How is Spring Cloud Gateway is different from Zuul-2 - netflix-zuul

I want to understand the technical differences between Netflix Zuul2 and Spring Cloud Gateway.
Spring Cloud Gateway is async so is Zuul2
Both support Http2
Both support Route filter (functional routes)
Both using on Netty


Comparison StreamPipes vs Spring Cloud Dataflow

I'm comparing Apache StreamPipes and SCDF (Spring Cloud Dataflow).
I found out that there are some similarities:
Components of the Stream are executed as microservices via Wrappers (Flink/standalone)
Internally uses Message Broker to automatically create required topics and connect pipeline-components by that
I found nothing about a Support for using Kubernetes as Execution Engine. Is something planned in the Future? Anyone knows some other differences/similarities?

How to register zuul to eureka using Google Cloud Run?

I have a typical architechture using Eureka-Zuul-MicroServicesA.
This is working fine but when I try to deploy the micro services to Google Cloud Run the Server Zuul couldn't be registered with eureka because it doesn't find eureka.
I will attached the configuration about eureka server:
Now I show the configuration using Zuul Server
Does anyone have a guide on how to deploy eureka and zuul in Google cloud?

Can micronaut work with gateways like zuul or spring cloud gateway?

The main issue is the compatibility of the registry.
If not, how to deal with gateway issues?
Depends what you mean. You can use Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway as your gateway solution in front of a Micronaut application.
Ultimately a Micronaut application will register itself with Eureka or Consul and then Zuul or SCG will discovery the service via service discovery and route requests to the Micronaut app over HTTP.

Integrate Spring Rest Services with Spring Security JWT deployed separately

I have a Spring JWT Project and Spring Rest Services which are deployed separately. I have to do authentication and authorization stuff by calling Spring JWT Service. I'm new to this though but I have good understanding. Any one having idea how to achieve this.
Spring 4.x, Spring Security 4.x and Hibernate 5.x with Java based configuration

spring boot + secure jmx

By default spring boot exposes a number of JMX endpoints, has anyone had any experience securing these, it seems there is no security surrounding JMX.
The only config available to Spring boot:
endpoints.jmx.domain= # the JMX domain, defaults to 'org.springboot'
I have seen examples using JmxSecurityAuthenticator, should I follow this pattern.
AFAIK securing the JMX connections is all about how you set up the server. I think you just need to add a #Bean of type ConnectorServerFactoryBean.
