Getting rid of UIWebView in Bolts framework (Parse framework dependecy) - ios

I recently started working with XCode on a project where we are using Parse framework to load data into MongoDB with Heroku.
So I have to release this new app (replica of an existing app with some mods) to App store but I get error email saying UIWebView needs to be replaced with WKWebView.
I searched for the other libraries using UIWebView and could replace them with other ones or a simple pod update worked.
But I am not sure about the Parse.freamework below.
Here is the project structure:
Now I think this is not the Cocoapod implementation. Since, I am fairly new to iOS development, I am not even sure how did these Parse.framework and Bolts.framework come here.
So can someone please help me understand or directly me to documentation that will direct me or help me with some search phrases at least so I can do the hard work of researching.
My questions are:
Why are these Frameworks here in the root folder of project? I don't think this is Pod's doing, is it? How is this implementation of framework done? What is it called?
How can I update the Bolts and/or Parse frameworks to get rid of UIWebView?
Thank you for your help.

So to re-iterate, #Wyetro suggested to install pods anyways. So removed the dependencies (from Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content). Then I installed Parse and it installed Bolts since its dependency through pods. And it all worked perfectly fine!!!
Thank you Wyetro...


How to properly add missing libraries and frameworks to existing Xcode project

in the past I have developed some simple iOS apps and today I saw that "phyphox", an app I would like to customize, is open source. So I downloaded the project, however it relies on some third-party libraries. Picture of the error message. I tried to compile these libraries and added the .framework files to the framework folder of the Xcode project, but the error messages wouldn't go away. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like you need to create a podfile to download everything properly. this video explains it really well! I've never done it the .framework way before, but I believe that podfiles will solve your problem because it's installed through your terminal and becomes a large piece of your project. I hope this helps! :)

Cannot build kurento toolbox in swift , Receiving syntax issues?

Hello Everyone I'm trying to inject kurento client in my swift app through cocoapods
pod 'KurentoToolbox'
successfully installed and after disabling bitcode for target project and kurento framework the build got successful, but whenever i try to import KurentoToolbox following error shows up
Then I try to Kurento Framowork in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries, but still facing the error Kindly see the attached the screenshots.screen shot after adding the framework , now after compiling the project it throws the following the error.receiving this error
Kindly Check these screen shot which may help to better answer this question.
Add KurentoToolbox into your embedded libraries. Usually this solves the problem but still if it doesn't, then try to add both of them in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries.
Also quit your xcode and go to your derived data folder and deletes derived data files(also empty your trash).

JSQMessages with Parse - Installation issue

I'm looking to implement JSQMessages into my existing Xcode project.
I tried using CocoaPods but was unable to fix all the errors. I got so far as to only having an error with the Parse-lib not being found but after having no luck getting rid of it (had to do with the debug-iphoneos) I gave up and uninstalled all of the CocoaPods and returned to having my project with only Parse.
I read on the github page that you can install it manually just by putting the folder for JSQMessage and JSQSystemSoundPlayer into your folder project but I have not been able to figure that one out. So my question to you guys is if anyone knows the exact procedure of doing it manually, because simply putting them in your project folder and importing them both into my bridging file wasn't successful and Xcode gave me an error that it wasn't able to find the headerfiles.
First, I would recommend you to look on this library for implementing chat
It could be installed via cocoapods or by dragging source of the library to your project.
On my experience working with JSQMessages, it's too buggy when you have a lot of messages in the chat

iOS - update a framework

I built an app that uses a third party SDK. Recently I had to update the SDK with a new version. I removed the framework files from my application folder, copied the new ones, added them to the project, but it seems XCode is caching the old version.
I tried Clean, tried to delete Derived Data, nothing works. At this point it seems the only available option is to recreate the project and import all the source files. Obviously I am not keen on that. There must be an easy, fast solution to this issue.
Any clue?
Cocoa pods are easy to use and install.
CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It has
thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly.
Ultimately, its goal is to improve discoverability of, and engagement
in, third party open-source libraries, by creating a more centralized
However the frameworks need to be compatible with cocoa pods which most libraries are. You use terminal to install. This site may give you an idea how to install it.
Fixed it. I deleted all copies of the old SDK, whether or not they were in my project folder. Seems like XCode was linking to one of them... Another mystery.

DBRestClient.h not found for CDEDropboxCloudFileSystem (ensembles framework)

I'm trying to implement Dropbox syncing to my iOS app using the ensembles framework. I'm not using pods, so I manually added the ensembles iOS and DropboxSDK Xcode projects to the frameworks section of my project, and made sure all the buildphases etc are taken care of (following the instructions on the ensembles github page). No problems so far, everything builds fine. But when I then add CDEDropboxCloudFileSystem to my project (see here), I get an error saying that DBRestClient.h cannot be found. I fixed it by replacing #import DBRestClient.h with #import <DropboxSDK/DropboxSDKh.h> in CDEDropboxCloudFileSystem.h and commenting out the two DropboxSDK related imports in CDEDropboxCloudFileSystem.m
Builds fine now, but is this the correct solution, or did I miss something with my setup?
(I tried adding the ensembles tag to this question, but I need a reputation of at least 1500 to do so)
If it builds, your solution is probably fine.
I guess whether you can import the framework header or not depends on how you are linking. Sounds like you are somehow linking a Dropbox framework on iOS. Is that right?
That might be a new option Dropbox have added for iOS 8. Previously, on iOS, you basically linked with a static library, and then you don't have the option.
Another way around the issue may be to add the path to the Dropbox headers folder to your header search path.
PS I also don't have the points to add an 'ensembles' tag :(
