Is this code a resource release issue? Fortify is flagging this as a failure to release data base resource (connection) - using

using (var cnn = getConnection()) {
try {
catch(exception e) {
Fortify is claiming the above code will not release the connection due to the re-throwing of the exception. Everything I read about using blocks indicates this code will hit the idisposable call generated by the using block.

I have found that if you move the using block, inside the try catch, then Fortify will not consider this a resource release database issue.


exception types in exception handling

if error handling in dart in the catch block chain applies the supertype first and then the subtypes in subsequent catch blocks, then the catch blocks corresponding to the subtypes will never work. In visual studio code, a warning is displayed in these cases. I believe a static error should be generated.
class A implements Exception {}
class B extends A {}
void main() {
try {
var x = 1;
} on A {
} on B {
// warning
} on Exception {} // warning
Is it possible to configure the analyzer so that an error is generated instead of a warning?
Why isn't this done by default?
Is it possible to configure the analyzer, compiler so that block reordering is performed automatically by the dart fix command, for example?
I would like to get an error with the wrong catch order, as well as the possibility of its automatic correction.
Found a way to generate an error if some of the catch blocks will never be executed due to the fact that the base class can be in the first catch block, and the child class will already be in the second.
Requires setting in analysis_options.yaml file.
dead_code_catch_following_catch: error
But I have not yet found a way to automatically reorder catch blocks. If someone finds it would be great. In general, it would be possible at the level of the dart compiler to consider the possibility of introducing a mechanism in which the catch blocks of child classes would always be performed first before the catch blocks of parent classes.

How to download Azure blob asynchronously only if it exists - in one step?

I want to asynchronously download a block blob from Azure storage, but only if the blob exists.
var blob = documentsContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
if (await blob.ExistsAsync())
await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(stream);
But this makes two HTTP calls, right? The common path in my app is that the blob will exist, so most of the time I don't want the overhead of the existence check. But I need to gracefully handle the case where the blob doesn't exist also.
I tried leaving the existence check out and just using a try/catch block. That works if I am using DownloadTextAsync, but when using DownloadToStreamAsync, if the blob isn't there, it just hangs.
Is there a way to download a binary blob to a stream asynchronously, only if it exists, without making two calls?
It turns out that it does properly throw the exception:
var blob = documentsContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(stream);
catch (StorageException ex)
if ((HttpStatusCode)ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
return null; // exit the calling function
When I tried this originally, it hung at the DownloadToStreamAsync call. After the comments in the original question, I started checking the versions, and I found a mismatch in Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll. I was using 5.6.1, but my test project somehow had 5.6.0. (I'm not sure where it pulled that from, as it's not in my solution at all). After manually referencing Microsoft.Data.Services.Client 5.6.1 from the test project, it no longer hangs.

Understanding exception handling mechanism (control flow) in Dart

Assume we have this Dart code:
void main() {
try {
try {
throw null;
} catch(e) {
throw null;
} finally {
} finally {
When running this code in browser via
Produced result very expected.
Uncaught Throw of null.
But if running this code in Dart VM then result very unexpected.
Unhandled exception: Throw of null.
This looks like first termination block (finally) never be executed.
I cannot understand this behavior of the exception handling mechanism.
Of course, we can assume that this is a bug.
But exception handling is the cornerstone of any system.
How Dart developers can explain this disparity?
I think this question related to theme "about programming" and asking it here are the right place and time?
This appears to be an error in the VM, as far as I can tell. I've filed a bug:
I should add that while the code is illustrative of the differing VM and dart2js implementations, it is a little error prone. If you feel that your catch block is going to throw, wrap the code inside the catch block within its own try-catch.
And, yes, I agree that this is a fine question to ask on StackOverflow. Thanks for posting this.

Dart Web Server: prevent crash

Id'like to develop a web services + web sockets server using dart but the problem is I can't ensure the server's high availability because of uncatched exceptions in isolates.
Of course, I have try-catched my main function, but this is not enough.
If an exception occurs in the then() part of a future, the server will crash.
Which means that ONE flawd request can put the server down.
I realize that this is an open issue but is there any way to acknoledge any crash WITHOUT crashing the VM so that the server can continue serving other requests ?
Thank you.
What I've done in the past is use the main isolate to launch a child isolate which hosts the actual web server. When you launch an isolate, you can pass in an "uncaught exception" handler to the child isolate (I also think you should be able to register one at the top-level as well, to prevent this particular issue, as referenced by the issue in the original question).
import 'dart:isolate';
void main() {
// Spawn a child isolate
spawnFunction(isolateMain, uncaughtExceptionHandler);
void isolateMain() {
// this is the "real" entry point of your app
// setup http servers and listen etc...
bool uncaughtExceptionHandler(ex) {
// TODO: add logging!
// respawn a new child isolate.
spawnFunction(isolateMain, uncaughtException);
return true; // we've handled the uncaught exception
Chris Buckett gave you a good way to restart your server when it fails. However, you still don't want your server to go down.
The try-catch only works for synchronous code.
doSomething() {
try {
someAsyncFunc().then(() => print('foo'));
} catch (e) {
// ...
When your async method completes or fails, it happens "long" after the program is done with the doSomething method.
When you write asynchronous code, it's generally a good idea to start a method by returning a future:
Future doSomething() {
return new Future(() {
// your code here.
var a = b + 5; // throws and is caught.
return someAsyncCall(); // Errors are forwarded if you return the Future directly.
This ensures that if you have code that throws, it catches them and the caller can then catchError() them.
If you write this way, you have much less crashes, assuming that you have some error handling at the top level at least.
Whenever you are calling a method that returns a Future, either return it directly (like shown above) or catchError() for it so that you are handling the possible errors locally.
There's a great lengthy article on the homepage that you should read.

Unhandled Exception Handling

In my MonoDroid application, when an unhandled exception occurs the application terminates without any messages. If I can reproduce the error on my local device I can debug it through Visual Studio without any problems.
However, on remote devices I am stuck for a solution.
I have tried the following in the Application class but it does not actually write my log file, unless I am running through the debugger in Visual Studio.
public override void OnCreate()
AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser += new EventHandler<RaiseThrowableEventArgs>(AndroidEnvironment_UnhandledExceptionRaiser);
void AndroidEnvironment_UnhandledExceptionRaiser(object sender, RaiseThrowableEventArgs e)
// Write Log File
I disagree with #SpiritMachine's answer.
Mono documentation tells us:
Note: You cannot rely on the AppDomain.UnhandledException event as managed exceptions are never unhandled in MonoDroid; they are always intercepted at the Android/managed boundary within a catch(Exception) block.
Instead, I recommend that you do the following:
AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser += (sender, args) =>
// Do something...
Try something like this:
EDIT : This code cannot handle caught errors. Please see #Jim G.'s answer....
Personally, I would localise error handling to where you need it. The reason being, you don't know what your application state will be when this handler is recruited - you may be without resources that you're depending on to do the handling...
