how to fix "Error saving the scratchpad changes to the database"? - save

In correcting the envelope in docusign, a notification "Error saving the scratchpad changes to the database" appear.

When "correcting" an envelope--updating an envelope's settings while the envelope is in-flight--it is important to lock the envelope, make the updates, then unlock it.
See EnvelopeLocks:create


How to get breakpoint into NotificationServiceExtension?

Is it possible to get debug point into NotificationServiceExtension when app is into killed mode.
actually what i suppose to achieved is that saved remote notification data into database but in some random cases data not saved into database.
Help will be appreciated.
Yes you can, this worked for me.
Set your breakpoint in the extension
Select Debug / Attach to Process by PID or name
Enter the name of the extension target
Trigger the push notification
Also make, sure you have set "mutable-content" : 1 in your notification payload.

CloudKit Error "User Deleted Zone" (28/2042)

In my app, one of my users is no longer able to access the application iCloud container. The log file contains these errors:
<CKError <redacted>: "User Deleted Zone" (28/2042);
server message = "Zone was purged by user";
uuid = <redacted>; container ID = "iCloud.<redacted>">
Has anyone an idea on what the user may have done to unlink the app from his iCloud storage?
How should I react within my application to this error to get it "back on track"?
This error is triggered when the user deletes your application data from Settings > iCloud > Storage > Manage Storage. You will not be able to test this in the Development environment, you need to debug in Production. See
To get back on track, you just need to save the zone. If you keep server change tokens from fetches, you have to delete that as well, or you’ll keep getting the error when fetching

iOS - How long does NSManagedObject stay allocated without saving

Here is the scenario in my app: I download data from a JSON File which I stock in Coredata WITHOUT saving it. If the users wants to keep the data, he clicks on a button, and I save the context.
My question is: if the user doesn't click on the button and I don't save the data, how long will the Context stay the way it is? Until the user closes the app? Or even goes to background?
I'm looking for the best way to manage it.
Assuming that you do nothing to change it and that the app receives no memory warnings, doesn't crash and doesn't go to the background - indefinitely. If the app goes to the background it may be killed at any time if the OS requires it, so you can rely on nothing.
Really you should save the context as soon as possible. If you need to, save to a different store file on disk, then if the user discards you can delete that file and if they save you can move it to replace the original file (or just update a config which says where the current valid file is located on disk).

What should I do if IAP validation fails?

In iOS, if the user attempts to purchase IAP, and my server validation of the receipt fails, what is the proper behavior? When testing in sandbox, I just get a ton of pop ups asking for my password. If I call finishTransaction, it stops asking for my password, but I believe this can lead to the user getting charged without receiving a product.
I think that error handling when doing in-app purchases is one of the lesser talked about difficulties of doing in-app purchases. There are several questions here. For example: 1) If you are doing validation of the purchase receipt on the device (i.e., the >= iOS7 style decryption style validation), and that validation fails, what should you do? 2) If you are doing validation with a web-based server, and that fails, what should you do? 3) If you are storing receipts to your own web-based server, and that fails, what should you do? I'll put some ideas here from my own app. It would be great to see what others are doing about this kind of error handling.
1) If you are doing validation of the purchase receipt on the device (i.e., >= iOS7 decryption style validation), and that validation fails, what should you do?
Apple recommends that you do a receipt refresh (SKReceiptRefreshRequest) if your initial validation, on the device, fails. But what if the validation after the refresh fails? You could interpret that situation as there being something seriously wrong (e.g., the user has somehow hacked into your app to intentionally give you a bad receipt), tell the user the purchase has failed with a receipt validation failure, and finish the transaction (SKPaymentQueue finishTransaction:) , failing permanently. However, I don’t like to be so final. Perhaps it’s my confidence, but something could have gone wrong with my programming. I like to give the user more chances. So, my solution is to: 1) Tell the user that validation has failed, 2) put the SKPaymentTransaction into a “holding” state, and 3) call finishTransaction. This idea of a holding state is my invention, and nothing suggested by (or supported by) Apple. I have made a mutable subclass of SKPaymentTransaction, and have a queue of those objects (call them SPASMutablePaymentTransaction), which I store (using NSCoding) into NSUserDefaults. Nearly always, this queue is empty, but if I get a validation failure like I’m talking about here, I create a SPASMutablePaymentTransaction object, copy over the SKPaymentTransaction info (including the receipt, e.g., from the bundle), and save that transaction into my holding state queue. I make a (normally hidden) part of my UI visible, which can allow the user to retry holding state transactions.
Complicated? Yes, a little. However, since we’re dealing with the user giving you money, I am trying to be robust. It seems to work well so far in testing. I don’t have any feedback from users on this yet (or analytics), but it is deployed to the app store.
2) If you are doing validation with a web-based server, and that fails, what should you do?
For me, this is a similar case to 1), above. You have tried to do a validation of the receipt and it failed. You could first try to refresh the receipt (see above), and then re-try your server validation. In my app, since I always do on-device receipt validation first, so it doesn’t make sense for me to refresh the receipt again (since I would have done that if the on-device receipt validation failed). So, I again put the receipt into a “holding” state (as above), and allow the user to retry the holding state transactions at their discretion.
3) If you are storing receipts to your own web-based server, and that fails, what should you do?
(a) Presumably this should definitely not be a case where you permanently fail to give the user their purchase. This is a failure of your services. In my case this can happen, for example, if I get a network error in communicating with my server. I do something a little different here. I don’t immediately give the user access to their purchase, and I don’t put the transaction into a “holding” state. Instead, I set up a timer to retry the process of storing the receipt to my server. It retries again in a couple of minutes. I tell the user what I’m doing. I store the receipt data into NSUserDefaults (again using a SPASMutablePaymentTransaction object), so will persist in this retrying even if the app crashes/is terminated. When I do succeed in saving the receipt to my server, I give the user access to the purchase.
(b) In this case, I do call finishTransaction: and I don't yet give the user access to the purchase. I could avoid some these details by not calling finishTransaction:, and just let my transaction observer deal with this process again (e.g., when the app next starts), but the user would probably have to enter their Apple Id again. My figuring is that this is my problem (i.e., I failed to save the receipt info to my server), so I'm trying to handle it under the covers.
Pop Up A UIAlertView. See Code Below...
self.alert("Purchase Failed", Message: "Please Make Sure You are connected to the internet and try agian")
func alert(title:String, Message:String){
let actionSheet:UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "\(title)", message: "\(Message)", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
// for alert add .Alert instead of .Action Sheet
// start copy
let firstAlertAction:UIAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler:
(alertAction:UIAlertAction!) in
// action when pressed
// end copy
self.presentViewController(actionSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

UIDocument openWithCompletionHandler: forces NSMetadataQuery to update

I’m trying to use iCloud and an app is listening to NSMetadataQuery updates subscribing to NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification.
When the app receives notification I read some iCloud UIDocument files using openWithCompletionHandler: but that call causes NSMetadataQuery to notify me of updates again and so app gets in an endless cycle update > read > update > read > …
Should openWithCompletionHandler: behave this way? What can I do to prevent it from such a cycle?
I faced this issue too, and it seems, like the answer to your question
Should openWithCompletionHandler: behave this way?
is "Yes". I can just assume it, but it sounds reasonable, that when you do openWithCompletionHandler: the block is called, when all the data is loaded. However with NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification you can trace downloading progress (e.g. percentage of data loading before your openWithHandler block is called).
My solution so far is:
watch for notification updates of NSMetadataUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent
disableUpdates when I suppose to open the document
enableUpdates for the query inside of block of the document opening
Due to the fact, that my query is watching a single file, I'm not afraid to lose notifications, which may be skipped during one document opening. It might be not the case if there are several documents watched, but I don't know how to solve it better
Should openWithCompletionHandler: behave this way?
It is not correct. NSMetadataQuery notify updates. It causes by:
(NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification) , it means that iCloud update data (uploading file
from sandbox to iCloud or downloading file from iCloud to sandbox)
When you call [_query startQuery], it call NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification just one to notify data in iCloud. After that, when data has update NSMetadataQueryDidUpdateNotification
I think this circle is correct because when you have new data from iCloud, you should update data in your screen.
Hope this information helps you.
