How to reuse the Google home invocation name from my previously deleted project? - google-assistant-sdk

I have used a invocation name in a sample project and then deleted the same. Now I cant use it for my new project. Any help is greatly appreciated to retrieve the invocation name.


How do i change the firestore database in a copied ios project?

I have created an Xcode project and implemented firebase.
I have copied the project and renamed it.
I have created a new firebase project and i have replaced the Firebase config whatever info.plist.
I have reinstalled the pods.
I checked the code looking for a reference to the database.
And after all this work the new application still uses the old database from the previous project.
When i create a new user it is added in the old project.
Somebody has any clue?
I dont wanna share the code
I'm assuming you're trying to access your database directly using the REST API. GCP checks your credentials to know which database you're accessing.
If you're running your app locally there are a couple ways you could be using to connect to the database. If you're using service account key, authentication will be done accessing the 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' variable in your environment. You might need to change that to a new service key of your new project. Watch out as these keys give full access to your database. You can check other access options here:
If you're accessing a local emulator (which I find unlikely), you can find more info here:
If you're having this problem on the deployed app, GCP will use by default the app engine service account to try and access the project's database. You might be constructing your Firestore API referencing the name of another project. This would probably only work if you've done this: google function: accessing firestore database of another project.
1- You have to be sure that you've changed the rules related to the database which is located here:
2- Make sure that once you created the app in firebase you've used the same bundle identifier
3- You can't use two different databases on the same project
4- Don't forget to enable the database and users in the new project

MVC VS Template with Authorization: When is the database file created?

The template comes without database at first. When I launch the application some code must create the db obviously, because I check the appData folder and now it's there.
Can you tell me which part of the code creates it? Thanks. I have long looked at the code and I cannot figure it out.
I think the only answer possible is that entity framework creates the database automatically. But the strange thing is if I remove thee database it does not get recreated, I get an error that says it's missing it.

Where is the code for Spree Master Variant Creation?

I'm using Spree's 3-0 Stable Backend. I know that Master Variant get created after a new product gets created, but I cannot find the file/code where the Master Variant code gets triggered.
The resource controller had pretty generic create code and a redirect to the Product's url. Does anyone know where/how the Master Variant gets created?
Anddd, I found my own answer after posting. Funny how that works out.
For anyone in the future searching this, you have to look inside of the core gem rather than the backend. Variants get created after a Product gets created if the "option_values_hash" exists, which triggers the "build_variants_from_option_values_hash" method.
"Options_values_hash" and "build_variants_from_option_values_hash" can both be found at "spree/core/app/models/spree/product.rb ".

Overwrite a ZF2 library

I want to overwrite a library in zf2 project, like was suggested here in the last message, but I'm using composer to update my vendor.
How can I do that without lost or conflict any change that I've made?
Thanks for help.

Grails using a package to hold domain classes

Grails question: Confused about using a package to hold domain classes.
I'm using Netbeans on Mac to check out Grails.
When I create domain classes without using a package holding it, I can just go to localhost:8080/gTunes and the expected .gsp page is rendered properly.
However when I use a package (com.g2one.gtunes) to hold a domain class (Song), I don't see the .gsp page when I go to localhost:8080/gTunes. Instead I see a Directory view of folders/files such as META-INF, WEB-INF, etc. In order to see the expected .gsp page, I have to type in the specific URL localhost:8080/gTunes/index.gsp
In my research I've seen people talk about adding the following line but I can't figure out where to add it.
<%#page import="*"%>
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
You need to add that import to the top of your GSP pages that use the domain class that you put in a package. Don't forget you'll also need an import in your controllers unless that are in the same package.
Add the specified line as the very first line in the GSP you are trying to render (show).
Figured out why I way I was having this issue. I'm going through Definitive Guide to Grails 2nd Edt on mac with NetBeans. I ran into this problem when I
created 'gtunes' project at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
deleted 'gtunes' project and /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
created another project with same name at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes. I type in some code and run it and I run into the error I posted.
To get around this error,
I create 'gtunes' project located at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
I right click on 'gtunes' project in NetBeans, issue 'Clean' command. Than I see some files are removed from ~/.grails/... in Output window
I right click on Album.groovy (possibly Song.groovy also) and issue 'Generate Views', NOT 'Generate All'
Run the project and it works!
Thanks all for comments and hopefully my mistake will help others avoid same mistake.
