How can post a xml to an API get way by RestEase? -

I did a research in the official page of the RestEase but I don't find a way to post a xml data to a Web API controller.
Is any one have experience to do it?
thank you very much


How can content be pulled from Wordpress?

Is it possible to do some API call and pull Wordpress content? Or is that not a possibility?
I am trying to get my blog's content and display it in a mobile (iPhone) app. Would anyone know how to best accomplish that?
Thank you!
You need to install this plugin. It provides a lot of APIs which you can call including:-
example usage:-
will return post (in JSON) with id 1
You can also create post, update post and delete post using some APIs provided by this plugin.

Get RSS feed of a Twitter hashtag

A client of mine wants to get an RSS feed for a twitter hashtag and include it in a list of other feeds from a variety of other sites.
I've Googled it all morning and I get a mix of answers. Some say it's possible, others say not anymore.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Unfortunately, as of the API v1.1 upgrade on June 11th 2013, twitter now only gives responses in JSON. You can view the official announcement here.
That being said, I think you may need to think broader with your google searching ;)
Within 30 seconds, I found this, and it looks like exactly what you're looking for:
RSS readers cannot subscribe to JSON feeds. twitter-json-to-rss is a set of PHP scripts that you install on your public facing server that allows you to get around this problem.
Heres the library. Note this is entirely untested by myself, so you'll have to check it out.
Basically, you need to send an authenticated request to the twitter 1.1 API, get your data, then convert the returned json to RSS for your client.
If you're using PHP, this is the fastest post to help you get up to speed with requests to the 1.1 API in PHP.
It's not possible anymore. Twitter removed RSS feeds from their data formats and will require you to use their API to achieve that.

Where can I find RestKit Post sourcecode or tutorials?

I am trying to find some documentation on how to POST to an api with RestKit. I have not been able to find any good tutorial or direction. I can GET json data and display it on an iphone app - but I am trying to figure out how to do the reverse, i.e. POST from ios to an external json api. What resources did you guys learn to do this? The explanations on the git are pretty brief - or am I just not getting it?
Any help would be great! THanks
It's documented on the front page of the RestKit GitHub page: RestKit : post-patch-and-delete-an-object
In this situation google can help you much better than anyone else.
Some useful links:
Rest API
Intro to Rest
Beginning Rest

Disqus API listPosts doesn't include links back to the original page

I am using this API to get the list of recent comments, but the result from the API doesn't include the links for the content page on my site. I have tried find it in the API pages and no luck. Just curious if anyone knows how to get these links.
After playing around with the console a bit more, found out that in order to get this information, I need to pass "related=thread" in the api param.

Integrate Google Search Appliance with Rails Application

I wanted to integrate GSA with Rails. But the web proved to be un-helpful. Anybody knows any step-by-step tutorial.
First, you have to call the GSA with the search query. The reference informations for generating the GET-request is here:
Then you will receive a xml response from the GSA with all needed information inside. The reference for the xml nodes are here (Look better at a xml response from your GSA and get additional informations in my link):
Last but not least, you have to parse the informations within the xml and generate your custom frontend.
I hope that will help you. It isn't really complicated.
Define "integrate" closer. The most things are language independent and have nothing to do with Rails/Java/.Net or whatever
Try using the gem rails-gsa this will help you a lot in integrating the Google Search Appliance with your rails Application.
Check out the documentation on github
