Why is console empty even on printing characters? - dart

Here's a simple dart code which I've been trying out at https://dartpad.dev .
void main(){
var numbers = new List(10);
for(int i=0; i<=10; i++){
numbers[i] = i;
print("hello world");
Why is console empty? It doesn't print 1 or hello world . What is wrong with this code?

Your code has an index out of range error, that is when you are using i<=10, you get this.
Since, in your initialization of the List numbers, you have the length as 10, but due to i<=10, it will store the length of 11. Hence error.
The code will go from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, which is in total 11 in number. INDEX OUT OF RANGE ERROR
Uncaught Error: RangeError (index): Index out of range: index should be less than 10: 10
You just need to make the data as this: i<10, if you don't want the error. Else, use i=1; i<11 => 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
void main(){
var numbers = new List(10);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
numbers[i] = i;
print("hello world");
hello world


DXL script producing syntax error with char c = str[i]

I'm currently trying to run Export to PDF script, however when I try running it in DOORS ver 9.6.1, I get a couple of errors.
Line 8: char c = str[i]; contains a syntax error
Any thoughts on how I can resolve this issue?
string makeCaption(Buffer& str)
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < length(str); ++i)
char c = str[i];
if('\n' != c) && '\\' != c)
tempBuf += c;
return stringOf(tempBuf);
Seems to me like copy/paste problems. When you compare your code with the original you might notice that you moved line 6 with the sole { one line up. If you put it back where it belongs i.e. after the line "for(...)", the code works

How to handle errors without execution halting

I have a small dxl script and I need to return the number of assigned positions from an array of, let's say, size 20 in which only 10 positions are assigned.
I tried to use noError() and lastError() functions, but after lastError() is called, the script is halted and I can't continue the execution.
Here's my code:
int returnArrayLength(string array[]){
int lengthOfArray = 0,i = 0;
for (i=0; i < sizeof array ; i++){
if (!null array[i]){
print lengthOfArray
if (!null lastError()){
print "Exception caught!" // not printed
return lengthOfArray
string labels[6]
labels[0] = "label0"
labels[1] = "label1"
labels[2] = "label2"
labels[3] = "label3"
print returnArrayLength(labels) // not printed
The above code prints the following:
How can I resume the execution after the lastError() function is called ?
This was tougher than I thought it would be!
So, as it turns out, an unassigned element error halts the DXL program entirely. So what do we need to do?
Well, we need to run a snippet of code, in it's own environment, and let it crash if it needs to!
To do so, we need to create an eval_, pass it our array, and then have it return_ (which won't be executed if the eval_ fails)
Take a look:
int returnArrayLength(string array[]){
int lengthOfArray = 0,i = 0;
for (i=0; i < sizeof array ; i++){
string scode = "noError()
string ( &passedAr)[] = (addr_ "( ( addr_ array ) int ) ")
string s = passedAr["i"]
return_ \"Y\""
if ( ( eval_ scode ) == "Y" ){
print lengthOfArray
} else {
print "Exception caught!" "\n"
return lengthOfArray
string labels[6]
labels[0] = "label0"
labels[1] = "label1"
labels[2] = "label2"
labels[3] = "label3"
print returnArrayLength(labels)
What a fantastic little problem.
Resources I used to help solve this:
How to pass an array into an eval_
eval_ , addr_ , and memory leaks
Testing for unassigned variables - This one doesn't quite work because of the nature of arrays, at least as far as I could tell!
In any case, thanks for the challenge!

flutter how to generate random numbers without duplication

Is there any way to generate random numbers without duplication?
For instance I want to generate 50 random numbers from 1 to 100 no duplication, any way to do this or do I have to check every time incoming number is already created or not?
you can use shuffle as following code.
import 'dart:math';
var list = new List<int>.generate(10, (int index) => index); // [0, 1, 4]
You can use Set. Each object can occur only once when using it. Just try this:
Set<int> setOfInts = Set();
while (setOfInts.length < 50) {
setOfInts.add(Random().nextInt(range) + 1);
You can read the documentation here: Set Doc
Here is an alternative that avoids creating an array of all the possible values, and avoids repeatedly looping until no collision occurs. It may be useful when there is a large range to select from.
import 'dart:math';
class RandomList {
static final _random = new Random();
static List<int> uniqueSample({int limit, int n}) {
final List<int> sortedResult = [];
final List<int> result = [];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int rn = _random.nextInt(limit - i); // We select from a smaller list of available numbers each time
// Increment the number so that it picks from the remaining list of available numbers
int j = 0;
for (; j < sortedResult.length && sortedResult[j] <= rn; j++) rn++;
sortedResult.insert(j, rn);
return result;
I haven't tested it exhaustively but it seems to work.

what does Caret sign do in Dart

I am looking at some Flutter projects and I notice this codes:
int get hashCode => todos.hashCode ^ isLoading.hashCode;
What is this ^ sign doing here? This line of code is found in the AppState of Flutter projects. Is this used to compare the before and after State?
It is the bitwise XOR operator
Below is the way to use XOR operator. I think this is not useful to you but it is helpful to some one who searching for XOR operation
Call below method encryptDecrypt("123456") . you will get output as abcdef
String encryptDecrypt(String input) {
int xorKey = "P".codeUnitAt(0);
String output = "";
int length = input.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
output = (output + String.fromCharCode((input[i].codeUnitAt(0) ^ xorKey)));
return output;

c# Format exception was unhandled

I have a method that fills up the elements of an int[,]. The elements that need to be filled are stored in a .txt file like this:
Meaning that I have to fill up the [1,1] and [2,2] element.
For this I use this but it gives the error above
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
x = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
y = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
mezo.mezo[x, y] = 1;
Thanks in advance!
According to MSDN(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-IN/library/b3h1hf19.aspx) a FormatException is thrown when:
s is not in the correct format.
s in your case is SR.ReadLine() which is returning some value that is not recognized as a number format.
At first look it might be because of whitespaces in your file.
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite for the number style in the Parse method.
