most of the time if there is some kind of connection refused, timeout or similar error it is most likely a configuration problem. If you can't get the Dashboard running then you should try to deploy another application and try to access it. If you fail then it is not a Dashboard issue.
Check if you are using root/sudo.
Have you properly installed flannel or any other network for containers?
Have you checked your API logs? If not, please do so.
Check the description of the dashboard pod (kubectl describe) if there is anything suspicious.
Analogically check the description of service.
What is your cluster version? Check if any updates are required.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.
Start proxy, if it's not started
kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8001 --accept-hosts='.*'

ios terminal github port 443. Operation timed out

Why would it be every time I try to install from ios terminal I get a message like:
port 443: Operation timed out.
I'm new to using github. Do I need an account (username/password) with them.
Basically all I've done is open terminaland typed curl -v https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt.git.
Can anyone help me with this. I've googled for ages but none of the suggestions work.
I tried setting the proxy by
export http_proxy="myproxyaddresshere:8080"
Try: $ git clone https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt.git
This would do!
Do I need an account (username/password)
If you want to make changes to grunt or any project on github, you need a github account, then you have do something called forking the project.
Then you pull your forked copy of the project into your local system, make your desired changes and then push the changes to github.

Wildfly error: Could not start http listener

I'm new to Wildfly and I hope you guys can help me with this problem:
I'm following this tutorial on how to Install Wildfly 8 and when I'm trying to execute step 4 I get the following errors:
I've been googling for a while now and I can't find an answer. I've tryed with JDK 7 and 8, no changes, I'm using admin permissions, I've even tried to download Wildfly again and still no changes.
More experienced co-workers have seen this and don't have a clue about what's going on.
Can you help me? Thanks
The tutorial you linked to, has Wildfly configured to use the default port 8080. Most likely, you have another process or service running which is already using port 8080. Try to find out what process it is and stop it, or try configuring Wildfly to use a different port.
try restart the machine or enable IPV6 in the machine, this error will be resolved
Those having the same problem should check who else uses the port 9990 in your Windows system. TCPView is a good tool to find out the guilty of charge. One of possible common causes in this case is NVIDIA Network Service (NvNetworkService.exe).
If that's the case just find it in your Windows services list and stop/disable it. The service itself is responsible for checking for Nvidia drivers updates, so any time you want it back just turn it on manually.
In my case, I inadvertedly added an AJP socket binding while using standalone jboss_cli utility:
[standalone#localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/ajp-listener=ajp:add(socket-binding=ajp)
This led to an 'already in use' error that doesn't let any app to start and signaled 503 error through an Apache web server.
I deleted the binding:
And then everything worked normally.
I too had the same issue.After analysis it was found that the SSL port(443 in my case) was creating this issue. I just terminated the processes that were running on 443 and restarted the wildfly and everything worked fine after that.
I had faced same issue with wildfly_8.2.1
Port 8080 was also free, so that solution doesn't worked for me.
Try below procedure as it helped to resolve my issue.
add below lines to your server's /etc/sysctl.conf file
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
No restart is required for this solution.

Getting 502 bad request after deploying Play 2.1.0 app to Cloudbees

I tried to deploy a Play app to Cloudbees (only via push to git repo from which it is built by jenkins), it compiled and should work but I get a "502 Bad Gateway" error when loading the app. There is no error shown in the console only that it answers "502 Bad Gateway" when trying to access it. But that's what I see in the browser, too.
Cloudbees say that there is no other manipulation necessary, just cloning/pulling the ClickStart-Project, making it you application and pushing it back. The Play project works fine locally.
I am very grateful for any help. Please let me know if I need to provide any other information. Thanks a lot!
Edit: It works fine with Heroku only adding a Procfile. I don't get the problem with Cloudbees...
In this case the error is due to the database needing evolutions to be run before it can start:
[warn] play - Run with -DapplyEvolutions.default=true and -DapplyDownEvolutions.default=true if you want to run them automatically (be careful)
Oops, cannot start the server.
#6eg39l651: Database 'default' needs evolution!
You can see the error in your application console:
or via bees app:tail if you have the bees CLI installed.
You can also deploy direct from your desktop if you like:
play dist
bees app:deploy -t play2 dist/yourapp.zip
And it will push direct to your app (if you don't want a continuous deployment pipeline).
