I am trying to load the library libroscpp.so
I am using Eclipse 4.16.0 and I want ROS libraries to load from Eclipse when i execute the project.
Below is the error i am getting when i execute my Application from ECLIPSE.
/home/ams_user/work/vijay/MyProj/objs/MyApp: error while loading shared libraries: libroscpp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
However, i am successful in loading from Terminal using ldconfig command.
Any setting in eclipse where i can give the library path.. Kindly suggest..
Tried adding below as below :
select Run --> Run configurations... --> C/C++ Application (double click or click on New). Select the correct binary on the main tab (Search project should work when your binary was already built). Then in the environment tab, added
Value : /opt/ros/melodic/share/ros
Name : ROS_LIB (Name i chosen)
Value : /opt/ros/melodic/lib/ <-- This is where my lib is located.
Solved as below : Right click on the project, --> select the executable file --> select Run --> Run configurations... --> C/C++ Application . Then in the environment tab, add as below :
Value ⇒/opt/ros/melodic/lib/
I want to compile uic to PySide6 but I don't find how to install pyside6-uic tool. Where can I install pyside6-uic? I downloaded PySide6 but command pyside6-uic doesn't work.
There is a reference here in the title:
Step 1. If you installed PySide6
a. In a venv then go to your venv's folder.
b. Globally then go to your python installation folder.
Step 2. Go to Lib then site-packages then PySide6.
Step 3. Copy uic.exe ( or uic if the file extension are hidden) create a folder called bin and paste what you've copied inside it.
To compile ui files from:
QtDesigner: From the top menu select Form -> View Python Code... then click on the save icon (floppy disk) from the newly opened window.
Command Prompt: pyside6-uic.exe mainwindow.ui > ui_mainwindow.py
PowerShell: pyside6-uic.exe mainwindow.ui -o ui_mainwindow.py
If you using virtual environment, when you install pyside6 with pip in the virtual environment there is a folder named Scripts there is the pyside6-uic.exe tool.
if you have install pyside6 globally in your system and you use visual studio code you can use the extension PySide2-vsc then when you installed you can go to preferences > settings and search the PySide2-vsc extension settings then look for the "Command to compile a .ui file into python". Then you can use that feature with right-click on .ui files.
I could solve this issue to add this Path to my %PATH% Variable on windows.
The pyside6-uic tool is supposed to be installed automatically when installing the Python package.
Check if uic is in PATH
When using loadUiType, the Qt documentation (here) states that :
The internal process relies on uic being in the PATH. The pyside6-uic
wrapper uses a shipped uic that is located in the
site-packages/PySide6/uic, so PATH needs to be updated to use that if
there is no uic in the system.
But even then, I got the following error :
Cannot run 'pyside6-uic': "execvp: No such file or directory" -
Exit status QProcess::NormalExit ( 255 )
Check if 'pyside6-uic' is in PATH
For me, pyside6-uic was not located in site-packages/PySide6/uic. When reinstalling the module with pip, I noticed this message :
WARNING: The scripts pyside6-assistant, pyside6-designer, pyside6-genpyi,
pyside6-linguist, pyside6-lrelease, pyside6-lupdate, pyside6-rcc and pyside6-uic are
installed in '/Users/<user>/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning,
use --no-warn-script-location.
So make sure to add the right directory to your $PATH variable.
Once it's done, you will be able to use the pyside6-uic command to generate a Python class from a UI file :
pyside6-uic mainwindow.ui > ui_mainwindow.py
Loading a .ui from code
You can also load a .ui file from your code using either:
loadUiType (doc page) :
This function generates and loads a .ui file at runtime, and it
returns a tuple containing the reference to the Python class, and the
base class.
or QUiLoader (doc page):
enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces
at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in
plugin paths
from PySide6.QtUiTools import QUiLoader
ui_file = QFile("mainwindow.ui")
loader = QUiLoader()
window = loader.load(ui_file)
Generally speaking, use absolute paths to access your UI files. Relative paths are susceptible to errors.
I'm using Aptana Studio 3 on Mac OS X (High Sierra). I have imported my Ruby on Rails project. My Project Natures are set up like this
I want to set up my Rails server so I can run it from the IDE (or debug with it). Oddly, the Run/Debug settings only include PHP ...
So how do I create a run configruation to run my server? When I right click my project, select "Run As" -> "Run Configurations", I see a screen like this. Not sure if this is the right screen to configure things or how to do it ...
You can run your server creating a run configuration or just creating a new Rails Server.
Creating a Run Configuration
In "Run Configurations" options, select Ruby Applications > New_configuration and then click in "Browse...". Type 'rails' to search for the rails file and select it inside "Matching resources". Click "Ok".
Then go to Tab "Arguments", set the working directory as the root folder of your project, and inside "Program Arguments" put the value "server" and click "Apply".
Now you can run or debug your application.
Creating a Rails Server
Go to Windows > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Web Servers and click in "New...".
Then select the option "Rails Server", choose the name of your server and click "Ok". If your project nature was not set to "Rails" the option "Project" would be empty here, and you would need to set the Rails nature first.
If you try to run the server like this you will receive an error telling that the program ".../script/rails" does not exist, so first you need to create a folder named "script" inside your project and paste the file "bin/rails" inside it (as explained here).
Now just click with the Right mouse button in your project and select "Run server".
I am trying to deploy a .NET-MVC-application to Azure via Github, but deployment fails with the following error message. What could be the reason for that? It works locally.
WebCompiler: Begin compiling compilerconfig.json
D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\Themes\Default\Content\theme.less : WebCompiler error 0: The system cannot find the path specified. [D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj]
D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\Themes\Default\Content\theme.less : WebCompiler error 0: [D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj]
WebCompiler: Done compiling compilerconfig.json
Failed exitCode=1, command="D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "D:\home\site\repository\src\BeYourMarket.Web\BeYourMarket.Web.csproj" /nologo /verbosity:m /t:Build /t:pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /p:_PackageTempDir="D:\local\Temp\8d34cc45ff19d01";AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false;Configuration=Release;UseSharedCompilation=false /p:SolutionDir="D:\home\site\repository\src\\"
An error has occurred during web site deployment
Thank you in advance for any tipps and hints!
This is a current open issue with WebCompiler project. The Azure file system is locked down in ways that your local environment are not. Even though the file exists at the path on the server, the deployment script cannot read it.
In scanning the comments on the Issue (https://github.com/madskristensen/WebCompiler/issues/146), there doesn't seem to be a solution at this time except to pre-compile your CSS and include it in your repository.
In the end I dealt with it the following way:
Install package LessMsbuildTasks
Remove the file (in my case theme.less) from webcompile (right click on that file: Web Compiler - Remove file)
Add Dotless as build action for that file (right click on that file: Properties - Build action)
Commit changes and push
The next two steps are optional:
Put compilerconfig.json on .gitignore
Add that file to Web compiler again (right click on that file: Web Compiler - Compile file)
That way I can still use the constant compiling to develop and push it to my repository to initiate CI on Azure.
After importing an existing project into RubyMine, I encountered "Rails server launcher wasn't found in the project" when I Run/Edit Configuration.
I've checked this Cannot start the debugger in Rubymine. Rails server launcher wasn't found in project, but deleting the .idea directory and re-open is not helpful.
I can rails server in the Terminal successfully and the rails server runs. So I guess it's likely a RubyMine related thing.
The easiest way to fix it:
Close project
Remove .idea folder from project folder
Open project
NOTE: this workaround seems to no longer work with 2017.2. See RUBY-20144
I upgraded from RubyMine to IntelliJ Ultimate IDE 2017.1.5 and I encountered the same error "Run Configuration Error: Rails server launcher wasn't found in project". I was using Ruby v2.4.0 with Rails 5.0.2.
It took me an entire day to solve the issue, so I've written a detailed explanation with screenshots to guide others.
It occurred when I tried to Run or Debug my Rails server from within IntelliJ.
Other solutions also didn't fix the error. I tried deleting my .idea/ folder, trying different Ruby or Rails versions (i.e. Ruby v2.3.0 or latest Rails 5.1.2), and even starting a brand new project from scratch. But I could run the Rails server fine using Terminal (outside the IDE) with rails s.
SOLUTION approach:
First I opened Run > Edit Configurations but "Choose SDK from module" didn't have any Project Modules available to select from the drop-down, so I had to create one as follows:
I went to File > Project Structure
Then I clicked Modules, and clicked the icon "+", and selected "Import Module".
Then I navigated to my Rails project's root directory "'/Users/my_username/code/apps/_murmur/skag_server_rails" and clicked Open, which displayed the following.
I then selected "Create module from existing sources" and clicked "Next", and it showed the following, with a blue checkbox shown next to my Rails project root directory that it found, so I clicked "Next" again:
It then showed the following window, and I clicked "Finish".
I'd now finished importing the Rails project I was working on as a Module, and it showed the following, so I clicked "Ok", as I was now ready to try and run my Rails server again:
So I went back to Run > Edit Configurations window and click on "Rails > skag" where I could now use "Choose SDK from module" since there was now my "skag_server_rails" Module available in the drop-down that I just created, and no errors were apparent, as shown below:
I was then able to click Ok to save the Run/Edit Config
I was then able to run the server Run > Run, which displayed:
I was then able to successfully open the Rails app in the browser open http://localhost:3000
But then when I tried to Run > Debug so I could debug using breakpoints, it gave me the following errors:
I solved this by running the following in the Terminal (outside the IDE):
gem install debase --pre
gem install ruby-debug-ide
Then finally I could run Run > Debug and it allowed me to trigger breakpoints as shown below:
Important Note:
The initial approach that I took that DID NOT end up fixing the error involved choosing to use "Use other SDK" within the Run > Edit Configurations window to load my Ruby Gemset into the debug configuration (instead of using a Module).
UPDATE: I encountered the same error again more recently on 2nd September 2017 and followed these steps to overcome it:
Go to Menu > File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules > Click "+" and select "New Module"
Select "Ruby on Rails" from the left hand side list
Choose for "Module SDK" label your "RVM: ruby-2.4.1 []"
Click for "Rails Version" label the "Install Rails Gem..." drop-down
Select a Rails version for it to download and wait (i.e. 5.0.0)
Do not select a Rails version that causes the tooltip "This version is not fully supported" to appear below (i.e. selecting a Rails version >5.1.2 causes this to occur)
Click for "Rails Version" label the version that finished downloading from the drop-down (i.e. 5.0.0)
Enter "Working Directory" label value of "../"
Enter a "Module Name" (i.e. videotube-5.0.0)
Click "Apply" and "Save"
Go to Menu > Run > Edit Configurations
Change any directories that do not point to root folder of app
Go to Menu > Run > Debug
My variant to solve same problem.
Create new run configuration, but use "Ruby" template instead of "Redmine":
Ruby script field set to path to your redmine rails bin path and Script arguments set to "server -b -p 3000 -e development" for ex.
This worked for me
Remove the .idea file
Invalidate the cache and restart the ide
Ok, this RubyMine has some serious issues. My day started out peaceful and then ended as a nightmare, courtesy of RubyMine. All I did was git checkout to a certain version of my repo. Well, when I did that, suddenly the folders in RubyMine disappeared. Yes, that is the first bug. I git checkout 8d4fbd1b5dfce0a3daa16896a603903a And then I open RubyMine and folders are gone! I closed and reopened. Still no folders. I restarted computer and still no folders.
I had to go to Project > File Structure and delete the Module. And then create a new Module. Now the project folders appear. But then I get this obscure error Rails server launcher wasn't found in the project. I have no idea what it means. I go online and they say delete .idea directory in your project. So I do that. And now again I have to delete and recreate the module.
This time it says "overwrite directory" since I have an existing project. I select "Yes" and then I open project and my secrets.yml is gone! Now I had to use secrets.yml I had backed up. And then finally it works.
Seriously, all this just because I wanted to checkout out a specific git commit? Come on.
After further investigation, I understand what is going on. There are three critical Intellij Idea files with regards to the Ruby plugin:
These three files should not be checked into git and should be consistent across the different branches of your project. You might have another *.iml in the project. Delete that and make sure you are using the same .iml throughout the branches.
These two files pertain to your SDK:
This file pertains to general configuration:
I've came across this same problem, and a way I found to solve it was to properly defining the root folder of the project when opening it in the first time with RubyMine.
As far as I can understand, ideally you should open the project by pointing the RubyMine to the project's root folder:
|-- rails-project-name/ <-- point RubyMine here when openning
| |-- app/
| |-- bin/
| |-- config/
| |-- db/
| |-- lib/
| |-- log/
| |-- public/
| |-- test/
| ...
if you follow the solution from Artyom Blagoda on the Windows with ruby installed on the WSL (Ubuntu) you'll get into situation when wsl path (\wsl$\Ubuntu) of ruby script (rails) could not be found by remote (Ubuntu) ruby interpreter. to make it work you need to add path mapping on:
Settings -> Ruby SDK and Gems -> Your remote ruby or RVM -> then click the folder icon above, you'll find a new window where you put:
Local Path: //wsl$/Ubuntu/PATH_TO_YOUR_RAILS_BIN
hope it helps ;)
error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
I am using eclipse c/c++ ide on ubuntu 14.04. Tried everything which I got from google
You are trying to run in Eclipse so the solution provided (The export part) in openCV program compile error "libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" in ubuntu 12.04 May not work.
I suppose you have installed open cv following the instructions provided in open cv documentation. If so, you can get rid of this problem by adding the following environment variables to the eclipse runtime.
Value - $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
Click on Run As -> Run Configurations
On the window on the right hand side you see the Environment tab.
Here click on New, you'll see a New Environment Variable pop up.
Here, for Name enter LD_LIBRARY_PATH, for Value enter $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib. click ok and Apply
Now run again, you shouldn't see the issue.
I had the same problem too. Upgrading to the latest Eclipse version solved it.