Wrong versions of jar when dockerize - Tomcat - docker

I have a Java application that use Apache POI as dependency and also other jars, all managed by maven, and is deployed on a Tomcat server that has an old version of Apache POI and also its dependencies. My problem is, when I test the application locally it use the jars that are inside the application, the new version, when I run in a docker container it use the jars that are on the Tomcat server, the old version. How can I fix the application to run and use its jar internally and not externally when are on a docker container? I already used the shad maven plugin but it's hard because there are many jars that are old on the server, I can't shade everything.

I changed the plugin to generate jar from maven shade to maven assembly:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
In this way the application has everything that needs inside the jar and don't use old classes from the server. And also don't need to shade all the jars.


rpm-maven-plugin how to control the name under which rpm is stored in m2 repository?

Our organization has a convention for naming rpms. Typically, the rpm will have a shorter base name than the Maven project. There is also a convention around how releases are named. So we want a name like
I want to build such rpms using the rpm-maven-plugin rather than older nmake technology.
And this is easily accomplished using the plugin's parameters. The rpm generated in the target directory has the desired name.
However, when mvn install installs this rpm into the maven repository, it insists on storing it the "maven way": ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.rpm
I want the rpm stored in the standard maven repository directory using the name that is initially created on package.
How may I accomplish this?
I tried using the maven-install-plugin (install-file goal) and did not get the results I was after. But this was partly because I wasn't invoking it properly. It wasn't being invoked. If you define an install-file goal, it must be explicitly tied to the install phase. Doing so, ie, adding a <phase>install</phase> to the configuration at least invoked the execution of the install that I wanted but it still did not allow me to name the rpm as desired.
According to Karl Heinz Marbaise, a committer on the Apache Maven Project, what I am trying to do is impossible, and should not be attempted.
However, I need what I need, and have found a compromise that gives me most of that. The only thing I had to sacrifice was the assumption that the repository RPM must live in the same repository directory as the rest of the project. This is a very minor sacrifice. Once I make that, I can store the rpm, named as I want it to be, in a directory of the Maven repository, named with the short name.
Using a groupId of ${project.groupId}.rpms rather than just ${project.groupId} allows all rpms built this way to live outside of the main branch of the repository, which is useful in our situation.
Using a version of ${project.version}-${rpm.release} rather than just ${project.version} allows the release to be incorporated into the name.
And the noarch classifier gets that into the name as well.

How to stop maven-deploy-plugin:deploy-file deploying source?

I have a WAR project that also produces some extra artefacts that I want to deploy to my artifact repo. So I have configured executions under the deploy plugin to deploy each of the extra artefacts
<!-- pom, sources and javadoc already deployed by project. Release repo will fail redeployment -->
But each execution will try and deploy the javadoc and sources for the project, even though I have tried to explicitly switch them off for the execution. NB I want javadoc and sources for the project, but I only want them deployed once (by deploy mojo).
This isn't a big deal until it comes to release time at which point my build breaks because it tries to deploy the javadoc and source for the deploy mojo as well as each of the deploy-file mojo executions to a release repo that doesn't allow redeploy of artifacts.
Is it possible to configure the maven-deploy-plugin to not deploy source & javadoc for the deploy-file mojo?

Custom phases for a multi-module maven project

I am currently working on a multi-module project with the following structure.
-module A
-module B
What I want to do is to execute module B (The main method of the module) after the compiling of module B (Module B depends on module A). But I need to do this with a customized command.
Ex -
mvn runb
I know that the exec maven plugin can be used to run a project using maven. What I don't understand is how to create a custom command (phase) in maven. Is there anyway to achieve this without writing a maven plugin?
I referred various guides such as https://community.jboss.org/wiki/CreatingACustomLifecycleInMaven trying to achieve this. But they need to create components.xml and lifecycle.xml files under src/resources/META-INF. I don't understand how to apply that file structure to my project since it is a multi-module project where each module has seperate src directories.
(I'm using maven 3)
You cannot create a custom lifecycle without writing a Maven plugin.
And without hacking Maven itself, at least as of Maven 3.0.5, it is not possible to add a custom phase to Maven through a plugin. The phases are loaded up by the core of Maven from its configuration before any plugins are processed.
If you really have your heart set on using one command to do what you want, writing a plugin is the only way. With some pluginGroup mappings in your settings.xml, this can be made simpler (you can specify mvn my:plugin rather than mvn com.mygroupid:plugin).
But if you are willing to have a slightly more verbose syntax on the command line, what you want could be achieved through profiles and the exec maven plugin.
Add a profile to module B that uses the exec plugin to run itself.
Something like this:
<!-- This profile uses local webapp security instead of the BlueCoat device, useful for testing -->
<phase>verify</phase> <!-- Anything after package phase -->
<!-- Exec plugin configuration goes here -->
You'll need to configure the exec plugin depending on how you run your JAR, more info here.
What this does is run the exec plugin as part of module B's build, but only if the execb profile is activated.
Now, when you just want to build your project (without any exec), build like normal (e.g. mvn install).
When you want to build and run, use the command line:
mvn install -Pexecb
and it will do the exec as part of the build.

Maven and working with legacy app

In order to work with a legacy app framework I need to split a webapp project into 2. 1 jar needs to have the java class files, the other will have all the web stuff like jsps, css, et. al.. How can I do this with on maven-3 pom?
For this purpose you can use the configuration of the maven-war-plugin. This will create a separate jar file which contains the .class files...
like xyz-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-classes.jar which can be used as a separated dependency (you have to use the supplemental classifier).
If the war artifact should not contain any classes, you can achieve this by adding the packagingExcludes configuration.

How do I skip grails integration tests when running through maven?

I have grails app whose build runs under maven. When running the build, the grails' integration test phase fails, which fails the build. Since I don't have any integration tests, but do have unit tests, I'd like to skip just the grails integration test part of the build, while still running my unit tests. Is there a way to do this?
I've looked at the following links, but they don't help in my case. Ideally, I want to be able to just run mvn package without any additional command-line parameters.
I've thought about breaking things up into multiple executions and using grails:exec (as mentioned in the nabble post) to execute the test phase, but I'm not sure how I'd set "args" in that case.
I'm using maven 2.0.9, grails 1.3.7. I cannot change the version of maven or grails I'm using.
