Highchart legends,label are not responsive to mobile mode and it looks too smaller - highcharts

I am using highchart in react. It looks good in desktop view where as it looks too smaller in mobile devices. how can we make this responsive to make it look better in mobile devices.
Container height is set to 100% then chart appears in full screen but still font and labels are looks smaller.

When we use the highchart in REACT then index.html should have body tag with root div.


How to change the Inappbrowser back/forward buttons size?

I am using a Phonegap app to house a browser shell for a fully responsive website and I tweaked the Inappbrowser on IOS to only show the back/forward buttons but they are ridiculously tiny when I view the app on an actual iPhone. I'm talking like 8px by 4px tiny.
I searched through the CVDInAppBrowser.m file but couldn't find any settings for the actual size of the back/forward buttons.
I'm also having a tough time locating a solution via Google.
Any ideas on how this can achieved?
EDIT - Altering the toolbar height in the CVDInAppBrowser.m made the background container behind the buttons larger which makes the buttons stand out more but they are still so freakin tiny.

JQuery Mobile: customize panel widget size

I'm using the panel widget of JQuery Mobile: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.1/panel/
It looks very nice on phones, but on tablet devices the panel is too small with respect to the screen size.
How can I scale the panel size and its content to the 50% of the screen?
I tried using transform:scale(1.5), but it has a lot of side effects, then I tried to customize the css according to the last part of the page http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.1/panel/, but nothing changed.
Is there a simple way to modify the framework or to dynamically change the size of the elements without creating side effects?

Mobil browser displaying large grid instead of small for zurb foundation

I am building a site with zurb-foundation. On a laptop browser everything works as expected. When the window is max size it displays the large grid and when I shrink the size down it switches to the small grid.
When I load it up on a phone however it displays on a large grid. I tried increasing the size of the small grid and phones finally display the small grid at 1000px however this stretches out the content and the fixed nav at the top doesn't get forced into the drop down mode that I want. I am using zurb-foundation (4.3.1). Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I was missing the view port meta tag which apparently is important lol.
Something like
<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0' name='viewport'>

CSS Style strangely rendered depending on device

I'm building a stand-alone application.
The problem is that when I deploy on my webserver, then test it on a desktop browser, everything's fine, not on my mobile device (IPad): the colors are different (yeah, I'm stuck because of colors -.-).
I tried with different browsers - same results.
I use the mobile.ios.css file for my app. So, per example, with the ios stylesheet you got the default blue gradient navbar with the white text for the title (ok on desktop browser). On my Ipad it renders a gray/white gradient instead of the blue and the title is a deeper gray with some shadow. It seems to be the default style of the navbar, but why is it working on a desktop then?
I used the theme builder offered on the kendo ui website to fix it up, but it failed.
I think this issue belongs to the javascript behind kendo framework.
Anybody got an idea or went through some similar difficulties?
Kendo UI Mobile shows slightly different styling on iPhone and iPad, to better blend in as a native-like application. There are also differences between iOS versions (e.g. the Switch is different between 4 and 5 and the TabStrip between 5 and 6).
If you prefer the same styling everywhere, you can force the platform in your application - check the docs for how to do it.

HighCharts Label horizontally instead of vertically on IE10 compatibility

In Internet Explorer 10, if you set the page to be IE8 documents mode does y-axis label appears horizontally instead of vertically?
We have controls what require us to use the IE8 mode on the page.
I've managed to get it to happen on my site and the HighCharts website too.
Is there a workaround for this?
