Add types in the parameter table when generating document with Stardoc - bazel

We are trying to use Stardoc when generating documentation for our Bazel macros.
I can get a table generated with parameter descriptions when follow the instruction here:
Macro/Function documenatation.
But we would also like to add the parameter Type in the table.
According to it seems like we shall write the type in parentheses after the parameter name but before colon, as this example:
another_parameter (unused, mutable): a parameter may be followed
by additional attributes in parenthese
I have seen that it's possible to add a rule template to the stardoc() rule (attribute: func_template).
I started to use an own copy of the default template to play around with: //stardoc:templates/markdown_tables/func.vm
If I have understood correctly it doesn't seem that the attributes that I add in paranthese is fetched.
And I don't think that I will be able to retreive that information by just updating the template.
So I think that it will need an update in the Stardoc code for this, correct?!
Is that something that is already planned?
If I'm not correct then I would appreciate information how I can retreive the value of the attribute.
Best Regards


How to set root construct for SnakeYaml?

I'd like to a construct which is going to kick in by default and therefore I'll be able to extract some metadata and remove it from the parsed YAML.
For instance I could have a construct to do that but in SnakeYAML to register a construct one has to specify a String for it meaning that it has to have a name. However, I don't want that but instead I want my tag to be a root one, a default one which always will kick in so to say.
Is there a possibility to do something like that?
I actually found the answer myself, there is a property
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor#rootTag which one can set a tag like:
super.rootTag = new Tag("!root");
The rest is simple because one has to only register that construct to org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor#yamlConstructors and you are done. Your construct will be triggered in all read attempts.
Hope that helps to someone,

ResearchKit: Validate email

I'm attempting to create a form step where one of the form step items is an email input. For this I want to validate the email against certain domains i.e.,,
I can see we have an email answer format in the form of this:
However I can't see anywhere in this type that allows me to apply a validation regex. Looking into this I see we have the following
ORKAnswerFormat.textAnswerFormatWithValidationRegex(validationRegex, invalidMessage)
I suppose this is my best option? If so, would anyone know of a regex (my regex isn't the greatest!) in swift that would handle the 3 domains stated above?
I have something like this...(not the greatest i know!)
(or, if you don't care about capturing:)
Now I made two modifications. I escaped the . and I made it so that the other two domains are options.
I suggest that you convert the whole thing to lower case. I don't know Swift, but you may be able to use one of its functions or the i modifier:

Quickfixj not honoring custom fields in a repeating group

I am using FIXT1.1 and FIX Application version 5.0SP2.
I added some custom fields to the QuotSetAckGrp, part of MassQuoteAcknowledgement message. However, when quickfix reads the repeating group, it does not read the custom fields as part of the repeating groups. Instead, it treats the custom fields are regular parent-level fields and throws a "Tag appears more than once" session level reject.
Appreciate any inputs to help resolve the issue.
You need to modify the receiver's AppDataDictionary to match the messages that your sender is sending. Also, you need to set UseDataDictionary=Y in your config.
QF/j needs to look at the DD xml file to know what fields are in a repeating group, else it cannot know where each group member ends.
When the engine encounters a field that isn't inside the DD's repeating group definition, it assumes that the current group member ended with the previous tag.
Here's a howto for customizing your DD:
(The above link is for QF/n, but it's nearly the same for QF/j.)
See the QuickFIX/J User FAQ, topic "I altered my data dictionary. Should I regenerate/rebuild QF/J?".
OUTGOING MSGS: The DD xml file is irrelevant when you construct
outgoing messages. You can pretty much add whatever fields you want to
messages using the generic field setters (setString, setInt, etc) and
QF will let you. The only trouble is with repeating groups. QF will
write repeating group element ordering according to the DD that was
used for code generation. If you altered any groups that are part of
outgoing messages, you DEFINITELY need to rebuild.
To rebuild QuickFIX/J to accept your custom data dictionary, please refer to the answer I gave in the following StackOverflow post.

How can I most efficiently iterate over a hash of hashes in order based on key value in inner hash?

I've got a JSON hash of hashes returned by a website API that I want to parse and display based on a specific key's value within the internal hashes.
I can think of solutions that would achieve this, but they would take a number of lines of code and don't seem efficient. Surely there must be a way to natively in Rails, given the focus on convention over configuration. I've googled around a bit, but found nothing that covers this issue.
Sample Response from API:
[{"banner":"01197271","birthday":"1991-01-11","committee_id":1,"created_at":"2012-08-08T01:56:02-05:00","email":"","first_name":"Dan","graduation_date":"May 2013","hometown":"San Antonio","hours_enrolled":15,"id":2,"image":{"url":null,"thumb":{"url":null},"large":{"url":null}},"invitation_accepted_at":null,"invitation_limit":null,"invitation_sent_at":null,"invitation_token":null,"invited_by_id":null,"invited_by_type":null,"last_name":"Tester","local_apt":"","local_city":"San Antonio","local_state":"Texas","local_street":"One UTSA Circle","local_zip":"78249","major":"Computer Science","permanent_apt":"","permanent_city":"","permanent_state":"","permanent_street":"One UTSA Circle","permanent_zip":"","phone":"5558813284","same_address":true,"tour_trained":false,"updated_at":"2012-08-17T03:35:26-05:00","utsa_id":"uoi431"},
Potential solution would be to go through each internal hash, determining value of relevant key value, then store, based on where the key value places it compared to already tested hashes. When complete, return.
Ok so if you have objects that are set up to parse this information, those objects can build themselves based off the parameters of your hash. So you could do something like this
object = MyObject.create(your_hash_parameters)
Where your_hash_parameters are the parameters that you presented in your example.
I'm not sure what would happen if there were more paramaters than your object knew what to do with, if it would still build itself or not. If that is the case, you could use the delete_if method to exclude attributes that are unwanted.
One more note, if this isn't something that you want saved to your database, and its only to display temporary information. I would set up a model with attr_accessors that represent the attributes that you are displaying.
As told in comment, I'd create an ActiveResource object and add relevant methods to it.

Rails Dynamic tag generation from context

Let's say I want to trend all comments posted on a site and create dynamic tags. For example, If there are x number of comments that contain the word iPad I would like to create automatically create a tag called "iPad" and put it in a tag cloud.
Is this possible? I checked out the acts_as_taggable gem but it requires one to specify a tag, I guess I am looking for a way to generate tags from content.
Well something like the yahoo term extraction service might do the trick and there is a plugin for it
Though it is not for commercial use.
Sure, this is possible.
Just parse the content of each comment as it's passed in and attach the tags you're interested in.
This can either work on a whitelist - where you specify all the tags you're interested in and attach those if relevant.
Or it could work on a blacklist - where you specify all the words to ignore, e.g. "the", "on". This approach is probably a lot more time consuming, but would allow for more dynamic results.
I would probably work on a white list, then have an ability to add new tags to the whitelist and have it go back and retroactively add the tags where applicable.
