Cannot build kurento toolbox in swift , Receiving syntax issues? - ios

Hello Everyone I'm trying to inject kurento client in my swift app through cocoapods
pod 'KurentoToolbox'
successfully installed and after disabling bitcode for target project and kurento framework the build got successful, but whenever i try to import KurentoToolbox following error shows up
Then I try to Kurento Framowork in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries, but still facing the error Kindly see the attached the screenshots.screen shot after adding the framework , now after compiling the project it throws the following the error.receiving this error
Kindly Check these screen shot which may help to better answer this question.

Add KurentoToolbox into your embedded libraries. Usually this solves the problem but still if it doesn't, then try to add both of them in Linked Framework and Libraries as well as embedded libraries.
Also quit your xcode and go to your derived data folder and deletes derived data files(also empty your trash).


IOS app development on Xcode (12 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64

i'm following a tutorial for a login app with firebase and i have only one error i can't understand. I already searched online and i found somenthing similar here on stackoverflow but didn't understand the solution (it was too old).
This is the error:
Can you guys help me with that?
I looks like you are compiling duplicate source files.
Open PromisesObjC in the Project Navigator
Go to the Build Phases tab
Check the Compile Sources section for duplicates and remove the duplicate entry
Clean Build Folder
This occurs when you install Firebase via Swift Package Manager, and Google AdMobs SDK via CocoaPods. Unfortunately, this is how the current official documentation guides you. You end up with duplicated libraries in your project.
After trying many things, I've got rid of this issue by installing Firebase via Cocoapods as well.

How to properly add missing libraries and frameworks to existing Xcode project

in the past I have developed some simple iOS apps and today I saw that "phyphox", an app I would like to customize, is open source. So I downloaded the project, however it relies on some third-party libraries. Picture of the error message. I tried to compile these libraries and added the .framework files to the framework folder of the Xcode project, but the error messages wouldn't go away. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like you need to create a podfile to download everything properly. this video explains it really well! I've never done it the .framework way before, but I believe that podfiles will solve your problem because it's installed through your terminal and becomes a large piece of your project. I hope this helps! :)

JSQMessages with Parse - Installation issue

I'm looking to implement JSQMessages into my existing Xcode project.
I tried using CocoaPods but was unable to fix all the errors. I got so far as to only having an error with the Parse-lib not being found but after having no luck getting rid of it (had to do with the debug-iphoneos) I gave up and uninstalled all of the CocoaPods and returned to having my project with only Parse.
I read on the github page that you can install it manually just by putting the folder for JSQMessage and JSQSystemSoundPlayer into your folder project but I have not been able to figure that one out. So my question to you guys is if anyone knows the exact procedure of doing it manually, because simply putting them in your project folder and importing them both into my bridging file wasn't successful and Xcode gave me an error that it wasn't able to find the headerfiles.
First, I would recommend you to look on this library for implementing chat
It could be installed via cocoapods or by dragging source of the library to your project.
On my experience working with JSQMessages, it's too buggy when you have a lot of messages in the chat

Cannot load underlying module for 'Charts'

I'm just getting started with the iOS charts library :
I followed all the steps described under 'Usage' on the main page (
I added a UIView and made it subclass LineChartView
--> in ViewController.swift: the line import Charts gives an error: Cannot load underlying module for 'Charts'
Why is that ?
Thank you !
It's possibly related to this issue too:
In short: Seems like there's a bug in Xcode 6.3.1, where new projects have problems when importing Embedded Frameworks. In such a case, you need to let the project build first, and then add the framework to the project.
Sounds like your project haven't added the framework successfully. I just started with ios-charts as well, and I followed the steps on github as well and it worked like a charm. What I did was to just drag the Charts.xcodeproj into my Project Navigator and it worked like a charm. If this doesn't work for you, however, make sure you are using iOS 8. If you are not, then you have to add the .swift-files to your project. If you are using iOS 8 and the approach still doesn't work, I'd try to install it using CocoaPods instead. I'm fairly new in CocoaPods so can't really help you there, but just google on how to install frameworks using CocoaPods and you should find what you seek.
Sorry if I wasn't of much help!
The answer comes a bit late, but what solved the problem for me was to clean my project by selecting the option Product > Clean from my status bar. Hope it might help someone else in case you solved the problem already.
After cleaning the product once I received this error. I then removed the framework from embedded binaries, cleaned the product, then added it once more to embedded libraries. I then built the product and retried the import statement. The import statement worked.
I had the same issue with KeychainAccess pod. Even though the pod was installed it use to throw an error
‘Cannot load underlying module for KeychainAccess’.
The fix that worked for me :
Uninstall the pod and install it again
Delete the derived data content
Quit Xcode and start again
Make sure your scheme is targeting an iOS device or simulator. If you build for your Mac it'll give you this error.
Build the project and this error will go away

Xcode 6.1 Link Binary with Libraries; Framework not showing up

I'm having issues getting a framework to work when checking out my project from a repository. If I check out the project I get a build error:
'Module SQLite not found'.
I went into Build Phases and checked that everything was properly set. I tried deleting the entry under Link Binary with Libraries and then re-adding it. This is where the issue occurs. When I go to add the framework, again, it doesn't show up.
For other parts of the Build Phase: Target Dependencies and Copy Files I can delete the entries and re add them and the framework still shows up no problem.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough reputation to post photos but the links to the Xcode screenshots can be found here:
I'm assuming it's a configuration error because all of the required files are in the repository as well as the checkout folder. So if anyone could assist me in figuring out what needs to be changed, that would be greatly appreciated.
Note I'm using Xcode 6.1 and the framework in question is SQLite.swift found here.
