How to add more attributes in tooltip series in Angular NVD3 line chart - tooltip

I need to add more attributes in tooltip series in Angular NVD3 line chart, if possible, without modifying the NVD3 source code. I know there are similar posts, but none of them covers this scenario.
Here is my tooltip section in options:
interactiveLayer: {
tooltip: {
contentGenerator: function (d) {
// output is key, value, color, which is the default for tooltips
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1)"}
// and I need more attributes to be added
// into data points, such as label, count, location (see data below)
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1), "label" : "some label", "count" : 23, "location" : "Paris"}
And here is my data:
$ =
values: FirstGraphPointsArray,
key: 'Name',
color: 'rgba(255,140,0, 1)'
values: SecondGraphPointsArray
key: 'City',
color: 'rgba(255,140,0, 1)'
Finally, the structure of the arrays in data:
FirstGraphPointsArray -> [{ x: xVariable, y: yVariable, label: labelVariable, count: countVariable, location : locationVariable }, {second element...}, {third element...}];
SecondGraphPointsArray -> [a similar array...]
How to get more attributes (label, count, location) from these arrays into the contentGenerator: function (d). As mentioned above, I only receive the default ones from within function parameter (d)
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1)"}

I came up with a solution and wanted to share it, in case someone else comes across the same task. I ended up accessing some of the parameters from d through the default route - function(d), while some of the custom ones - directly from $
Important: using the d.index, which indicates the place of the data point in the list is critical hear. This makes sure that for any given index the parameters pulled from the function(d) and those of pulled directly, belong to the same data point (see the code below).
interactiveLayer: {
tooltip: {
contentGenerator: function (d) {
var customTooltipcontent = "<h6 style='font-weight:bold'>" + d.value + "</h6>";
customTooltipcontent += "<table class='custom-tooltip-table'>";
customTooltipcontent += "<tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid green;'><td></td><td>Name</td><td>Value</td><td>Count</td></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < d.series.length; i++) {
customTooltipcontent += "<tr><td><div style='width:10px; height:10px; background:" + d.series[i].color + "'></div></td><td>" + d.series[i].key + "</td><td>" + d.series[i].value + "</td><td>" + $[0].values[d.index].count + "</td><td>" + $[0].values[d.index].location + "</td></tr>"
customTooltipcontent += "</table>";
return (customTooltipcontent);


HighChart - show tooltips for null on hover

I have a null value in my HighCharts line chart. I set connectNulls: true so that the line does not disconnect when the data is null. However I cannot hover over that null value. When I try to, it automatically jumps to the nearest non-null point.
What I am trying to do is to:
1/ Allow hovering over null values
2/ When hovering over null values, I would like to show the value of the closest non-null value to the left. In this case it would show 129.2.
I thought about imputing the null value with the closest non-null value to its left but then the plot will be flat at that section due to 2 periods with the same values. I want the plot to looks like it does right now. Appreciate any help
You can preprocess your data and calculate the middle points. A null point doesn't have a marker and it's not possible to show a tooltip for it.
const data = [...];
const processedData =, index) => {
if (!dataEl) {
return {
y: (data[index - 1] + data[index + 1]) / 2,
isCalculatedValue: true,
marker: {
fillColor: 'red',
radius: 1
return dataEl;
By using tooltip.formatter function, you can show the previous point value in a tooltip.
tooltip: {
formatter: function(tooltip) {
let point = this.point;
if (point.isCalculatedValue) {
point = this.series.points[point.index - 1];
return "<span style='font-size: 10px'>" + point.category + "</span><br/>" +
"<span style='color:" + point.series.color +
"'>●</span> Line series: <b>" + point.y + "</b><br/>";
Live demo:
API Reference:

Highcharts skipping shared tooltip points for large data sets

Seems like Highcharts is skipping a few data points in the shared tooltip for high number of data points (2500+).
I am trying to render a dual axis chart with 2500+ data points for 4 series - using Highcharts. I am also using a shared tooltip option to render my custom tooltip html. But at times Highcharts skips 1 or 2 data points in the tooltip. For example, when I slowly hover over each of the points from left to right, then I am supposed to see '1st April' after '31st March'. But instead, I see '2nd April'. Is it a bug? Or am I missing something? (I have verified that all the dates are present in the categories passed to the Highcharts.)
tooltip: {
borderColor: '#ccc',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
borderWidth: 0,
shadow: false,
shared: true, //show all series values together
useHTML: true,
// hideDelay: 50000,
formatter: function() {
if (props.config.type == 'pie') {
return 'Value : ' + this.y;
} else {
let html = '<div class="fixed-tooltip">';
html += formatTooltipDate(this.x);
if (this.points &&
this.points.length > 1 &&
props.config.type != "combination") { //multiple series*(see note below)
//*combination series are having 1 point, so handled in the else section as single series.
let dateIndex =;
console.log(" date ", this.x);
console.log(" dateIndex ", dateIndex);
if (props.config.type == "dual") {
let dualAxisTitles = props.config.dualAxisTitles;
html += formatDualSeriesTooltipData(this.x, dateIndex, this.points, dualAxisTitles);
} else {
html += formatMultiSeriesTooltipData(this.x, dateIndex, this.points);
} else { //single series
//for combination charts have a custom tooltip logic
if (props.config.type == "combination") {
let dateIndex =;
html += formatMultiSeriesTooltipData(this.x, dateIndex,;
} else {
let seriesColor = this.points[0].point.series.color;
let seriesName = this.points[0];
let value = this.points[0].y;
html += formatSingleSeriesTooltipData(value);
html += '</div>';
return html;
Expected to see a tooltip for "1st April" data point, after "31st March". Instead seeing tooltip for "2nd April" data point.
The points are skipped if there is no enough space for them in the plot area (1px for 1 point). The solution is to set a adequate chart width:
chart: {
width: 1000
Live demo:

Highcharts missing information in scatterplot CSV/XLS export

When exporting scatter plot / bubble chart data as CSV or XLS, it is missing key information, see for example:
This is the data (extract):
series: [{
data: [
{ x: 95, y: 95, z: 13.8, name: 'BE', country: 'Belgium' },
And the axis titles are in the tooltip (but perhaps needs to be defined elsewhere):
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '<tr><th colspan="2"><h3>{}</h3></th></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Fat intake:</th><td>{point.x}g</td></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Sugar intake:</th><td>{point.y}g</td></tr>' +
'<tr><th>Obesity (adults):</th><td>{point.z}%</td></tr>',
What is missing in the default export is (i) labels for y and z axis, and (ii) the names of the bubbles (in this example, country codes/names)
I was wondering how I might be able to add this information to the export.
Actually there's no z axis in bubble charts. It's quite confusing, because all points have z property. This property serves to compute the bubble size so no additional axis is needed, because everything is in 2d. zAxis is used in 3d charts.
Please refer to this live working example:
You can handle first row labels via columnHeaderFormatter (
exporting: {
csv: {
columnHeaderFormatter: function(item, key, keyLength) {
if (item.axisTitle) {
return item.axisTitle.textStr; // x axis label
} else if (key === 'y') {
return item.yAxis.axisTitle.textStr; // y axis label
} else if (key === 'z') {
return 'Obesity (adults)'; // z axis label
To add another column (countries) added following pieces of code in these three core functions:
1. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getDataRows
// add original point reference
rows[key].point = point;
2. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getCSV
// Add point name and header
csv += itemDelimiter;
var point = row['point'];
if (point) {
csv +=
} else {
csv += "Country"
3. Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getTable (for XLS)
var point = row['point'],
if (point) {
val =;
} else {
val = "Country";
html += '<' + tag + ' class="text">' +
(val === undefined ? '' : val) + '</' + tag + '>';
All functions are available in export-data.src.js in this directory:

Separate panes / or style maximum gridlines in Highstock

I built a widget with multiple y Axes very similar to the official sample here:
I'm trying to have some sort of visual separation between the chart panes, either by
applying a special style to the maximum grid line for each pane, or
adding a horizontal line in the whitespace between the panes
The only approach i got working is using PlotLines, but I'd rather have a separator that's independent of zoom levels. Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Use Renderer to draw a path between y axes.
function drawSeparator() {
let separator = this.separator;
const options = this.options.chart.separator;
if (options && options.enabled) {
if (!separator) {
this.separator = separator = this.renderer.path({
d: 'M 0 0',
'stroke-width': options.width === undefined ? 1 : options.width,
stroke: options.color || 'black'
const topAxisBottom = this.yAxis[0].top + this.yAxis[0].height;
const bottomAxisTop = this.yAxis[1].top;
const y = topAxisBottom + (bottomAxisTop - topAxisBottom) / 2;
d: `M 0 ${y} L ${this.chartWidth} ${y}`
Call the method on load/redraw event
chart: {
events: {
load: drawSeparator,
redraw: drawSeparator
separator: {
enabled: true,
width: 3,
color: 'blue'
You can modify the path's d attribute, the path starts from axis.left and stops on axis.left + axis.width
Live example and output

JQGrid Filter Toolbar not filtering rows when using a Formatter on a column

So in a current app, I have to use a custom Formatter on a couple rows in my jqGrid. All these do is take a few fields from my ajax call, concat them into one, and place that into a row.
EG ( data.toStreet + data.toCity + data.toState + data.toZip ) comes back as "Street City, State Zip" into the "To Address" column. This works fine and the data displays correctly, but when using the filtering toolbar, the filter is only based on the first val (data.street). below is a super simplified version of the pieces of code in question.
colNames:["AddressTo", "AddressFrom"],
{name:"toStreet" formatter: ToAddressFormatter},
{name:"fromStreet" formatter: FromAddressFormatter}
searchOnenter: true,
defaultSearch: 'cn'
ToAddressFormatter = function(el, opt, rowObj){
var address = rowObj.toStreet+ " " + rowObj.toCity + ", " + rowObj.toState + " " + rowObj.toZip;
return address;
FromAddressFormatter = function(el, opt, rowObj){
var address = rowObj.fromStreet+ " " + rowObj.fromCity + ", " + rowObj.fromState + " " + rowObj.fromZip;
return address;
So if the value in the cel says "123 fake st, springfield, Va 22344" after being formatted, the filter toolbar can only search on "123 fake st" and nothing else.
Does anybody have any clue on how to remedy this, or possibly why it's happening and a good workaround??
I have included the beginning of my grid. Also, the property Address of result.d is created in the code below, and not returned from the webservice. My column is mapped to "Address" which displays the formatting properly, but still does not search as intended.
datatype: function(postdata) {
var obj = { "showActive": $('#btnFilterActive.pressed').length > 0 ? true : false, "showInactive": $('#btnFilterActive.pressed').length > 0 ? true : false,
'page':, 'rows': postdata.rows, 'sortIndex': postdata.sidx, 'sortDirection': postdata.sord, 'search': postdata._search,
'filters': postdata.filters || ''
url: "/GetGrid",
data: JSON.stringify(obj),
success: function(result) {
for (var i = 0, il = result.d.rows.length; i < il; i++) {
LoadedDisasters[i] = result.d.rows[i];
result.d.rows[i].cells.Address = result.d.rows[i].cells.Street + " " + result.d.rows[i].cells.City + ", "+ result.d.rows[i].cells.State+ " "+ result.d.rows[i].cells.Zip;
result.d = NET.format(result.d);//just correctly format dates
UpdateJQGridData($('#grdDisasters'), result.d);
error: function(result) {
//alert("Test failed");
jqGrid has a problem filtering rows when data is formatted using custom/predefined formatter.
You will have to filter rows on the server-side.
Add 2 more request parameter in your controller to handle jqgrid search request:
When jqGrid requests for filtered raws it will add a parameter: _search with value: true
and all the search parameter like col1=abc&col4=123 meaning user wanted to filter using column named col1 and column named col4 with values respectively: abc and 123
Use those values and query the database with like operation something as follows:
select id, concat(street1, street2, city, state, zip) as address
where address like "%abc%" and id like "%123%"
return these rows as json to jqGrid and display those in the current page. So basically you will have to have a jqGrid with server-side paging, sorting and searching. You can not use client-side paging, sorting and searching features. Also, make sure you don't have loadonce: true set.
I think that you fill the grid in the wrong way. If your source data has toStreet, toCity, toState, toZip, fromStreet, fromCity, fromState, fromZip properties and you need to have composed addressTo and addressFrom you should do this in another way. Your problem is that toStreet and fromStreet will be saved locally in the internal data parameter in the original format like you get it from the server. The local searching uses the data parameter, so the toStreet and fromStreet like you get there from the server will be used.
You don't posted more full code of jqGrid which you use. So I suppose that you use datatype: 'json', datatype: 'jsonp' or datatype: 'xml' in combination with loadonce: true. You should define colModel
colNames:["AddressTo", "AddressFrom"],
{name: "addressTo", ...},
{name: "addressFrom", ...}
beforeProcessing: function (data) {
var i, rows = data.rows, l = rows.length, item;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
item = rows[i];
item.addressTo = item.toStreet + " " + item.toCity + ", " +
item.toState + " " + item.toZip;
item.addressFrom = item.fromStreet+ " " + item.fromCity + ", " +
item.fromState + " " + item.fromZip;
The exact code depend on the format of the input data. The advantage of the usage of beforeProcessing is that it will be called before the data will be processed by jqGrid. So you can do any modification in the data or like in the above.
UPDATED: The code of datatype can be easy implemented in another way using standard jqGrid options. So I suggest to use the following settings:
datatype: "json",
url: "/GetGrid",
postData: {
// add and to the list of parameters sent to the web service
showActive: function () {
return $('#btnFilterActive.pressed').length > 0;
showInactive: function () {
return $('#btnFilterActive.pressed').length > 0;
prmNames: {
// rename some parameters sent to the web service
sort: "sortIndex",
order: "sortDirection",
search: "search",
// don't send nd parameter to the server
nd: null
// you leave the nd is you don't set any "Cache-Control" HTTP header
// I would recommend you to set "Cache-Control: private, max-age=0"
// For example
// HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge (new TimeSpan(0));
serializeGridData: function (postData) {
// control modification of the the data (parameters) which will be sent
// to the web method
if (typeof postData.filters === "undefined") {
postData.filters = "";
return JSON.stringify(postData);
ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
jsonReader: {
root: "d.rows",
page: function (obj) { return; },
total: function (obj) { return; },
records: function (obj) { return obj.d.rows.length; },
repeatitems: false
loadError: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// see an implementation example in the answers
// and
colNames:["AddressTo", "AddressFrom"],
{name: "addressTo", ...},
{name: "addressFrom", ...}
beforeProcessing: function (data) {
var i, rows, l, item;
data.d = NET.format(data.d); // just correctly format dates
rows = data.d.rows;
l = rows.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
item = rows[i];
LoadedDisasters[i] = item;
item.addressTo = item.toStreet + " " + item.toCity + ", " +
item.toState + " " + item.toZip;
item.addressFrom = item.fromStreet+ " " + item.fromCity + ", " +
item.fromState + " " + item.fromZip;
The usage of nd: null with setting of "Cache-Control: private, max-age=0" I described in the answer. You can download the corresponding demo project which use this. In general one needs just include one additional line where you call SetMaxAge
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public MyGridData GetGrid(...) {
HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge (new TimeSpan(0));
See more about caching control you can read here.
