PKDrawing: Text to PKStroke - ios

I would like to add text to a PKDrawing
Apple actually demonstrates this use case in their WWDC2020 video:
However, looking at the sample code, they simply recorded previously drawn text
Anyone familiar with fonts and vector formats: what would be a good approach to converting a single system font to PKStroke for adding to a PKDrawing?

your best bet is to add a custom UIView into the background of PKCanvasView and handle the drawing there, where you have 100% freedome
Turning a UIFont into a representation of PKDrawing would be almost impossible to get right, as PKDrawing/PKStroke represent Pen input (the only way i could thing of would be to fake a solid drawn rectangle and use the mask bezier to cut out the letter(s))


Writing effect for UILabel text (iOS objective c)

I want to give a effect for UILabel text that will look exactly same like we are writing on a paper using pen. I searched for it but not getting any related suggestion/solutions, there are solutions like typing effect but not as I need.
The only way to accomplish this is to manually draw the stroked for the inserted letters via a graphics API (Core Graphics, OpenGL, etc.). You cannot accomplish this without manual drawing. It is possible that there's a 3rd party library that can help you with this. You can use a tool like PaintCode to extract the bezier paths and what not to help you manually drag glyphs for each letter in an alphabet and then animate those paths using Core Animation or another graphical drawing mechanism.

I want to draw custom shape like apple shape on UIView

I am trying to make Apple kind of shape for progressHUD. I have option to use .png Image but I cant because I have to fill the apple Shape with different colour depends of percentage status.. I am using UIView to draw this shape...
I want suggestion how to draw apple kind of shape easily?
And How we can fill half colour with different colour?
I have option to use .png Image but I cant
Yes, you can. — Get hold of some apple-shaped artwork. Use it as a mask - it punches a hole in a view. Now put another view behind it, with a color. Now the apple appears to be that color, because that color is being seen through the apple-shaped hole. Now put another view behind it, with a different color, and move it up or across the right amount so as to divide what's seen through the apple into two colors.
Using that approach, it took me about 30 seconds to create this result (using your apple-shaped artwork as a .png image!):

Adding border to edges of opaque area of UIImage with a filter

Hello: Currently in my project, I'm using OBShapedButton to process touches on a lot of objects that overlap (it's a map with each territory its own separate object). Basically, this library prevents a touch from being processed on a transparent point on the given view.
I'm attempting to add a border effect to just the edges of the opaque part of the UIImage (and adding a semi-transparent overlay above that). Something to the effect of this:
Which can be simplified to this (example of one image):
I am currently using MGImageUtilities to color in the opaque parts of territories using this line:
[territory setImage:[[territory image] imageTintedWithColor:tint]];
The problem is that I'm not sure how to just color the borders (which can be any shape). I've looked at this link already, but haven't been able to come up with anything.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Terribly hacky, but use MGImageUtilities' UIImage+ProportionalFill with scale resizing to create a slightly larger image, UIImage+Tint to red, and stack below.
The library you are using doesn't actually specify a shape layer. It uses alpha values from the PNGs that you give it.
Could you use a different 'highlighted' or 'selected' PNG that adds the border effect you are looking for?
Otherwise, it you will have to generate a UIBezierPath from your PNG image, which sounds like a very computationally intensive operation. At that point, I might question whether this library meets your needs.

Set blendmodes on UIImageViews like Photoshop

I've been trying to apply blend modes to my UIImageViews to replicate a PSD mock up file (sorry can't provide). The PSD file has 3 layers, a base color with 60% normal blend, an image layer with 55% multiply blend and a gradient layer with 35% overlay.
I've been trying several tutorials over the internet but still could not get the colors/image to be exactly the same.
One thing I noticed is that the color of my iPhone is different from my Mac's screen.
I found the documentation for Quartz 2D which I think is the right way to go, but I could not get any sample/tutorial about Using Blend Modes with Images.
Can anyone provide a good tutorial that does the same as the one in the documentation so I could atleast try to mix things up should nobody provide me a straight forward answer to my question.
This question was asked ages ago, but if someone is looking for the same anwser, you can user compositingFilter on the backing layer of your view to get what you want:
overlayView.layer.compositingFilter = "multiplyBlendMode"
Suggested by #SeanA, here:
Complete list of filters is here
Or you can print out the compositing filter types with
print("Filters:\n",CIFilter.filterNames(inCategory: kCICategoryCompositeOperation))
Now built-in to iOS. Historic answer:
You don't want to use UIImageView for this since it doesn't really support blend modes.
Instead, the way to go would be to create a UIView subclass (which will act just like UIImageView). So make a UIView subclass called something like BlendedImageView. It should have an image property, and then in the drawRect: method you can do this:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Here you need to calculate a rect based on self.contentMode to replicate UIImageView-behaviour.
// For example, for UIViewContentModeCenter, you want a rect that goes outside 'rect' and centers with it.
CGRect actualRect = // ...
[self.image drawInRect:actualRect blendMode:kCGBlendModeOverlay alpha:0.5];
Replace alpha and blend mode to fit your preference. Good practice would be to let your BlendedImageView save a blendMode property.
It may be that in your case, you need to do a bit more advanced view that draws all 3 of your images, using the same code as above.

How to paint using brush with particular area...

I want to fill each and every part with different colours like circle with other colour and each leave with different colour and stick with different colours. I have bunch of colours. You can fidn similar apps like Toonia Color book on apple app store...
I am unable to get bounds of particular part in image.
I searched a whole day before writing this question. Every one is saying just look for flood fill and Quick Fill algorithms but i am not able to solve this problem.
In Toonia Colorbook this is done using vector graphics and masks. Every shape is described as a bezier curve that masks a drawing layer.
check out CAShapeLayer and CALayer for further details
