Where can I find RestKit Post sourcecode or tutorials? - ios

I am trying to find some documentation on how to POST to an api with RestKit. I have not been able to find any good tutorial or direction. I can GET json data and display it on an iphone app - but I am trying to figure out how to do the reverse, i.e. POST from ios to an external json api. What resources did you guys learn to do this? The explanations on the git are pretty brief - or am I just not getting it?
Any help would be great! THanks

It's documented on the front page of the RestKit GitHub page: RestKit : post-patch-and-delete-an-object

In this situation google can help you much better than anyone else.
Some useful links:
Rest API
Intro to Rest
Beginning Rest


How can post a xml to an API get way by RestEase?

I did a research in the official page of the RestEase but I don't find a way to post a xml data to a Web API controller.
Is any one have experience to do it?
thank you very much

Post photo to pinterest by API

I need to post a photo to my own board in Pinterest via their API.
However, I cannot find any mention in their API documentation of how to accomplish this - https://developers.pinterest.com/
I have tried to search for an approach but found only dated information.
The following script does exactly what I'd like to do, however I want to implement it via Ruby/Rails - http://www.nextscripts.com/pinterest-automated-posting/
Any advice or documentation on how I could implement this functionality would be helpful.
Thank you in advance!
You may find this gem handy, though its a bit dated:
There is a project, that helps to create pin automatically via undocumented Pinterest API https://github.com/v-pukman/pinterest_spammer

How do I get to Google Code Playground?

I use to be able to get to Google Code Playground page.
As discussed in
A guide to Google Code PlayGround
Its a web-based tool that lets web developers try out all of the APIs that Google provides, tweak the code, and see the results, I found it very useful.
But now when I try, I get redirected to API Explorer!
Has anyone got any ideas why?
Thanks in advance.
I don't know why they changed it, but probably you will need to go to the specific API/product you're looking for and search there.
For example, I used to teach the Visualization APIs with the playground, but these seem to have been reclassified as a chart "product" with the interactive code editing now hosted through JSFiddle:
Good luck (re)locating what you're looking for.

Where did odata sdk code sample go?

I am trying achieve the same thing asked by this question, Routing in WCF data services
It seems like the code sample linked in the answer is no longer valid, but I don't have enough reputation to post a comment. Anyone know where I can download the sample code?
The sample code links are now all verified functional at http://www.odata.org/ecosystem/.

Sample example to implement TripAdvisor api - iOS application

I have tried a lot for finding some example to implement TripAdvisor api. But I didn't get any demo code for implementing it in my iOS application.
I don't know any starting point to implement it.
so please help me and suggest if you know any good demo.
TripAdvisor API is in JSON format, you can parse it using Restkit for example.
