Run script Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a set of commands that I run in the bin/rails console, for example:
AppConfig.settings.captcha.enable = false
success = user.sign_up
etc ...
Can I make a script like bin/bash to execute all commands at once? (I would like it to be a executable file, since I want to change the input data in it)

You can put the commands into a file (script), add the shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env ruby), make the file executable and run it from the command line like so:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require ... (load the libraries here)
AppConfig.settings.captcha.enable = false
success = user.sign_up
#etc ...
# Make executable
chmod u+x my_script.rb
# Run the script


How to pass environment variables to docker container app user [duplicate]

When I use any command with sudo the environment variables are not there. For example after setting HTTP_PROXY the command wget works fine without sudo. However if I type sudo wget it says it can't bypass the proxy setting.
First you need to export HTTP_PROXY. Second, you need to read man sudo, and look at the -E flag. This works:
$ export HTTP_PROXY=foof
$ sudo -E bash -c 'echo $HTTP_PROXY'
Here is the quote from the man page:
-E, --preserve-env
Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to preserve their
existing environment variables. The security policy may return an error
if the user does not have permission to preserve the environment.
The trick is to add environment variables to sudoers file via sudo visudo command and add these lines:
Defaults env_keep += "ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy"
taken from ArchLinux wiki.
For Ubuntu 14, you need to specify in separate lines as it returns the errors for multi-variable lines:
Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy"
Defaults env_keep += "https_proxy"
Defaults env_keep += "HTTP_PROXY"
Defaults env_keep += "HTTPS_PROXY"
For individual variables you want to make available on a one off basis you can make it part of the command.
sudo http_proxy=$http_proxy wget ""
You can also combine the two env_keep statements in Ahmed Aswani's answer into a single statement like this:
Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy"
You should also consider specifying env_keep for only a single command like this:
Defaults!/bin/[your_command] env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy"
A simple wrapper function (or in-line for loop)
I came up with a unique solution because:
sudo -E "$#" was leaking variables that was causing problems for my command
sudo VAR1="$VAR1" ... VAR42="$VAR42" "$#" was long and ugly in my case
function sudo_exports(){
eval sudo $(for x in $_EXPORTS; do printf '%q=%q ' "$x" "${!x}"; done;) "$#"
# create a test script to call as sudo
echo 'echo Forty-Two is $VAR42' >
chmod +x
export VAR42="The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything."
# clean function style
sudo_exports ./
# or just use the content of the function
eval sudo $(for x in $_EXPORTS; do printf '%q=%q ' "$x" "${!x}"; done;) ./
$ ./
Forty-Two is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.
Forty-Two is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything.
This is made possible by a feature of the bash builtin printf. The %q produces a shell quoted string. Unlike the parameter expansion in bash 4.4, this works in bash versions < 4.0
Add code snippets to /etc/sudoers.d
Don't know if this is available in all distros, but in Debian-based distros, there is a line at or near the tail of the /etc/sudoers file that includes the folder /etc/sudoers.d. Herein, one may add code "snippets" that modify sudo's configuration. Specifically, they allow control over all environment variables used in sudo.
As with /etc/sudoers, these "code snippets" should be edited using visudo. You can start by reading the README file, which is also a handy place for keeping any notes you care to make:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/README
# files for your snippets may be created/edited like so:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/20_mysnippets
Read the "Command Environment" section of 'man 5 sudoers'
Perhaps the most informative documentation on environment configuration in sudo is found in the Command environment section of man 5 sudoers. Here, we learn that a sudoers environment variables that are blocked by default may be "whitelisted" using the env_check or env_keep options; e.g.
Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy HTTP_PROXY"
Defaults env_keep += "https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY"
Defaults env_keep += "ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY"
And so, in the OP's case, we may "pass" the sudoer's environment variables as follows:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/10_myenvwlist
# opens the default editor for entry of the following lines:
Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy HTTP_PROXY"
Defaults env_keep += "https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY"
# and any others deemed useful/necessary
# Save the file, close the editor, and you are done!
Get your bearings from '# sudo -V'
The OP presumably discovered the missing environment variable in sudo by trial-and-error. However, it is possible to be proactive: A listing of all environment variables, and their allowed or denied status is available (and unique to each host) from the root prompt as follows:
# sudo -V
Environment variables to check for safety:
Environment variables to remove:
Environment variables to preserve:
Note that once an environment variable is "whitelisted" as above, it will appear in subsequent listings of sudo -V under the "preserve" listing.
If you have the need to keep the environment variables in a script you can put your command in a here document like this. Especially if you have lots of variables to set things look tidy this way.
# prepare a script e.g. for running maven
# create the script with a here document
cat << EOF > $runmaven
# run the maven clean with environment variables set
export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant
export MAKEFLAGS=-j4
mvn clean install
# make the script executable
chmod +x $runmaven
# run it
sudo $runmaven
# remove it or comment out to keep
rm $runmaven

Rails app does not read env variables in .bashrc

I have saved some ENV's in ~/.bashrc, I close and reopened the file and they are there for sure.
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
. /etc/apache2/envvars
# If not running interactively, don't do anything else
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
# don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
# See bash(1) for more options
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
. /etc/bash_completion
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]${C9_USER}\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)") $ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user#host:dir
case "$TERM" in
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
export rvm_silence_path_mismatch_check_flag=1
export TWILIO_SID="AXXXXX81b7eb5aXXXXeXXX6c9bfecX6X"
Yet when I tell my rails app to use them, for example use ENV["TWILIO_SID"] in my controller, it does not know them. I tried echoing them out in bash, it's just an empty line, in HTML, also empty line.
I am using c9 cloud IDE, and there is an option to manually enter ENV into the Rails shell, and when I do that, everything works fine. but my assignment asks for bashrc file... why are neither bash nor rails terminal reading my .bashrc? any help?
PS: the overall goal is to just set a UNIX env variable in my Rails app. I cannot use figaro.
PS2: Here is the code in controller where I'm using the variables. When I hard code them, everything works fine, so I know there is something going on with the env variables.
require 'twilio-ruby'
def index
class TexterController < ApplicationController
def index
def text
#number = params[:number]
#message = params[:message]
twilio_sid = ENV["TWILIO_SID"]
twilio_token = ENV["TWILIO_TOKEN"]
twilio_phone_number = ENV["TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER"]
#client =, twilio_token)
#message = #client.messages.create(
to: #number,
from: twilio_phone_number,
body: #message
render "pages/text.html.erb"
And here is the reasons why:
To change the environmental variable "permanently" you'll need to consider at least these situations:
Login/Non-login shell
Interactive/Non-interactive shell
Bash as login shell will load /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile in the order
Bash as non-login interactive shell will load ~/.bashrc
Bash as non-login non-interactive shell will load the configuration specified in environment variable $BASH_ENV
Source: how to permanently set environmental variables
Found it.
Turns out for some reason, even when I source .bashrc, the env variables are not read, but when I added them to .profile they are read and everything works fine.
Even tried adding them to .bashrc and then source ~/.bashrc to .profile, but still wouldn't work.

whenever gem: I set :output but the logfile doesn't show up where I'd expect it to

In my schedule.rb file I have the following lines:
set :output, '/log/cron_log.log'
every 5.minutes do
command 'echo "hello"'
I ran whenever -w as suggested in this question Rails, using whenever gem in development, and I assume the cronfile is written and running. (I tried restarting the Rails server as well.)
And when I run $ crontab -l I see the following:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash
-l -c 'echo "hello" >> /log/cron_log.log 2>&1'
But I can't find the log file. I checked in rails_project/log, ~/log and /log to no avail. On OSX btw.
How can I get the log file to be written to the rails project log folder?
Where is your log?
You're putting the output file at the highest directory level:
$ cd /log
To see if the file exists and if it has data in it:
$ ls -la cron_log.log
To create the log file if needed:
$ touch cron_log.log
To open up permissions for your own local debugging (do NOT do this in production!)
$ chmod +rw cron_log.log
Is your command running?
To run the command manually to find out if it works as you expect:
$ /bin/bash -l -c 'echo "hello" >> /log/cron_log.log 2>&1'
To improve your security and protect your path, use full paths:
wrong: command 'echo "hello"'
right: command '/bin/echo "hello"'
To find the command full path:
$ which echo
To verify the cron is running as you expect:
$ sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog
The grep result should have lines that something like this:
Jan 1 12:00:00 CRON[123]: (root) CMD (... your command here ...)
Are you on a Mac?
If you're not seeing output in the syslog, and you're on a Mac, you may want to read about the Mac OSX switching from cron to launchd.
See the cron plist (/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.vix.cron.plist) and use a stdout/stderr path to debug cron itself. I don't recall if launchctl unloading and launchctl loading the plist is sufficient, or since it's a system daemon if you'd have to restart entirely. (see where is the cron log file in lion)
How to log relative to Rails?
To put the log relative to a Rails app, omit the leading slash (and typically call it cron.log)
set :output, "log/cron.log"
To put the log in a specific fully-qualified directory:
set :output, '/abc/def/ghi/log/cron.log'
The Whenever wiki has some good examples about redirecting output:
every 3.hours do
runner "MyModel.some_process", :output => 'cron.log'
rake "my:rake:task", :output => {:error => 'error.log', :standard => 'cron.log'}
command "/usr/bin/cmd"

Windows commands in ruby

How do I run a Windows command in an Ruby app?
I am trying to run something like:
output = `cd #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib && java HelloWorld #{param1} #{param2}`
I print the result of the line above and paste it to a command prompt in Windows and it works just fine. However, when i run app and hit this code, output is blank rather than have a string I get back from HellowWorld. In HelloWorld I do a System.out.print("helloworld")
The following:
output = `cmd.exe /C dir`
puts "OUTPUT #{output}"
Issue in JRuby 1.5.3 fixed in JRuby 1.5.5:
Try to use File#join here. It will generate crossplatform path for you
my_path = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "lib")
output = `cd #{my_path} && java HelloWorld #{param1} #{param2}`
Also you can execute your system commands this way:
`cd #{my_path} && java HelloWorld #{param1} #{param2}`
system("cd #{my_path} && java HelloWorld #{param1} #{param2}")
%x[cd #{my_path} && java HelloWorld #{param1} #{param2}]
Related topic: System call from Ruby
Backticks work fine for me. Try:
output = `dir`
to prove to yourself that it's working. At that point, your question is how to run a Java app from the command line, or why your particular app isn't work. Note that you can temporarily change the working directory like this:
Dir.chdir(File.join(RAILS_ROOT,'lib')) do
output = `...`

rails - Redirecting console output to a file

On a bash console, if I do this:
cd mydir
ls -l > mydir.txt
The > operator captures the standard input and redirects it to a file; so I get the listing of files in mydir.txt instead of in the standard output.
Is there any way to do something similar on the rails console?
I've got a ruby statement that generates lots of prints (~8k lines) and I'd like to be able to see it completely, but the console only "remembers" the last 1024 lines or so. So I thought about redirecting to a file - If anyone knows a better option, I'm all ears.
A quick one-off solution:
irb:001> f ='statements.xml', 'w')
irb:002> f << Account.find(1).statements.to_xml
irb:003> f.close
Create a JSON fixture:
irb:004> f = + 'spec/fixtures/qbo/amy_cust.json', 'w')
irb:005> f << JSON.pretty_generate((q.get :customer, 1).as_json)
irb:006> f.close
You can use override $stdout to redirect the console output:
$stdout ='console.out', 'w')
You may also need to call this once:
$stdout.sync = true
To restore:
$stdout = STDOUT
Apart from Veger's answer, there is one of more way to do it which also provides many other additional options.
Just open your rails project directory and enter the command:
rails c | tee output.txt
tee command also has many other options which you can check out by:
man tee
If you write the following code in your environment file, it should work.
if "irb" == $0
config.logger ='path_to_log_file.txt'))
You can also rotate the log file using
config.logger ='path_to_log_file.txt'), number_of_files, file_roation_size_threshold)
For logging only active record related operations, you can do
ActiveRecord::Base.logger ='path_to_log_file.txt'))
This also lets you have different logger config/file for different environments.
Using Hirb, you can choose to log only the Hirb output to a text file.
That makes you able to still see the commands you type in into the console window, and just the model output will go to the file.
From the Hirb readme:
Although views by default are printed to STDOUT, they can be easily modified to write anywhere:
# Setup views to write to file 'console.log'.
>> Hirb::View.render_method = lambda {|output|"console.log", 'w') {|f| f.write(output) } }
# Doesn't write to file because Symbol doesn't have a view and thus defaults to irb's echo mode.
>> :blah
=> :blah
# Go back to printing Hirb views to STDOUT.
>> Hirb::View.reset_render_method
Use hirb. It automatically pages any output in irb that is longer than a screenful. Put this in a console session to see this work:
>> require 'rubygems'
>> require 'hirb'
>> Hirb.enable
For more on how this works, read this post.
Try using script utility if you are on Unix-based OS.
script -c "rails runner -e development lib/scripts/my_script.rb" report.txt
That helped me capture a Rails runner script's very-very long output easily to a file.
I tried using redirecting to a file but it got written only at the end of script.
That didn't helped me because I had few interactive commands in my script.
Then I used just script and then ran the rails runner in script session but it didn't wrote everything. Then I found this script -c "runner command here" output_file and it saved all the output as was desired. This was on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Writing Ruby Console Output to Text File
