Pass tv value to placeholder using getImageList snippet - modx-revolution

for example chunk img <img src="[[+src]]">[[+image]]</img>
then when i call chunk i can pass TV values like this [[$img? &src=[[*myTVProperty_1]] &image=[[*myTVProperty_2]]]] so my TV property name not suppose to match my placeholders name
But when i use MIGX getImageList it seems i can't pass my TV like that
[[!getImageList? &tvname=`myTV` &docid=`1` &tpl=`image` &src=[[*myTVProperty_1]] &image=[[*myTVProperty_2]]]]
It doesn't work until i make my tv properties to match placeholders names.
It is inconvenient since i might want to make my chunk work with regular tvs and migx snipper and have freedom to name my tvs whatever i like.
Is there some workaround?

I can't understand your question clearly, but I can tell you, '&src' '&image' are not getImageList snippet properties. I think you need to work with your &src and &image inside your image chunk.


authorProfileImageUrl returns only a tiny thumbnail

I'm trying to use YouTube Data API to get a list of comments for a video.
The problem is that the field authorProfileImageUrl in the response contains a URL to a tiny thumbnail (28x28 pixels) of the profile image instead of the bigger one (48x48) that can be seen in YouTube's comment section. How can I retrieve the bigger one? Am I missing some magic parameter in the request that selects the size of the profile images in comments?
Here's my request URL:,items(snippet(topLevelComment(id,snippet(authorDisplayName,authorChannelUrl,authorProfileImageUrl,authorChannelId,textDisplay,likeCount,publishedAt)),totalReplyCount))&maxResults=3&key=API_KEY
Here's an example profile pic URL i get:
I noticed that the marked part seems to select the size, because when I change the 28 to 48, the size of the profile pic changes too.
I could change it "manually" with some fancy regexp, and it will work, but it will also rely on implementation details that are undocumented and that may change in future and render the application broken :P So it really would be better if there was a documented API way to do that.
Seems like nobody knows how to solve this, ho here's my temporary solution.
It works, but it depends on an implementation detail that can change in the future and then the solution will break apart and will have to be corrected :q
I accept my own answer for now, but when someone posts a better one, I'll accept it instead.
The solution:
I made a simple function that searches for the image size in the URL string and replaces it with a bigger size.
function small2big(url)
return url.replace(/(\/.*s)28(.*\/photo.jpg)$/,"$1"+"48"+"$2");
Oh, and here's my middle finger for you, Google: ,,|,,
It seems that actually removing everything right at the 's28' will display the entire image without specifying a size.
For example, instead of this:
You can use this:
And it will return the full size image.
In my case, using php I simply:
function bigAvatar($url) {
$url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, 's28'));
return $url;
Again, if google decides to change this in the future, this would break. But for now, it works.

UIPrintInteractionController set minimum number of copies

I'd like to know if there's a way to set a minimum number of copies to be printed via code, because I need a document to be printed by duplicate.
I read the documentation on Apple developers page but I couldn't find anything.
I know you can set the number of copies from the printer dialog, but I need the minimum to be 2 by default.
Thanks in advance!
I tried this and it didn't work for me, at least in Xamarin.
There is nothing exposed via UIPrintInteractionController or its delegates that allows you to change/override the number of copies.
The way I approach this is to write my own UIController that defines the properties that the user is allowed to change and then use UIPrintInteractionController.PrintToPrinter to directly print the content.
Another approach is to disable the number of copies display:
UIPrintInteractionController.ShowsNumberOfCopies = false;
And then provide a two element array to PrintingItems vs. PrintingItem that just contains two copies of your print object.
Another approach just allow the user to select the printer via UIPrinterPickerController, save the UIPrinter to skip it in the future and then call PrintToPrinter twice.

AirPrint - Make number of copies default to 2 and not just 1 copy

When I open the print options using AirPrint, I want to make it default to 2 copies and not just 1 copy.
Couldn't find any methods that could change the number of copies. Wondering if anyone has any ideas if this is possible since it seems that this printing option is pretty limited.
So I found my own solution. Basically under the UIPrintInteraction Controller there is a method called printItems. What I did is make an NSArray and put two copies of the object I wanted to print and used that method instead of printItem.
However, since my application used the printFormatter I was unable to use this method since in the IOS developer documentation it says
"If you set this property (printFormatter), UIPrintInteractionController sets the printingItems, printingItem, and printPageRenderer properties to nil. (Only one of these properties can be set for a print job.)"
So what I did was just doubled the html page I was formatting and I trusted that the formatting was correct for it to print two pages.
Another way would be to add the same printFormatter to page 1 and page 2 in a printPageRenderer.

Add alternative text to a phrase in a document file

I use LibreOffice Writer and I want to insert an alternative text to a specific phrase in the document, how can I do it?
Example if we have an image in the document we can make double left click and add the alternative text like this:
Is it possible to make the same if we select a whole phrase of text? If yes how? And if No is there any other proposal?
The alternative text in 'word'/odt documents is actually intended as the 'alt' attribute in HTML (web) pages:
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a
user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an
error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
It's only purpuse is thus to provide the user with information in case he/she can not view the image. Since having alternative text in case some text cannot be displayed is, well, silly, this 'alt' attribute is not defined for pieces of text. Alternatively, you could have a hyperlink pointing to nothing ("#"), which does provide a tooltip attribute.
What is it that you're intending to achieve anyway? It's not going to show up on any prints, which is the intended purpose of Writer... Footnotes (for prints) or Comments (for communication with co-editors) might suit you better.

Specify a language when embedding a Spotify playlist using an iframe

Is there a query string parameter (or a special path, or subdomain) that can be used with standard localization codes (e.g. es, nl, de, etc) in conjunction with a url like this that will localize the content from Spotify?
I am referring specifically to the options menu as pictured below as the rest of the text is just artist and track title.
No. In this case Spotify doesn't offer any localization codes. But there is no reason for it because it just give you general information title/artist/album etc.
You have to tell us more specific what you want.
If you want to grab data from this url use web-api instead.
Use Lookup if you have a special title/artist/album etc. but you need spotify url!
If I would interpret your question in another way:
You can look up 'availability' for certain 'territories'
Just for you to know there is a rate limiting 10 requests per ip/second!
Hope I could helpya! If you need something else or want more help tell us or write me a message ;)
