cropping image by using a custom view - ios

I'm trying to crop an image by using a custom view. I have two view controller each of them are ViewController and ResultViewController. viewController has a button and an mageView and the other one has an imageView. when I crop on the ViewController, the results are out of the transparent custom view on the ResultViewController. I don't know where I'm doing wrong or missing. I have changed content mode of the image view to aspect fill, aspect fit, scale to fit and center but the results aren't what I want. Any help would be really appreciated.
I read the official document : here
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let resultVC = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "resultVC") as! ResultViewController
var rectangleView: UIView! = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 100,y: 200,width: 100,height: 100))
// this is the transparent custom view as a mask.
#IBAction func okayButton(_ sender: Any) {
resultVC.resultImage = cropImage(imageView.image!, toRect: rectangleView.frame, viewWidth: self.view.frame.size.width, viewHeight: self.view.frame.size.height)
present(resultVC, animated: true)
#IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
func cropImage(_ inputImage: UIImage, toRect cropRect: CGRect, viewWidth: CGFloat, viewHeight: CGFloat) -> UIImage?
let imageViewScale = max(inputImage.size.width / viewWidth,
inputImage.size.height / viewHeight)
// Scale cropRect to handle images larger than shown-on-screen size
let cropZone = CGRect(x:cropRect.origin.x * imageViewScale,
y:cropRect.origin.y * imageViewScale,
width:cropRect.size.width * imageViewScale,
height:cropRect.size.height * imageViewScale)
// Perform cropping in Core Graphics
guard let cutImageRef: CGImage = inputImage.cgImage?.cropping(to:cropZone)
else {
return nil
// Return image to UIImage
let croppedImage: UIImage = UIImage(cgImage: cutImageRef)
return croppedImage
override func viewDidLoad() {
let imageFile = UIImage(named: "c.png")
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
imageView.image = imageFile
rectangleView.backgroundColor = UIColor.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.5)
import UIKit
class ResultViewController: UIViewController {
var resultImage:UIImage!
#IBOutlet weak var resultImageView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
resultImageView.image = resultImage
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
before cropping1
after cropping2

There is an important point here is you have to convert all the frame's rects into the same coordinate system before cropping.
For easy, I'll choose the image as the base coordinate system with the origin is the TOP-LEFT point of the image. Please note that the image I mention here is not the same with the imageView which is used to display the image.
For the crop function, I'll use the one I'm using for my library
public func crop(image: UIImage, toRect rect: CGRect) -> UIImage {
let orientation = image.imageOrientation
let scale = image.scale
var targetRect = CGRect()
switch orientation {
case .down:
targetRect.origin.x = (image.size.width - rect.maxX) * scale
targetRect.origin.y = (image.size.height - rect.maxY) * scale
targetRect.size.width = rect.width * scale
targetRect.size.height = rect.height * scale
case .right:
targetRect.origin.x = rect.minY * scale
targetRect.origin.y = (image.size.width - rect.maxX) * scale
targetRect.size.width = rect.height * scale
targetRect.size.height = rect.width * scale
case .left:
targetRect.origin.x = image.size.height - rect.maxY * scale
targetRect.origin.y = rect.minX * scale
targetRect.size.width = rect.height * scale
targetRect.size.height = rect.width * scale
targetRect = CGRect(x: rect.origin.x * scale,
y: rect.origin.y * scale,
width: rect.width * scale,
height: rect.height * scale)
if let croppedCGImage = image.cgImage?.cropping(to: targetRect) {
return UIImage(cgImage: croppedCGImage, scale: scale, orientation: orientation)
return image
To use the function above correctly with your example, you have to change your implemetation to this. Please read the comments to get the idea.
#IBAction func okayButton(_ sender: Any) {
// Get the rectangeView's frame in the imageView's coordinate system
let rectangleViewRectInImageView = rectangleView.convert(rectangleView.bounds, to: imageView)
let imageWHRatio = imageView.image!.size.width / imageView.image!.size.height
let imageViewWHRatio = imageView.bounds.width / imageView.bounds.height
// We are going to calculate the frame of the displayed image content inside the imageView
var imageRectInImageView: CGRect = .zero
if imageWHRatio > imageViewWHRatio {
// White spaces in the top & bottom
imageRectInImageView = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: (imageView.bounds.height - imageView.bounds.width / imageWHRatio) / 2,
width: imageView.bounds.width,
height: imageView.bounds.width / imageWHRatio
} else {
// White spaces in the left & right
imageRectInImageView = CGRect(
x: (imageView.bounds.width - imageView.bounds.height * imageWHRatio) / 2,
y: 0,
width: imageView.bounds.height * imageWHRatio,
height: imageView.bounds.height
// How big the image are being scaled to fit the imageView's bound.
let imageScale = imageView.image!.size.width / imageRectInImageView.width
// The frame of the rectangeView in the displayed image content view's coordinate system
let toRect = CGRect(
x: (rectangleViewRectInImageView.minX - imageRectInImageView.minX) * imageScale,
y: (rectangleViewRectInImageView.minY - imageRectInImageView.minY) * imageScale,
width: rectangleViewRectInImageView.width * imageScale,
height: rectangleViewRectInImageView.height * imageScale)
// Now you have the frame of the rectangleView in proper coordinate system, so you can my method above safely
resultVC.resultImage = crop(image: imageView.image!, toRect: toRect)
present(resultVC, animated: true)
Please make sure that you have to select scaleAspectFill as the contentMode for the imageView to make it work correctly.


How to set outline as per image shape?

I am stuck with this point. I want an outline as per image and I want output as per this video
I tried this code but it was not working smooth.
extension CGPoint {
Rotates the point from the center `origin` by `byDegrees` degrees along the Z axis.
- Parameters:
- origin: The center of he rotation;
- byDegrees: Amount of degrees to rotate around the Z axis.
- Returns: The rotated point.
func rotated(around origin: CGPoint, byDegrees: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
let dx = x - origin.x
let dy = y - origin.y
let radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
let azimuth = atan2(dy, dx) // in radians
let newAzimuth = azimuth + byDegrees * .pi / 180.0 // to radians
let x = origin.x + radius * cos(newAzimuth)
let y = origin.y + radius * sin(newAzimuth)
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
public extension UIImage {
Returns the flat colorized version of the image, or self when something was wrong
- Parameters:
- color: The colors to user. By defaut, uses the ``UIColor.white`
- Returns: the flat colorized version of the image, or the self if something was wrong
func colorized(with color: UIColor = .white) -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
defer {
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), let cgImage = cgImage else { return self }
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: size.height)
context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
context.clip(to: rect, mask: cgImage)
guard let colored = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return self }
return colored
Returns the stroked version of the fransparent image with the given stroke color and the thickness.
- Parameters:
- color: The colors to user. By defaut, uses the ``UIColor.white`
- thickness: the thickness of the border. Default to `2`
- quality: The number of degrees (out of 360): the smaller the best, but the slower. Defaults to `10`.
- Returns: the stroked version of the image, or self if something was wrong
func stroked(with color: UIColor = .white, thickness: CGFloat = 2, quality: CGFloat = 10) -> UIImage {
guard let cgImage = cgImage else { return self }
// Colorize the stroke image to reflect border color
let strokeImage = colorized(with: color)
guard let strokeCGImage = strokeImage.cgImage else { return self }
/// Rendering quality of the stroke
let step = quality == 0 ? 10 : abs(quality)
let oldRect = CGRect(x: thickness, y: thickness, width: size.width, height: size.height).integral
let newSize = CGSize(width: size.width + 2 * thickness, height: size.height + 2 * thickness)
let translationVector = CGPoint(x: thickness, y: 0)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, scale)
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return self }
defer {
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: newSize.height)
context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
context.interpolationQuality = .high
for angle: CGFloat in stride(from: 0, to: 360, by: step) {
let vector = translationVector.rotated(around: .zero, byDegrees: angle)
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: vector.x, y: vector.y)
context.draw(strokeCGImage, in: oldRect)
let resetTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -vector.x, y: -vector.y)
context.draw(cgImage, in: oldRect)
guard let stroked = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return self }
return stroked
try this one
PLS do NOT add constraints to imageView except for top/left in Storyboard.
// ViewController.swift
// AddBorderANDZoom
// Created by ing.conti on 06/01/22.
import UIKit
import CoreGraphics
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet weak var slider: UISlider!
let maZoom = 20.0
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.slider.value = 1
self.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "apple")?.outline(borderSize: self.maZoom)
#IBAction func didSlide(_ sender: UISlider) {
let value = CGFloat(sender.value * 20)
self.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "apple")?.outline(borderSize: value)
extension UIImage {
func outline(borderSize: CGFloat = 6.0) -> UIImage? {
let color =
let W = self.size.width
let H = self.size.height
let scale = 1 + (borderSize/W)
let outlinedImageRect = CGRect(x: -borderSize/2,
y: -borderSize/2,
width: W * scale,
height: H * scale)
let imageRect = CGRect(x: 0,
y: 0,
width: W,
height: H)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(outlinedImageRect.size, false, scale)
self.draw(in: outlinedImageRect)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
self.draw(in: imageRect)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return newImage

how to get the rect of an image to crop it

I am building a app where you can crop multiple images. I am using this code directly from apple:
func cropImage(_ inputImage: UIImage, toRect cropRect: CGRect, viewWidth: CGFloat, viewHeight: CGFloat) -> UIImage?
let imageViewScale = max(inputImage.size.width / viewWidth,
inputImage.size.height / viewHeight)
// Scale cropRect to handle images larger than shown-on-screen size
let cropZone = CGRect(x:cropRect.origin.x * imageViewScale,
y:cropRect.origin.y * imageViewScale,
width:cropRect.size.width * imageViewScale,
height:cropRect.size.height * imageViewScale)
// Perform cropping in Core Graphics
guard let cutImageRef: CGImage = inputImage.cgImage?.cropping(to:cropZone)
else {
return nil
// Return image to UIImage
let croppedImage: UIImage = UIImage(cgImage: cutImageRef)
return croppedImage
to crop the image I need a cropRect. I found also a solution in the Internet that I implemented in my code:
func realImageRect() -> CGRect {
let imageViewSize = self.frame.size
let imgSize = self.image?.size
guard let imageSize = imgSize else {
let scaleWidth = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
let scaleHeight = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let aspect = fmin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
var imageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageSize.width * aspect, height: imageSize.height * aspect)
// Center image
imageRect.origin.x = (imageViewSize.width - imageRect.size.width) / 2
imageRect.origin.y = (imageViewSize.height - imageRect.size.height) / 2
// Add imageView offset
imageRect.origin.x += self.frame.origin.x
imageRect.origin.y += self.frame.origin.y
return imageRect
As I already said, the app can crop multiple images. The images are stored in a array. I also have a crop view, which you can drag around the image with a pan gesture
for i in 0..<imageContentView.count {
let cropRect = CGRect(x: croppedViewArray[i].frame.origin.x - imageContentView[i].realImageRect().origin.x, y: croppedViewArray[i].frame.origin.y - imageContentView[i].realImageRect().origin.y, width: croppedViewArray[i].frame.width, height: croppedViewArray[i].frame.height)
print("cropRect", cropRect)
let croppedImage = ImageCrophandler.sharedInstance.cropImage(imageContentView[i].image!, toRect: cropRect, viewWidth: imageContentView[i].frame.width, viewHeight: imageContentView[i].frame.height)
print("cheight", croppedImage!.size.height,"cwidth", croppedImage!.size.width)
The problem what I have is, that every cropped image has a different height and widths, but the images should be all the same size.
I figured out that the size gets calculated on which position the crop view is located.

How to get x and y position of UIImage in UIImageView?

I want to get original x and y position of UIImage when we set it in UIImageView with scaleAspectFill.
As we know in scaleAspectFill, some of the portion is clipped. So as per my requirement I want to get x and y value (it may be - value I don't know.).
Here is the original image from gallery
Now I am setting this above image to my app view.
So as above situation, I want to get it's hidden x, y position of image which are clipped.
Can any one tell how to get it?
Use following extension
extension UIImageView {
var imageRect: CGRect {
guard let imageSize = self.image?.size else { return self.frame }
let scale = UIScreen.main.scale
let imageWidth = (imageSize.width / scale).rounded()
let frameWidth = self.frame.width.rounded()
let imageHeight = (imageSize.height / scale).rounded()
let frameHeight = self.frame.height.rounded()
let ratio = max(frameWidth / imageWidth, frameHeight / imageHeight)
let newSize = CGSize(width: imageWidth * ratio, height: imageHeight * ratio)
let newOrigin = CGPoint(x: - (newSize.width / 2), y: - (newSize.height / 2))
return CGRect(origin: newOrigin, size: newSize)
let rect = imageView.imageRect
UI Test
let testView = UIView(frame: rect)
testView.backgroundColor =
Use below extension to find out accurate details of Image in ImageView.
extension UIImageView {
var contentRect: CGRect {
guard let image = image else { return bounds }
guard contentMode == .scaleAspectFit else { return bounds }
guard image.size.width > 0 && image.size.height > 0 else { return bounds }
let scale: CGFloat
if image.size.width > image.size.height {
scale = bounds.width / image.size.width
} else {
scale = bounds.height / image.size.height
let size = CGSize(width: image.size.width * scale, height: image.size.height * scale)
let x = (bounds.width - size.width) / 2.0
let y = (bounds.height - size.height) / 2.0
return CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: size.width, height: size.height)
How to test
let rect = imgTest.contentRect
print("Image rect:", rect)
If you want to show image like it shows in gallery then you can use contraints
"H:|[v0]|" and "V:|[v0]|" and in imageview use .aspectFit
And if you want the image size you can use imageView.image!.size and calculate the amount of image which is getting cut. In aspectFill the width is matched to screenwidth and accordingly the height gets increased. So I guess you can find how how much amount of image is getting cut.
Try this Library ImageCoordinateSpace
I am not sure if it works for you or not, but it has a feature to convert CGPoint from image coordinates to any view coordinates and vice versa.

how to add colored border to uiimage in swift

It is pretty easy to add border to UIImageView, using layers (borderWidth, borderColor etc.). Is there any possibility to add border to image, not to image view? Does somebody know?
I tried to follow the suggestion below und used extension. Thank you for that but I did not get the desired result. Here is my code. What is wrong?
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var imageView: UIImageView!
var sizeW = CGFloat()
var sizeH = CGFloat()
override func viewDidLoad() {
sizeW = view.frame.width
sizeH = view.frame.height
func setImage(){
//add image view
imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: sizeW/2, height: sizeH/2)) =
imageView.tintColor =
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFit
let imgOriginal = UIImage(named: "plum")!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
let borderImage = imgOriginal.imageWithBorder(width: 2, color:
imageView.image = borderImage
extension UIImage {
func imageWithBorder(width: CGFloat, color: UIColor) -> UIImage? {
let square = CGSize(width: min(size.width, size.height) + width * 2, height: min(size.width, size.height) + width * 2)
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: square))
imageView.contentMode = .center
imageView.image = self
imageView.layer.borderWidth = width
imageView.layer.borderColor = color.cgColor
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imageView.bounds.size, false, scale)
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return nil }
imageView.layer.render(in: context)
let result = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return result
The second image with the red border is more or less what I need:
Strongly inspired by #herme5, refactored into more compact Swift 5/iOS12+ code as follows (fixed vertical flip issue as well):
public extension UIImage {
Returns the flat colorized version of the image, or self when something was wrong
- Parameters:
- color: The colors to user. By defaut, uses the ``UIColor.white`
- Returns: the flat colorized version of the image, or the self if something was wrong
func colorized(with color: UIColor = .white) -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
defer {
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), let cgImage = cgImage else { return self }
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: size.height)
context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
context.clip(to: rect, mask: cgImage)
guard let colored = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return self }
return colored
Returns the stroked version of the fransparent image with the given stroke color and the thickness.
- Parameters:
- color: The colors to user. By defaut, uses the ``UIColor.white`
- thickness: the thickness of the border. Default to `2`
- quality: The number of degrees (out of 360): the smaller the best, but the slower. Defaults to `10`.
- Returns: the stroked version of the image, or self if something was wrong
func stroked(with color: UIColor = .white, thickness: CGFloat = 2, quality: CGFloat = 10) -> UIImage {
guard let cgImage = cgImage else { return self }
// Colorize the stroke image to reflect border color
let strokeImage = colorized(with: color)
guard let strokeCGImage = strokeImage.cgImage else { return self }
/// Rendering quality of the stroke
let step = quality == 0 ? 10 : abs(quality)
let oldRect = CGRect(x: thickness, y: thickness, width: size.width, height: size.height).integral
let newSize = CGSize(width: size.width + 2 * thickness, height: size.height + 2 * thickness)
let translationVector = CGPoint(x: thickness, y: 0)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, scale)
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return self }
defer {
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: newSize.height)
context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
context.interpolationQuality = .high
for angle: CGFloat in stride(from: 0, to: 360, by: step) {
let vector = translationVector.rotated(around: .zero, byDegrees: angle)
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: vector.x, y: vector.y)
context.draw(strokeCGImage, in: oldRect)
let resetTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -vector.x, y: -vector.y)
context.draw(cgImage, in: oldRect)
guard let stroked = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else { return self }
return stroked
extension CGPoint {
Rotates the point from the center `origin` by `byDegrees` degrees along the Z axis.
- Parameters:
- origin: The center of he rotation;
- byDegrees: Amount of degrees to rotate around the Z axis.
- Returns: The rotated point.
func rotated(around origin: CGPoint, byDegrees: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
let dx = x - origin.x
let dy = y - origin.y
let radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
let azimuth = atan2(dy, dx) // in radians
let newAzimuth = azimuth + byDegrees * .pi / 180.0 // to radians
let x = origin.x + radius * cos(newAzimuth)
let y = origin.y + radius * sin(newAzimuth)
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
Here is a UIImage extension I wrote in Swift 4. As IOSDealBreaker said this is all about image processing, and some particular cases may occur. You should have a png image with a transparent background, and manage the size if larger than the original.
First get a colorised "shade" version of your image.
Then draw and redraw the shade image all around a given origin point (In our case around (0,0) at a distance that is the border thickness)
Draw your source image at the origin point so that it appears on the foreground.
You may have to enlarge your image if the borders go out of the original rect.
My method uses a lot of util methods and class extensions. Here is some maths to rotate a vector (which is actually a point) around another point: Rotating a CGPoint around another CGPoint
extension CGPoint {
func rotated(around origin: CGPoint, byDegrees: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
let dx = self.x - origin.x
let dy = self.y - origin.y
let radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
let azimuth = atan2(dy, dx) // in radians
let newAzimuth = azimuth + (byDegrees * CGFloat.pi / 180.0) // convert it to radians
let x = origin.x + radius * cos(newAzimuth)
let y = origin.y + radius * sin(newAzimuth)
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
I wrote my custom CIFilter to colorise an image which have a transparent background: Colorize a UIImage in Swift
class ColorFilter: CIFilter {
var inputImage: CIImage?
var inputColor: CIColor?
private let kernel: CIColorKernel = {
let kernelString =
kernel vec4 colorize(__sample pixel, vec4 color) {
pixel.rgb = pixel.a * color.rgb;
pixel.a *= color.a;
return pixel;
return CIColorKernel(source: kernelString)!
override var outputImage: CIImage? {
guard let inputImage = inputImage, let inputColor = inputColor else { return nil }
let inputs = [inputImage, inputColor] as [Any]
return kernel.apply(extent: inputImage.extent, arguments: inputs)
extension UIImage {
func colorized(with color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
guard let cgInput = self.cgImage else {
return self
let colorFilter = ColorFilter()
colorFilter.inputImage = CIImage(cgImage: cgInput)
colorFilter.inputColor = CIColor(color: color)
if let ciOutputImage = colorFilter.outputImage {
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
let cgImg = context.createCGImage(ciOutputImage, from: ciOutputImage.extent)
return UIImage(cgImage: cgImg!, scale: self.scale, orientation: self.imageOrientation).alpha(color.rgba.alpha).withRenderingMode(self.renderingMode)
} else {
return self
At this point you should have everything to make this work:
extension UIImage {
func stroked(with color: UIColor, size: CGFloat) -> UIImage {
let strokeImage = self.colorized(with: color)
let oldRect = CGRect(x: size, y: size, width: self.size.width, height: self.size.height).integral
let newSize = CGSize(width: self.size.width + (2*size), height: self.size.height + (2*size))
let translationVector = CGPoint(x: size, y: 0)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, self.scale)
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
context.interpolationQuality = .high
let step = 10 // reduce the step to increase quality
for angle in stride(from: 0, to: 360, by: step) {
let vector = translationVector.rotated(around: .zero, byDegrees: CGFloat(angle))
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: vector.x, y: vector.y)
context.draw(strokeImage.cgImage!, in: oldRect)
let resetTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -vector.x, y: -vector.y)
context.draw(self.cgImage!, in: oldRect)
let newImage = UIImage(cgImage: context.makeImage()!, scale: self.scale, orientation: self.imageOrientation)
return newImage.withRenderingMode(self.renderingMode)
return self
Borders to the images belongs to image processing area of iOS. It's not easy as borders for a UIView, It's pretty deep but if you're willing to go the distance, here is a library and a hint for the journey
try using GPUImageThresholdEdgeDetectionFilter
or try OpenCV
Use this simple extension for UIImage
extension UIImage {
func outline() -> UIImage? {
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
self.draw(in: rect, blendMode: .normal, alpha: 1.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
context?.setStrokeColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.5, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return newImage
It will give you an image with pink border.

UIImageView get the position of the showing Image

I have a UIImageView which shows an UIImage.
The UIImage may change to other UIImage in different size, and the position and the size of the UIImage inside will change according according to it.
My Problem is that i'm trying add a view that will be at the end of the UIImage (which change all the time) and all I can get is the frame of the UIImageView (which stay full screen all the time).
How can i get the "frame" of current showing UIImage ?
Swift 4.2 & 5.0
func calculateRectOfImageInImageView(imageView: UIImageView) -> CGRect {
let imageViewSize = imageView.frame.size
let imgSize = imageView.image?.size
guard let imageSize = imgSize else {
let scaleWidth = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
let scaleHeight = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let aspect = fmin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
var imageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageSize.width * aspect, height: imageSize.height * aspect)
// Center image
imageRect.origin.x = (imageViewSize.width - imageRect.size.width) / 2
imageRect.origin.y = (imageViewSize.height - imageRect.size.height) / 2
// Add imageView offset
imageRect.origin.x += imageView.frame.origin.x
imageRect.origin.y += imageView.frame.origin.y
return imageRect
Swift 3.0
// MARK: - Create Rect
func calculateRectOfImageInImageView(imageView: UIImageView) -> CGRect {
let imageViewSize = imageView.frame.size
let imgSize = imageView.image?.size
guard let imageSize = imgSize, imgSize != nil else {
let scaleWidth = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
let scaleHeight = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let aspect = fmin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
var imageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageSize.width * aspect, height: imageSize.height * aspect)
// Center image
imageRect.origin.x = (imageViewSize.width - imageRect.size.width) / 2
imageRect.origin.y = (imageViewSize.height - imageRect.size.height) / 2
// Add imageView offset
imageRect.origin.x += imageView.frame.origin.x
imageRect.origin.y += imageView.frame.origin.y
return imageRect
For Swift < 3.0
Here is the above method in Swift. Again, assuming that contentMode is set to .ScaleAspectFit If there is no image on the given imageView CGRectZero will be returned.
func calculateRectOfImageInImageView(imageView: UIImageView) -> CGRect {
let imageViewSize = imageView.frame.size
let imgSize = imageView.image?.size
guard let imageSize = imgSize where imgSize != nil else {
return CGRectZero
let scaleWidth = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
let scaleHeight = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let aspect = fmin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
var imageRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageSize.width * aspect, height: imageSize.height * aspect)
// Center image
imageRect.origin.x = (imageViewSize.width - imageRect.size.width) / 2
imageRect.origin.y = (imageViewSize.height - imageRect.size.height) / 2
// Add imageView offset
imageRect.origin.x += imageView.frame.origin.x
imageRect.origin.y += imageView.frame.origin.y
return imageRect
The following will answer your question, assuming your UIImageView used UIViewContentModeAspectFit:
You have to regard the image sizing of the image inside UIImageView. This depends on how you set the contentMode. According your description, I assume you are using UIViewContentModeAspectFit. The resulting image will also be centered in the UIImageView so you also have to consider this for the calculation.
-(CGRect )calculateClientRectOfImageInUIImageView:(UIImageView *)imgView
CGSize imgViewSize=imgView.frame.size; // Size of UIImageView
CGSize imgSize=imgView.image.size; // Size of the image, currently displayed
// Calculate the aspect, assuming imgView.contentMode==UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit
CGFloat scaleW = imgViewSize.width / imgSize.width;
CGFloat scaleH = imgViewSize.height / imgSize.height;
CGFloat aspect=fmin(scaleW, scaleH);
CGRect imageRect={ {0,0} , { imgSize.width*=aspect, imgSize.height*=aspect } };
// Note: the above is the same as :
// CGRect imageRect=CGRectMake(0,0,imgSize.width*=aspect,imgSize.height*=aspect) I just like this notation better
// Center image
// Add imageView offset
For a better illustration of the differences between the three content modes, see below:
I recommend using built in function AVMakeRectWithAspectRatio.
func AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(_ aspectRatio: CGSize, _ boundingRect: CGRect) -> CGRect
The width and height ratio (aspect ratio) you want to maintain.
The bounding rectangle you want to fit into.
Return Value
Returns a scaled CGRect that maintains the aspect ratio specified by aspectRatio that fits within bounding Rect.
let boundingBox = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(backgroundImage.size, frame)
Based on the wonderfully simple solution from Janusz, here's what I did:
let visibleRect = AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: CGSize(width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height), insideRect: self.frame)
if visibleRect.contains(point) {
// Do something great here...
Swift 3.0
I know its quite late but might help someone in future. Its very simple and inbuilt solution provided by iOS. Just need to:
import AVFoundation
let imageRect = AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: image.size, insideRect: self.imageView.bounds)
