How to solve error with YAML, Preamble (LaTex) and Pandoc conversion - latex

I started using markdown together with pandoc a few weeks ago. I'm especially fond of the markdown editor writemonkey v.3! I have one slight problem with converting my .md to .pdf, and I it's caused by the first line in my document. The first line in the document (see below) is how you give the document a name in writemonkey.
name: seminarium 1
author: my name
date: 22 Augusti 2020
bibliography: testlibrary.bib
- top=2.5cm
- bottom=2.5cm
- left=2.5cm
- right=2.5cm
pagesize: a4
font: Times New Roman
fontsize: 12pt
- \usepackage{setspace}
- \setstretch{1.0}
- \pagenumbering{gobble}
If I remove this first line, the pandoc conversion works like a charm. Otherwise I get this:
pandoc -o sem1.pdf --bibliography library.bib -V lang=sv
Error producing PDF.
! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.78 \usepackage
Now - I realize that I've combined a YAML with LaTex code, I am hoping that my formatting is "bad" and that I might improve it so I don't have to remove the first line every time. Maybe tell Pandoc/LaTex to ignore the first line or make a separate .yaml file would help?

Ok! This what I did. Works great with Writemonkey. Just copy-paste in Notepad and save as a .ps1 file and run in Powershell!
CD C:\Users\username\Desktop\ppp2020 # Filepath of .md, .yaml and .bib
Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 | Select-Object -Skip 2 | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 # Removes the first line (name:) from markdown document
pandoc default.yaml -o cap.pdf --bibliography library.bib -V lang=sv # converts .md to .pdf
Remove-Item 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\ppp2020\' # This removes the tempfile


How can I strip figures and table during a pandoc LaTeX to Word conversion?

I am trying to use pandoc to convert a thesis from latex to docx. In general, this works well with the following command:
pandoc input.tex -f latex -t docx -s -o output.docx --bibliography references.bib --csl=mystyle.csl
However, I have an additional requirement that I am unable to fulfill. I want the output to be stripped from any figures and tables that are included in the source files. Reading the pandoc documentation and related stackoverflow question has not helped me so far.
Do you have suggestions on what could do the trick?
This is a poster use-case for pandoc filters. The following Lua filter will delete all tables and images:
function Image () return {} end
function Table () return {} end
Save it to a file, say remove-tables-images.lua, and pass the file to pandoc via the --lua-filter parameter:
pandoc input.tex -s -o output.docx \
--bibliography references.bib --csl=mystyle.csl \
--lua-filter remove-tables-images.lua

Compile two versions of a document from the same latex source

How to automatically compile two versions of the same document, for example version without answers for the students and another version with answers for myself?
I have a small bash script to do a dual format.
function latex-ans () {
n=$(basename $1 .tex) # strip .tex in filename foo.tex -> foo
ln -s $n.tex $n-ans.tex # create a soft link (for instance foo-ans.tex -> foo.tex)
pdflatex '\def\withanswer{1} \input{'$n-ans'}' && pdflatex $n
% first format the version with answers and then the normal version
rm $n-ans.tex $n-ans.log
% remove useless files
If I have a file foo.tex, this commands formats both versions of the file and generates two pdf: foo.pdf and foo-ans.pdf. Thanks to the renaming of foo.tex through the ln -s, it also keeps separate foo.aux and foo-ans.aux to preserve useful information on both versions.
At the latex level, I basically do the same and use the macro \withanswers to configure my packages.
There are several packages that allow to conditionally exclude certain parts of the document, for example the exercise package.
With TeXstudio, the following magic comment can be used to automatically compile both versions at once (including repeated compilation for cross-references, bibliographies, indices etc.):
% !TeX program = latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape" -jobname=% -pretex="\newcommand{\version}{noanswer}" -usepretex % | latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape" -jobname=%_solution -pretex="\newcommand{\version}{}" -usepretex % | txs:///view-pdf "?am)_solution.pdf"
% setting a default value in case it is compiled without the magic comment
question text

pandoc places curly brackets around square brackets

I would like to use a LaTeX command in a markdown file. In the markdown file I add
when pandoc renders the markdown file to TeX it becomes
How can I prevent that from happening?
Works for me with pandoc 1.17.2:
$ echo '\mycommand[options]{something}' | pandoc -t latex

How to set the font size for code blocks in pandoc markdown?

this small example:
An example code snippet:
class A
static void f1 () {};
virtual void f2 () = override;
can be used to generate a PDF output with:
pandoc -o block-code.pdf block-code.txt
resulting in
The font sizes of both the code and the text that are equal. How can I change the font size of the code snippets for the pdf (LaTex) pandoc output?
You can simply add \small before the beginning of the code snippet and \normalsize after (to return to normal).
You can also add other similar commands. For instance, if your document is doublespaced, you can add \singlespace before the code snippet and \doublespacing after.
For this to work you need to add in the yaml at the beginning of your document the following:
- \usepackage{setspace}
I solved this problem for me by writing several LaTeX snippets into extra files I keep around:
cat make-code-footnotesize.tex
\renewenvironment{Shaded} {\begin{snugshade}\footnotesize} {\end{snugshade}}
I have such snippets for all different sizes: huge, LARGE, Large, large, normalsize, small, footnotesize, scriptsize, tiny.
To apply them when running pandoc, just include the respective LaTeX snippet with the -H parameter:
pandoc -o block-code.pdf block-code.txt \
-H make-code-scriptsize.tex --highlight-style=espresso
Note, this controls the font sizes for all code blocks in the PDF. It does not allow you to vary sizes from block to block. Of course, it also doesn't work for HTML, ODT, EPUB or other output -- only for LaTeX and PDF output.
I've developed a filter for pandoc for this purpose:
Install this filter with pip:
$ pip install pandoc-latex-fontsize
add for example
- classes: [c, listing]
size: footnotesize
to your metadata block and specify the listings you want to be of size footnotesize:
~~~{.c .listing}
int main(void) {
return 0;
then run pandoc with
$ pandoc --filter pandoc-latex-fontsize ...
On pandoc I did get the same problem but wasn't solved by previous answers.
When using default code highlighting of this version and exporting it with beamer (-t beamer) I got following generated output (for outputting a jmeter command):
\KeywordTok{./} \NormalTok{-q -p -n -t mytest.jmx -l mylog.log}
By searching directly in the pandoc code with grep -r "Highlighting" * I found following code:
And I replaced it with the following to have a tiny font size in my custom pandoc template (see pandoc -D beamer):
Now I have a tinier font size by running the following command:
pandoc -t beamer -o output.pdf --template beamer.template
I use pandoc with the --listings option and a custom eisvogel.latex template.
Download the original eisvogel-template to a new file eisvogel_custom.latex
Open the file, find the line basicstyle = \color{listing-text-color}\small\ttfamily{}\linespread{1.15},
Change the \small to \footnotesize, or \tiny
Save the file
Now run pandoc with the following options:
pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --template=eisvogel_custom --listings -o block-code.pdf block-code.txt
To disable the line-numbering, add the following lines at the top of block-code.txt
listings-disable-line-numbers: true
All options can be found here:
Tested with pandoc 2.6 using docker-image dalibo/pandocker:stable

Markdown to PDF using Pandoc since Xetex Deprecation

On my MacBook (OSX Mountain Lion), I used to use this Pandoc command to convert Markdown to PDF:
$ markdown2pdf -N -o pandoc_output.pdf --xetex --toc --template=mytemplate.tex
But markdown2pdf no longer works, and --xetex option in markdown2pdf -N -o ../../Desktop/pandoc_output.pdf --xetex --toc --template=mytemplate-headers-garamond_date.tex is deprecated.
If I do this:
$ pandoc -N -o Desktop/pandoc_output.pdf --xetex --toc --template=mytemplate.tex
I get this:
pandoc: unrecognized option `--xetex'
But if I take out --xetex and do this:
$ pandoc -N -o Desktop/pandoc_output.pdf --toc --template=mytemplate.tex
then I get this:
pandoc: Error producing PDF from TeX source.
! Package hyperref Error: Wrong driver option `xetex',
(hyperref) because XeTeX is not detected.
See the hyperref package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.3925 \ProcessKeyvalOptions{Hyp}
What's the solution?
Try --latex-engine=xelatex instead of --xetex
The prior answers to this question were helpful to me, as I had installed pandoc a couple years ago, but never Tex Live. Consequently I had no idea if I had installed it correctly, so putting in the entire path helped me to see that it was working, as follows:
pandoc --latex-engine=/usr/local/texlive/2012basic/bin/universal-darwin/xelatex
This is the default install location for the BasicTex setup which you download from the Pandoc install page.
I had also forgotten about using pandoc -D Latex >my-latex-template.tex to generate a template. After giving a .tex template instead of my .html one (which caused a 'you don't have BEGIN {' error) , I got .PDF: In other words, the default template worked.
Also, I had inaccurately entered -t pdf (not shown above) to set pdf as an output format, but this was not correct. The output format is Latex, which is then translated to PDF. It is not necessary to specify an output format with the dash -t option.
I hope this record of my minor stumbles saves someone some time.
See the pandoc User's Guide (or man page) for the --latex-engine option.
