Maxima: taylor: assumed to be zero: - maxima

I am trying to calculate the series expansion of the Kretschmann scalar of some metric with maxima: my code is as follows:
dim: 4;
ct_coords: [t,r,theta,phi];
lg: matrix([-(1-2*m(r)/r+a^2*A(r,theta)),0,0,-a*G(r,theta)],[0,1/(1-2*m(r)/r)+a^2*B(r,theta),0,0],[0,0,r^2+a^2*C(r,theta),0],[-a*G(r,theta),0,0,r^2*sin(theta)^2+a^2*H(r,theta)]);
It seems that the macro works, but it produces weird results in the Taylor series: it continually outputs lines as follows:
taylor: assumed to be zero: ( a )
taylor: assumed to be zero: ( a )
taylor: assumed to be zero: ( a )
taylor: assumed to be zero: ( a )
and never produces the desired Taylor series: is this a bug? How do I fix my code?
If needed my version is 5.43.2
EDIT I have upgrade to the latest version (5.44) but still get the same output


How to calculate power index in CMake file

I am working on CMake unit test cases that is using ctest.
I am having one question here.
Some part of my CMake is as below:
set(size_w 32 )
set(powerof2_w 5 )
foreach(size ${size_w})
foreach(pwr_of_2 ${powerof2_w})
FUNCTION_EXE(${size} ${pwr_of_2})
set(size_w 64 )
set(powerof2_w 6 )
foreach(size ${size_w})
foreach(pwr_of_2 ${powerof2_w})
FUNCTION_EXE(${size} ${pwr_of_2})
set(size_w 128 )
set(powerof2_w 7 )
foreach(size ${size_w})
foreach(pwr_of_2 ${powerof2_w})
FUNCTION_EXE(${size} ${pwr_of_2})
set(size_w 256 )
set(powerof2_w 8 )
foreach(size ${size_w})
foreach(pwr_of_2 ${powerof2_w})
FUNCTION_EXE(${size} ${pwr_of_2})
I want to reduce that one loop which is with powerof2_w parameter:
foreach(pwr_of_2 ${powerof2_w})
Is it possible to calculate the pwr_of_2 parameter from the size_w parameter inside the foreach(size ${size_w}) for-loop itself?
Note: Also, I want to combine all four of these for-loops into one for-loop using an array index.
Is this possible in CMake?
If I understand correctly, you are looking to calculate the exponential component for the powers of two for the given sizes:
32, 64, 128, 256, 512
These are powers of two with corresponding exponents of:
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
which we can calculate.
Unfortunately, CMake's math() function does not support exponential arithmetic. But luckily, powers of two are easy to manipulate using bit-shifting, which is supported in CMake. We can create a simple CMake function to calculate the (power of 2) exponents used to derive the sizes 32, 64, 128, etc.
function(calc_power_of_two_exponent num exponent)
set(counter 0)
# Shift until our number equals 1.
while(num GREATER 1)
# Right shift by 1
math(EXPR num "${num} >> 1")
# Count the number of times we shift.
math(EXPR counter "${counter} + 1")
# Return the number of times shifted, which is the exponent.
set(exponent ${counter} PARENT_SCOPE)
It looks like you want to iterate through these size and exponent values in pairs. We can set a list of sizes to iterate over, and calculate the corresponding exponent as we go.
set(sizes 32 64 128 256 512)
# Iterate through each size.
foreach(size ${sizes})
# Call the function to calculate its base-2 power (or index).
calc_power_of_two_exponent(${size} exponent)
message(STATUS "${size} ${exponent}")
FUNCTION_EXE(${size} ${exponent})
The status message can be used to confirm we pass the correct values to the FUNCTION_EXE function. This code prints:
32 5
64 6
128 7
256 8
512 9

if (freq) x$counts else x$density length > 1 and only the first element will be used

for my thesis I have to calculate the number of workers at risk of substitution by machines. I have calculated the probability of substitution (X) and the number of employee at risk (Y) for each occupation category. I have a dataset like this:
1 0.1300 0
2 0.1000 0
3 0.0841 1513
4 0.0221 287
5 0.1175 3641
700 0.9875 4000
I tried to plot a histogram with this command:
hist(dataset1$X,dataset1$Y,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,30000),breaks=100,main="Distribution",xlab="Probability",ylab="Number of employee")
But I get this error:
In if (freq) x$counts else x$density
length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Can someone tell me what is the problem and write me the right command?
Thank you!
It is worth pointing out that the message displayed is a Warning message, and should not prevent the results being plotted. However, it does indicate there are some issues with the data.
Without the full dataset, it is not 100% obvious what may be the problem. I believe it is caused by the data not being in the correct format, with two potential issues. Firstly, some values have a value of 0, and these won't be plotted on the histogram. Secondly, the observations appear to be inconsistently spaced.
Histograms are best built from one of two datasets:
A dataframe which has been aggregated grouped into consistently sized bins.
A list of values X which in the data
I prefer the second technique. As originally shown here The expandRows() function in the package splitstackshape can be used to repeat the number of rows in the dataframe by the number of observations:
dataset1 <- data.frame(X = runif(900, 0, 1), Y = runif(900, 0, 1000))
dataset2 <- expandRows(dataset1, "Y")
hist(dataset2$X, xlim=c(0,1))
dataset1$bins <- cut(dataset1$X, breaks = seq(0,1,0.01), labels = FALSE)

Difference-in-difference analysis in SPSS

I am trying to compare means of the two groups 'single mothers with one child' and 'single mothers with more than one child' before and after the reform of the EITC system in 1993.
Through the procedure T-test in SPSS, I can get the difference between groups before and after the reform. But how do I get the difference of the difference (I still want standard errors)?
I found these methods for STATA and R (, but I can't seem to figure it out in SPSS.
Hope someone will be able to help.
All the best,
This can be done with the GENLIN procedure. Here's some random data I generated to show how:
data list list /after oneChild value.
begin data.
0 1 12
0 1 12
0 1 11
0 1 13
0 1 11
1 1 10
1 1 9
1 1 8
1 1 9
1 1 7
0 0 16
0 0 16
0 0 18
0 0 15
0 0 17
1 0 6
1 0 6
1 0 5
1 0 5
1 0 4
end data.
dataset name exampleData WINDOW=front.
value labels after 0 'before' 1 'after'.
value labels oneChild 0 '>1 child' 1 '1 child'.
The mean for the groups (in order, before I truncated to integers) are 17, 6, 12, and 9 respectively. So our GENLIN procedure should generate values of -11 (the after-before difference in the >1 child group), -5 (the difference of 1 child - >1 child), and 8 (the child difference of the after-before differences).
To graph the data, just so you can see what we're expecting:
* Chart Builder.
SOURCE: s=userSource(id("graphdataset"))
DATA: after=col(source(s), name("after"), unit.category())
DATA: value=col(source(s), name("value"))
DATA: oneChild=col(source(s), name("oneChild"), unit.category())
GUIDE: axis(dim(2), label("value"))
GUIDE: legend(aesthetic(aesthetic.color.interior), label(""))
SCALE: linear(dim(2), include(0))
ELEMENT: line(position(smooth.linear(after*value)), color.interior(oneChild))
ELEMENT:*value), color.interior(oneChild))
Now, for the GENLIN:
* Generalized Linear Models.
GENLIN value BY after oneChild (ORDER=DESCENDING)
/MODEL after oneChild after*oneChild INTERCEPT=YES
The results table shows just what we expect.
The >1 child group is 12.3 - 10.1 lower after vs. before. This 95% CI contains the "real" value of 11
The before difference between >1 children and 1 child is 5.7 - 3.5, containing the real value of 5
The difference-of-differences is 9.6 - 6.4, containing the real value of (17-6) - (12-9) = 8
Std. errors, p values, and the other hypothesis testing values are all reported as well. Hope that helps.
EDIT: this can be done with less "complicated" syntax by computing the interaction term yourself and doing simple linear regression:
compute interaction = after*onechild.
/METHOD=ENTER after oneChild interaction.
Note that the resulting standard errors and confidence intervals are actually different from the previous method. I don't know enough about SPSS's GENLIN and REGRESSION procedures to tell you why that's the case. In this contrived example, the conclusion you'd draw from your data would be approximately the same. In real life, the data aren't likely to be this clean, so I don't know which method is "better".
General Linear model, i take it as a 'ANOVA' model.
So use the related module in SPSS's Analyze menu.
After T-test, you need to check the sigma equality of each group .
Regarding the first answer above:
* Note that GENLIN uses maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) whereas REGRESSION
* uses ordinary least squares (OLS). Therefore, GENLIN reports z- and Chi-square tests
* where REGRESSION reports t- and F-tests. Rather than using GENLIN, use UNIANOVA
* to get the same results as REGRESSION, but without the need to compute your own
* product term.
UNIANOVA value BY after oneChild
/EMMEANS=TABLES(after*oneChild) COMPARE(after)
/EMMEANS=TABLES(after*oneChild) COMPARE(oneChild)
/DESIGN=after oneChild after*oneChild.

How to process % to negative number in Visual Foxpro

How to do % to negative number in VF?
MOD(10,-3) = -2
MOD(-10,3) = 2
MODE(-10,-3) = -1
It is a regular modulo:
The mod function is defined as the amount by which a number exceeds
the largest integer multiple of the divisor that is not greater than
that number.
You can think of it like this:
10 % -3:
The largest multiple of 10 that is less than -3 is -2.
So 10 % -3 is -2.
-10 % 3:
Now, why -10 % 3 is 2?
The easiest way to think about it is to add to the negative number a multiple of 2 so that the number becomes positive.
-10 + (4*3) = 2 so -10 % 3 = (-10 + 12) % 3 = 2 % 3 = 3
Here's what we said about this in The Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro:
MOD() and % are pretty straightforward when dealing with positive numbers, but they get interesting when one or both of the numbers is negative. The key to understanding the results is the following equation:
MOD(x,y) = x - (y * FLOOR(x/y))
Since the mathematical modulo operation isn't defined for negative numbers, it's a pleasure to see that the FoxPro definitions are mathematically consistent. However, they may be different from what you'd initially expect, so you may want to check for negative divisors or dividends.
A little testing (and the manuals) tells us that a positive divisor gives a positive result while a negative divisor gives a negative result.

Finding standard deviation using only mean, min, max?

I want to find the standard deviation:
Minimum = 5
Mean = 24
Maximum = 84
Overall score = 90
I just want to find out my grade by using the standard deviation
A standard deviation cannot in general be computed from just the min, max, and mean. This can be demonstrated with two sets of scores that have the same min, and max, and mean but different standard deviations:
1 2 4 5 : min=1 max=5 mean=3 stdev≈1.5811
1 3 3 5 : min=1 max=5 mean=3 stdev≈0.7071
Also, what does an 'overall score' of 90 mean if the maximum is 84?
I actually did a quick-and-dirty calculation of the type M Rad mentions. It involves assuming that the distribution is Gaussian or "normal." This does not apply to your situation but might help others asking the same question. (You can tell your distribution is not normal because the distance from mean to max and mean to min is not close). Even if it were normal, you would need something you don't mention: the number of samples (number of tests taken in your case).
Those readers who DO have a normal population can use the table below to give a rough estimate by dividing the difference of your measured minimum and your calculated mean by the expected value for your sample size. On average, it will be off by the given number of standard deviations. (I have no idea whether it is biased - change the code below and calculate the error without the abs to get a guess.)
Num Samples Expected distance Expected error
10 1.55 0.25
20 1.88 0.20
30 2.05 0.18
40 2.16 0.17
50 2.26 0.15
60 2.33 0.15
70 2.38 0.14
80 2.43 0.14
90 2.47 0.13
100 2.52 0.13
This experiment shows that the "rule of thumb" of dividing the range by 4 to get the standard deviation is in general incorrect -- even for normal populations. In my experiment it only holds for sample sizes between 20 and 40 (and then loosely). This rule may have been what the OP was thinking about.
You can modify the following python code to generate the table for different values (change max_sample_size) or more accuracy (change num_simulations) or get rid of the limitation to multiples of 10 (change the parameters to xrange in the for loop for idx)
import random
# Return the distance of the minimum of samples from its mean
# Samples must have at least one entry
def min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples):
total = 0
sample_min = samples[0]
for sample in samples:
total += sample
sample_min = min(sample, sample_min)
estd_mean = total / len(samples)
return estd_mean - sample_min # Pos bec min cannot be greater than mean
num_simulations = 4095
max_sample_size = 100
# Calculate expected distances
sum_of_dists=[0]*(max_sample_size+1) # +1 so can index by sample size
for iternum in xrange(num_simulations):
while len(samples) <= max_sample_size:
sum_of_dists[len(samples)] += min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples)
expected_dist = [total/num_simulations for total in sum_of_dists]
# Calculate average error using that distance
for iternum in xrange(num_simulations):
while len(samples) <= max_sample_size:
ave_dist = expected_dist[len(samples)]
if ave_dist > 0:
sum_of_errors[len(samples)] += \
abs(1 - (min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples)/ave_dist))
expected_error = [total/num_simulations for total in sum_of_errors]
cols=" {0:>15}{1:>20}{2:>20}"
print(cols.format("Num Samples","Expected distance","Expected error"))
cols=" {0:>15}{1:>20.2f}{2:>20.2f}"
for idx in xrange(10,len(expected_dist),10):
print(cols.format(idx, expected_dist[idx], expected_error[idx]))
Yo can obtain an estimate of the geometric mean, sometimes called the geometric mean of the extremes or GME, using the Min and the Max by calculating the GME= $\sqrt{ Min*Max }$. The SD can be then calculated using your arithmetic mean (AM) and the GME as:
SD= $$\frac{AM}{GME} * \sqrt{(AM)^2-(GME)^2 }$$
This approach works well for log-normal distributions or as long as the GME, GM or Median is smaller than the AM.
In principle you can make an estimate of standard deviation from the mean/min/max and the number of elements in the sample. The min and max of a sample are, if you assume normality, random variables whose statistics follow from mean/stddev/number of samples. So given the latter, one can compute (after slogging through the math or running a bunch of monte carlo scripts) a confidence interval for the former (like it is 80% probable that the stddev is between 20 and 40 or something like that).
That said, it probably isn't worth doing except in extreme situations.
