How to forward host traffic to more than one container? - docker

I have a windows machine. I am running ubuntu using the virtual box on top of it. From windows, I am sending certain information to ubuntu over UDP on a specific port. I am running multiple Docker containers in ubuntu. I want to forward this data to all the containers from ubuntu. Could someone please specify a method to achieve this.

I am answering to my question.
I have written a script in python which listens on the specified port and broadcasts it over the docker network. Every container created on that network receives it.

Despite your own answer, you could use nginx to achieve such behavior. Dont need to rewrite what is already implemented but since your script work's i guess you will stick with your solution. Consider this answer mainly for future reader's therefore.


How to expose Docker and/or Kubernetes ports on DigitalOcean

First off I want to say I am in no way inexperienced, I am a professional, and I have been Googling this issue for a week; I've followed tutorials and also largely found threads on this site that tell people they're asking for free labor and the answer is on Google. The answer is not on Google, so please bear with me. I have been working on my "homework," as people like to say here, and I am missing something significant.
My use case: I want to run code-server and JupyterLab as browser-accessible services on a DigitalOcean droplet OR Kubernetes cluster. I would like to do this in a way that allows as much of my budget for hosting as possible to be used for processing software (I write Python machine learning/natural language code). My ideal setup is that I have a subdomain, with SSL (LetsEncrypt is fine), for code-server and another for JupyterLab. Ideally they can access the same storage, but that's a secondary concern for the moment. I'd be okay with not having a domain and just passing traffic through OpenVPN to an IP and ports, but code-server just won't run full featured without SSL.
The actual problem: on nearly every attempt to implement this, I have found that I cannot access ports. On a good attempt, I manage to get one service (often something like Python http.server) where going to my domain or IP/port gets me anything other than "connection refused" instantly. I've checked firewall settings (I don't use DigitalOcean's and I have consistently opened the ports that my native services and/or Docker containers are listening on/being forwarded to). Best I pulled off was using Kubernetes and this tutorial following this tutorial: I got code-server and two example sites running in separate subdomains (pointed using a node balancer, and yes, I have a fully registered domain on DO's name servers).
There was a problem however: I couldn't get LetsEncrypt to issue a certificate on Kubernetes and I didn't know how to get it into the container for code-server.
That gets me to my next problem, which is relevant bc I'm not sure this is entirely a Kubernetes problem: I have not successfully exposed a port in any Linux distro in the past four years. I used to administer multiple sites on a single Linode, from 2012-16 or so, and it was no problem, although probably quite insecure, but I'm talking not even being able to expose ports on IP addresses now. Something in how cloud providers handle things has changed. I know AWS, GCloud etc. isolate their VMs on private networks but that's not what DO, Linode, or Vultr do, and yet I can't so much as expose a port successfully - even if I follow port exposing tutorials for the distro in question. I've literally used Rancher to launch a Docker container on a port, managed by the OS, and verified that port is exposed, and it just doesn't work. With Kubernetes SOMETIMES the load balancer helps here. I also was able to get a full server up in FreeBSD but too much of what I need to run depends on Docker and Node which sadly haven't been ported well to that system.
I want to note that I've also Googled StackOverflow and found other people with similar issues, but their questions were all closed there and they were told to Google; Googling turns up DO tutorials and the closed
StackOverflow threads. I should note I've also tried to do this on Google Cloud and Linode with similar results.
ALSO: I'm aware Docker containers are isolated by default from the OS network and have followed guidelines for deployment to make sure their OS-native ports are forwarded.
tl;dr; I'm having trouble exposing ports, despite following OS procedures, and also I am not sure if my personal development server for just me to use should be a Kubernetes cluster or a single server with Docker deployment, and I don't know how to route ports to subdomains for the two apps I want to expose if I'm not using a Kubernetes load balancer. Please don't close this as somehow "too broad" when it's an incredibly narrow situation, other people have had it, and I've been doing my research for a week.
You can find where to do it here:

Docker general configuration

For my personnal developping environement, I'm trying to learn docker and the best pratices for good configuration. But now I have à lot of question about how docker is working.
I'm on windows then I'm using hyper-v for running MobyLinuxVM, first I would like to know if it's possible to connect my-self to the VM to see what is inside and what is used for. Secondly I would like to know what this VM is used for? Is it for the deamon? Thirdly I would like to know where the daemon is set (wath is running) then what is the job of the service com.docker.service? Finaly is there a way by commande line to show the actual deamon ip and port and an example to show how the docker cli is connecting to?
Thanks, if someone is able to help me, because I'm a little bit lost.

Expose a random port

I'm using docker to deploy a software that uses a random RTP port. How can I EXPOSE a big range of ports? Can I possibly expose all ports of the docker Instance?
I haven't been able to find a way to do this in the Docker documentation.
This is currently (Docker 1.0.1) not possible.
Other people have expressed strong interest in being able to expose and publish port ranges, and the Docker team is okay with that, see here.
Some code has even been proposed (see pull request here).
I guess it will be implemented soon, maybe get in touch with them to know if someone plans to work on that again.

Linking containers in Docker

Docker allows you to link containers by name.
I have two questions on this:
Supposed A (client) is linked to B (service), and B's port is exposed dynamically (i.e. the actual host port is determined by Docker, not given by the user). What happens if B goes down and is being restarted?
Does Docker update the environment variable on A?
Does Docker assign the very same port again to B?
Is A link to B broken?
Besides that, it's quite clear that this works fine if both containers are run on the same host machine. Does linking containers also work across machine boundaries?
Have you looked into the ambassador pattern?
It's ideal for this concept where you may want App server linked to DB server but if you take DB server down then App server needs to be restarted also.
I would say: try ;).
At the moment, docker as no control whatsoever on the process once started as it execve(3) without fork. It is not possible to update the env, that's why the links need to be done before the container runs and can't be edited afterward.
Docker will try to reassign the same port to B, but there is no warranty as an other container could be using it.
What do you mean by 'broken'? If you disabled the networking between unlinked container, it should still be working if you stop/start a container.
No, you can't link container across network yet.

Is it feasible to control Docker from inside a container?

I have experimented with packaging my site-deployment script in a Docker container. The idea is that my services will all be inside containers and then using the special management container to manage the other containers.
The idea is that my host machine should be as dumb as absolutely possible (currently I use CoreOS with the only state being a systemd config starting my management container).
The management container be used as a push target for creating new containers based on the source code I send to it (using SSH, I think, at least that is what I use now). The script also manages persistent data (database files, logs and so on) in a separate container and manages back-ups for it, so that I can tear down and rebuild everything without ever touching any data. To accomplish this I forward the Docker Unix socket using the -v option when starting the management container.
Is this a good or a bad idea? Can I run into problems by doing this? I did not read anywhere that it is discouraged, but I also did not find a lot of examples of others doing this.
This is totally OK, and you're not the only one to do it :-)
Another example of use is to use the management container to hande authentication for the Docker REST API. It would accept connections on an EXPOSE'd TCP port, itself published with -p, and proxy requests to the UNIX socket.
As this question is still of relevance today, I want to answer with a bit more detail:
It is possible to work with this setup, where you pass the docker socket into a running container. This is done by many solutions and works well. BUT you have to think about the problems, that come with this:
If you want to use the socket, you have to be root inside the container. This allows the execution of any command inside the container. So for example if an intruder controlls this container, he controls all other docker containers.
If you expose the socket with a TCP Port as sugested by jpetzzo, you will have the same problem even worse, because now you won't even have to compromise the container but just the network. If you filter the connections (like sugested in his comment) the first problem stays.
You could do this and it will work, but then you have to think about security for a bit.
