Can micronaut work with gateways like zuul or spring cloud gateway? - netflix-zuul

The main issue is the compatibility of the registry.
If not, how to deal with gateway issues?

Depends what you mean. You can use Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway as your gateway solution in front of a Micronaut application.
Ultimately a Micronaut application will register itself with Eureka or Consul and then Zuul or SCG will discovery the service via service discovery and route requests to the Micronaut app over HTTP.


How is Spring Cloud Gateway is different from Zuul-2

I want to understand the technical differences between Netflix Zuul2 and Spring Cloud Gateway.
Spring Cloud Gateway is async so is Zuul2
Both support Http2
Both support Route filter (functional routes)
Both using on Netty

How to register zuul to eureka using Google Cloud Run?

I have a typical architechture using Eureka-Zuul-MicroServicesA.
This is working fine but when I try to deploy the micro services to Google Cloud Run the Server Zuul couldn't be registered with eureka because it doesn't find eureka.
I will attached the configuration about eureka server:
Now I show the configuration using Zuul Server
Does anyone have a guide on how to deploy eureka and zuul in Google cloud?

Authorization server behind kubernetes ingress?

I want to deploy a few Spring Boot microservices on Kubernetes cluster. One of them is authorization server serving OAuth 2.0 tokens. With current deployment (no k8s) only two services are visible to the outer world: api-gateway (Zuul) and authorization-server (Spring OAuth). The rest is hidden behind the api-gateway. During k8s deployment Zuul proxy probably will be substituted by Kubernetes Ingress.
Now the questions:
Should I put authorization-server behind the Ingress or not?
What are pros and cons concerning these two solutions?
What are best practices?
Maybe I shouldn't get rid of Zuul at all?
Getting rid of Zuul is perfectly reasonable. Ingress should be the only outer-cluster accessible component that provides access to the cluster through ingress rules.
So yes, authorization-server and microservices should be accessible through ingress.

Serving Swagger-UI in JHipster servers and microservices

JHipster servers and microservices don't serve their own Swagger UI. Instead the microservice gateway aggregates all api-docs and serves them in one place, using a custom Swagger UI within the Angular Frontend.
But when using standalone JHipster servers or microservices, there is no frontend and thus no Swagger-UI at all.
In those instances, how can you force the server or microservice to serve its own Swagger-UI?

spring cloud zuul: Active-Active configuration

1.) How to configure Zuul to redirect the request to another Zuul instances in the other cloud region when there is a service cluster failover?.
2.) How to configure Zuul to accept https request & forward request as https to the service cluster.
3.) Is there a document that explains what are the different configuration options that can used to configure the Zuul server using yml.
