Automated Number Distribution in Spreadsheets - google-sheets

Beginner here!
Here's a spreadsheet trying to show what I mean.
Suppose I have data for metrics in comparison to my competitors.
The metrics are sorted highest to lowest and I want to turn the names of the other companies into "Company 1, Company 2, etc." along with the order of the metrics. Myself ("Me") remains unchanged.
With every data set the competitors could be different companies, and I could be ranked in a different position. The number of competitors could range from 1-20.
Is there a way to automate the green fields in the spreadsheet so that I can just paste the data and the competitor numbering stays constant no matter where I appear in the list?
Thank you!

Lighter Torches, I've added a sheet named "Erik" to your spreadsheet.
I've placed an array formula into two cells: G5 and J5. They are the same except for the relative cell references. Since it is an array formula, the single formula in G5 "runs" the entire data set generated in G5:H; likewise, the formula in J5 "runs" the entire data set generated in J5:K. Array formulas do not require dragging/copying to other cells.
Here is the G5 formula:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(SPLIT({"Me"&"^"&IFERROR(VLOOKUP("Me",A5:B,2,FALSE),"NA");"Company "&ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A"&COUNTA(FILTER(A5:A,A5:A<>"",A5:A<>"Me"))))&"^"&SORT(FILTER(B5:B,A5:A<>"",A5:A<>"Me"),FILTER(B5:B,A5:A<>"",A5:A<>"Me"),FALSE)},"^"),"Select * Order By Col2 Desc"))
In your sample data, the companies are already ordered by rank, best to worst. But in the real world, it seems that may not always be the case. With that in mind, you'll notice that I moved your top performer to the bottom in the second data set. I've written the formulas to account for this (i.e., they will order the companies in the correct order whether they were originally in the correct order or not).
Also, if "Me" for some reason doesn't appear in a raw-data list at all, it still shows up, unranked, at the top of the generated list. Again, I tried to account for real-world what-ifs in the formula.
Finally, I added a sheet-wide custom Conditional Formatting rule that applies bold to any occurrence of the word "Me," since it seemed you were doing that manually. As such, you can type the sole word "Me" in any cell in the sheet, and it will automatically be formatted bold. You can see this rule by selecting Format > Conditional Formatting from the menu, then clicking on the rule you see in the window that appears.


How to get sum/difference From a different sheet using dates as reference?

Collections Sheet
Expenses Sheet
Hi, I would like to get the daily sum/difference of the expenses from the expenses sheet then output to collections sheet using dates as reference/identifier.
I tried this code =MINUS(C8,INDEX(Expenses!20:31,12,2)) but I want it to auto compute when I drag the box. sorry for bad english. thank you
Desired output:
Desired Output
Output at (Net) Cash On Hand Row / Reference Date Column, the output should be August 1 Collection - August 1 Expenses.
The main issue is with the structure of your expense sheet, since you need to use only every second column. For this you can use various methods, something like
The join function takes the whole row and joins it into one string, the substitute function removes the Total: from it, along with the trailing ; and the split function separates it again to separate values. This will be an array, automatically spread out to 31(-ish) columns width if entered into a cell like C10 on your Collections sheet.
Then you have two options, simply do =C8-C10 in C9, which you can drag with no problem. You can also hide the row 10 by making the text color white, or even integrate it in that sheet.
My recommendation however is not to do any of that, instead enter the formula
=arrayformula(C8:AG8 - split(substitute(join(";",Expenses!A2:DJ2),"Total:;",""),";")
into C9 on the Collections sheet and it's taken care of, without the need to drag it out. You might need to tweak it, not sure if the AG8 and DJ2 are the correct columns to end them on (should be the last column if every column or every 2 columns is a day). The arrayformula makes sure that the subtractions are done automatically for each pair of values, and expanded automatically into the row. Make sure that there are no values or formulas in D9:AG9, so it can fill up the values automatically and you don't get a #REF error.

Google Sheets - Randomize and freeze queried columns

I'm trying to create a dynamic 'worksheet' in Google Sheets to help myself study Chinese.
This is something I'm kind of figuring out as I go, but I'm currently trying to create a template for the basic 'worksheet' that will draw vocabulary from other pages in my document.
Here's a copy of my current version:
Sheet1 is where I'm currently struggling. The idea behind Column A was that I could create 'switches' to keep the page from updating (Freeze) while I'm actually using the worksheet for studying. Once I've finished and checked my work, I could switch back to (Update) so that the Query will re-run and update to include any new words, etc.
Thus, E2 =if(A2="Update",1,0) is the condition I'm trying to check. 1 in this case would be letting the page update. 0 would be the only other value (Freeze), which would ideally stop the sheet from updating.
Another problem I've run into is that I wanted to use the 'Randomize Range' feature from the right-click menu on the output of my Query, but that doesn't seem to work. I wanted to be able to shuffle the terms so that I am not accidentally memorizing the order rather than the actual information I'm trying to learn.
I don't know which is more efficient: Having the Query grab the definition along with the word and add those to a hidden column, or have a column that matches the word to its definition outside of the Query.
If I could add in another layer of complexity, it would be neat if I could have my worksheet randomly choose between column A and column D (maybe E, too) on my Vocabulary Bank pages so that sometimes it would show me the English term and other times it would show me the Chinese one. (Currently, I'm planning to just have one worksheet for English to Chinese and a second for Chinese to English.)
In the end, I'd like for Sheet1 to work like this:
Column A: Switches
Column B: Terms, grabbed from 'Vocabulary Bank - [etc.]'!A3:A [etc.] being all of the different banks. These are randomly reordered and 'frozen' until the Range switch is changed to 'Update'.
Column C: Hidden, containing the translations of the corresponding words. These update according to a switch.
Column D: This is where I enter my guesses at the translations. There is a switch to enable 'grading' where answers that don't match Column C are highlighted.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Sort Google Sheet by order values are entered in a data validation

Is there a way to sort a Google Sheet by the order in which values are entered into a data validation criteria?
I want to sort the sheet based in ascending order Low,Medium,High or descending order High,Medium,Low. Not by alphabetical order High,Low,Medium and Medium,Low,High respectively.
Aaron. The easiest way would be to use a helper column (which you can hide later if you like) wherein you assign numerical values to your Low, Medium and High (presumably 1, 2 and 3 respectively). Then you sort using the numerical column. It's fairly easy to write a one-cell array formula that would assign the numerical values to your labels. The numerical column need not be beside the label column; it can be any column.
Without seeing an actual sample sheet, I can't show you. But hopefully the concept is clear, and you can take it from there.
Added description after sheet was shared:
In the example sheet, Sheet1 Column A contained the Priority in words (Low, Medium, High) and Column B contained "other data." I placed the following array formula into C1:
=ArrayFormula({"Priority Val";IF(A2:A="","",VLOOKUP(A2:A,Data!A:B,2,FALSE))})
The formula is an array formula, hence the ArrayFormula() wrap.
Inside this are curly brackets {} which allow the building of arrays that are not "of a type." In this case, the header is listed first ("Priority Val"). The semicolon means "place the next part underneath." Then a VLOOKUP references every value in Column A (i.e., the priority words) against a simple chart in a second sheet named "Data." In that "Data" sheet, Column A simply lists 1, 2, 3 and Column B lists your exact words: Low, Medium, High. The IF() function just checks to see if a row in Sheet1!A:A is blank. If so, a null is assigned before trying the VLOOKUP; otherwise, every blank row would show an #NA error.
If you want to make it even more air tight, it's good practice to wrap VLOOKUP in IFERROR(), just in case you misspell something in Sheet1!A:A. That would look like this:
=ArrayFormula({"Priority Val";IF(A2:A="","",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A,Data!A:B,2,FALSE)))})
And you can avoid misspelling by applying data validation to Sheet1!A2:A, referencing Data!A:A as the only allowable answers. This is not strictly necessary; but I have done it in the sample sheet to show you.

Query Importrange in Google Sheets Not Importing Correctly

We are using Google Forms to collect data on our students. They use the same Google Form for all students, but as part of the form, they are asked the students name.
The data that ends up being collected you can see on the tab Form Responses 1 on the Google Sheet linked here.
I am attempting to use ImportRange to create a tab for each of the students. The formula that I am using for just one of the students is...
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1nJANDP1fiQunxfxEf-EjwJrnIRICv6kLhYYY9XBXtD4", "Form Responses 1!A:I"),"SELECT * WHERE Col3 = 'Adam N.'")
You can take a look at the tab called Adam N. and you'll see it is kind of working.
One thing that doesn't seem to be working is when there is a text value in columns E-I, that text value doesn't end up showing on the Adam N. tab. Any ideas how I can get both the numbers and the text values to show up?
The other thing that seems to be a problem is the fact that on the Adam N. tab, the very first row has the same headers as the Form Responses 1 tab, but it also has the very first line of data. Any way to remove that?
Importrange is not needed since you are 'importing' from within the same spreadsheet. Also, I'd recommend using the (optional) header argument in query().
It is often noted that users are tempted to mix data types within a column. The query() function will give undesirable output. If a column is intended for numeric values then only numerical values must reside in that column. Date columns must only contain dates and text columns only contain text values.
This does not mean that numbers cannot appear in a text column as long as they are in a text format. So it is important to plan the columns in a table to make sure this rule is maintained regardless if the data table is created manually or via submissions from a Google Form.
Generally, the query() function will assume the greater number of cell types in a column to be that data type. For example, if there are 100 numbers and 20 text values in the same column then a numeric value will be assumed for that column. There is a good chance the text values will just be ignored. One way to avoid this, would be to convert everything to text.
See if this works
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(to_text('Form Responses 1'!A:I),"WHERE Col3 = 'Adam N.'", 1))

Google Spreadsheet: Query String and Numeric (Involving math formula)

Sorry about the imprecise title. Allow me to elaborate. I'm currently in the process of making 'Order' sheets for the small retailer i work for. Some items are easy to count due to low inventory while other items are abundant and difficult to count but easy to gauge whether we ought to order them.
When an employee takes a store count, the on-hand number they put down is contrasted with a minimum. The minimum is our lower threshold. The minimum is subtracted by the input quantity and a formula produces a third column, "Order". If the number in the order column is < 0 then a query function on a separate sheet will copy the entire row. To be clear, there are three columns, "On Hand", "Minimum", "Order", with the "Order" column containing the following mathematical formula:
="Minimum" - "On Hand"
[Cells are specified so that it would look more like "=B2-A2".]
However, I'd also like to include the ability for employees to put a simple 'x' in the count spot, signifying that we need to order the product without having to count every single instance of the item. I'd still like to include the ability for them to enter a number if they so choose. I'd like for them to be able either the number or the 'x' in the same column. I'm currently using the following query function:
=QUERY('String(Fail)'!A:D;"select * where A contains 'x' or C > 0")
[The above is from a sheet I'm experimenting with. I will provide a link below in case you're more hands-on.]
The issue arises when the formula in the "order" column outputs any sort of number. If the formula is functional, no row marked with an 'x' is copied to the new page via the query command. If any row produces a numeric, no 'x' rows are copied over at all. I've experimented a bit but am at a loss as to where to go next.
The sheet I'm currently experimenting with is linked below. If you'd like any additional information I'd be happy to provide it. I'm relatively new to all of this so excuse my stupidity. I do recognize that I could very likely make a script for this but am not well versed in scripting with Google Apps and enjoy the immediate benefits of the query function.
Any help is welcome. Thank you.
Experimental Spreadsheet
All the values in a column need to be of the same type in order to be evaluated by QUERY. The mix of 'x' and numbers is confusing things.
If you use the Format menu to ensure all the values in column A are Plain Text, then your Query will work. (Formatting a numeric value as plain text does not stop it from working in a numeric calculation, so your column C survives.) Here's a screenshot of your query, after doing that formatting:
Based on your specification, your query needs to have the comparison to zero reversed, like this:
=QUERY('String(Fail)'!A:D;"select * where A contains 'x' or C < 0")
