Which JAR files are needed to use XPath 3.1 in Saxon EE? - saxon

If all we're doing ix XPath 3.1 queries against XML & JSON, which of the jar files (if any) do I need along with saxon-ee-10.jar?


Substitutions and Java library lifecycle

I've got a Java project I'm converting to Bazel.
As is typical with Java projects, there are property files with placeholders that need to be resolved/substituted at build time.
Some of the values can be hardcoded in a BUILD or BZL file:
BUILD_PROPERTIES = { "pom.version": "1.0.0", "pom.group.id": "com.mygroup"}
Some of the variables are "stamps" (e.g. BUILD_TIMESTAMP, GIT_REVISION, etc): The source for these variables are volatile-status.txt and stable-status.txt
I must generate a POM for publish, so I use #bazel_common//tools/maven:pom_file in BUILD
(assume that I need ALL the values described above for my pom template):
_local_build_properties = {}
# somehow add workspace status properties?
# add / override
"pom.project.name": "my-submodule",
"pom.project.description": "My submodule description",
"pom.artifact.id": "my-submodule",
# Variable placeholders in the pom template are wrapped with {}
_pom_substitutions = { '{'+k+'}':v for (k,v) in _local_build_properties.items()}
name = "my_submodule_pom",
targets = [
template_file = "//:pom_template.xml",
substitutions = _pom_substitutions,
So, my questions are:
How do I get key-value pairs from volatile/stable -status.txt into the
dictionary I need for pom_file.substitutions?
pom_file depends on java_library so that it can write its dependencies
into the POM. How do I update the jar generated by java_library with the
Once I have the pom and the updated jar containing the pom, how do I publish to a Maven repo?
When I look at existing code, for example rules_docker, it seems that the implementation always bails to a local executable (shell | python | go) to do the real work of substitution, jar manipulation and image publication. Am I trying to do too much in BUILD and BZL files? Should I be thinking, "Ultimately, what do I need to pass to local shell/python/go scripts to get real build work done?
(Answered on bazel-discuss group)
You can't get these values from Starlark. You need a genrule to read the stable/volatile files and do the substitutions using an
external tool like 'sed'.
A file cannot be both an input and output of an action, i.e. you can't update the .jar from which you generate the pom. The action has
to produce a new .jar file.
I don't know -- how would you publish outside of Bazel, is there a tool to do so? Can you write a genrule / Starlark rule to wrap this
Cheers, László

Using Jena to convert an owl file to N-Triples from terminal returns an empty file

I have generated an owl file using this generator http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/
I want to transform the file in N-triples and have done it before using
$ riot -out N-TRIPLE ~/lubm20/*.owl > lubm20.nt
for some reason now I get an empty file (lubm20.nt)
and when I use
$ rdfcat -out N-TRIPLE ~/lubm20/*.owl > lubm20.nt
I get this error
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: <file:///root/lubm20/classes\University0_0.owl> Code: 4/UNWISE_CHARACTER in PATH: The character matches no grammar rules of URIs/IRIs. These characters are permitted in RDF URI References, XML system identifiers, and XML Schema anyURIs.
at org.apache.jena.riot.s5ystem.IRIResolver.exceptions(IRIResolver.java:371)
at org.apache.jena.riot.system.IRIResolver.resolve(IRIResolver.java:328)
at org.apache.jena.riot.system.IRIResolver$IRIResolverSync.resolve(IRIResolver.java:489)
at org.apache.jena.riot.system.IRIResolver.resolveIRI(IRIResolver.java:254)
at org.apache.jena.riot.system.IRIResolver.resolveString(IRIResolver.java:233)
at org.apache.jena.riot.SysRIOT.chooseBaseIRI(SysRIOT.java:109)
at org.apache.jena.riot.adapters.AdapterFileManager.readModelWorker(AdapterFileManager.java:286)
at org.apache.jena.util.FileManager.readModel(FileManager.java:341)
at jena.rdfcat.readInput(rdfcat.java:328)
at jena.rdfcat$ReadAction.run(rdfcat.java:473)
at jena.rdfcat.go(rdfcat.java:231)
at jena.rdfcat.main(rdfcat.java:206)
The generator would generate a well known semantic web benchmark dataset so how can it have
for the question asked
I used this line to generate the *.owl files
java edu.lehigh.swat.bench.uba.Generator -onto http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/onto/univ-bench.owl univ 20
then moved the *.owl files to lubm20 folder
I used rdf2rdf instead of jena
java -jar rdf2rdf-1.0.1-2.3.1.jar /lubmData/lubm100/*.owl lubm100.nt
worked like a charm
enter link description here

How to format/beautify rails erb code

How to format/beautify rails erb code. The view code is a mix of erb and JS.
I tried using the following tool as well, but it didn't help
A good IDE to format/beautify rails is RubyMine.
RubyMine is able to reformat many types of files, like Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.
example for reformat erb file:
You can set the code style in the Preferences / Editor / Code Style
The tool which you already used, i.e., rails-erb-lint, checks only for the validity of you ERB and doesn't help with beautifying the ERB code. I don't know which editor you are using, but you can try either Sublime Text 3 or Github's Atom. Both of these have 3rd party packages to beautify Ruby and ERB code. Moreover, the indentation and trailing whitespace removing ability of these editors are enough to beautify/format the ERB files, though they have menu items/ shortcuts to do this on-demand/selectively too.
If you are using Sublime Text, check out this "Sublime Text 2 & 3 Plugin to BeautifyRuby":
Once installed via Sublime's Package Control System you can use the shortcut ctrl + alt + k (on Windows + Linux) or ctrl + cmd + k (on OS X) to beautify your Ruby and erb-files manually - or configure the plugin to do that automatically before saving any Ruby- and erb-file. Configuration is easy - you find the config-file here (via the Sublime- menu):
Preferences > Package Settings > BeautifyRuby > Settings - Default:
// Specify your ruby interpreter (below). (Note, if you are using a linux distro with Rbenv instead of RVM, then try the following path: "ruby": "~/.rbenv/shims/ruby")
"ruby": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby",
// Use 2 Spaces instead of tabs:
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"tab_size": 2,
// You can change the file patterns handled by this plugin:
"file_patterns": ["\\.html\\.erb", "\\.rb", "\\.rake", "Rakefile", "Gemfile", "Vagrantfile"],
"html_erb_patterns": ["\\.html\\.erb"],
// This package offers a pre-save hook; when activated, your ruby and erb files will
// be reformatted automatically before saving (deactivated by default)
"run_on_save": false,
// The sublime command "beautify_ruby" performs a save after formatting.
// (activated by default)
"save_on_beautify": false
BeautifyRuby depends on the Ruby gem htmlbeautifier, which needs to be installed on your system first. Otherwise the plugin throws an error each time you try to beautify your code. Make sure, the ruby-interpreter-setting in the config file shown above points to the correct ruby which holds the htmlbeautifier-gem...

syntaxhighlighter -- how to add the optional language pack to standard version

The standard version of syntaxhighlighter 3.0.83 ( http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/download/ ) is similar to the plugin for Wordpress which contains an optional language pack ( http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-syntaxhighlighter/ ) -- e.g., Biferno, Clojure, DOS batch file, F#, LISP, Lua (only for SyntaxHighlighter 3.0), MEL Script, Objective-C, PowerCLI, Processing, R, S, S-PLUS, Tcl, Verilog, Vim Script and YAML. I'm looking for a way to add the optional languages to the standard version -- any assistance in that regard would be appreciated.
Download the Wordpress plugin from:  http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-syntaxhighlighter/  As of the date of this answer, the most recent version was wp-syntaxhighlighter.1.7.3.zip
Extract the *.js and *.css files from the subfolders within the folder lang-pack-for-wp-syntaxhighlighter and organize them to your liking. In my case, I chose to place the *.js language files inside the folder syntaxhighlighter/scripts/ in the standard version. There was only one *.css file -- i.e., shBrushProcessing.css and I chose to place that inside the folder syntaxhighlighter/styles/ in the standard version.
In your *.html file, ensure the path to the brush javascript file is correct -- e.g., for lisp use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushLisp.js"></script>
In your *.html file, the brush must correspond to the brush javascript file -- e.g., for lispuse:
  <pre class="brush: lisp">

Creating a Lucene index for an existing Apache Jena TDB to implement text search

I have a large Apache Jena TDB, I want to build a Lucene index using Apache Jena 2.10.2 for use with the new text search feature. I find the documentation hard to follow.
I first tried to use configuration in code, but had trouble with the dependencies. Any combination of lecene-core and solr-solrj would either result in certain 'classNotFound' errors or a 'StandardAnalyzer overrides final method tokenStream' error. Example of Code:
Dataset ds1 = DatasetFactory.createMem() ;
EntityDefinition entDef = new EntityDefinition("uri", "text", RDFS.label) ;
Directory dir = new RAMDirectory();
// Have also tried creating the index in a file
File indexDir = new File("luceneIndexes");
Directory dir = FSDirectory.open(indexDir);
// Fails on this line
Dataset ds = TextDatasetFactory.createLucene(ds1, dir, entDef) ;
I think the only solution may be to create an Text Dataset Assembler, but if anyone has advice on creating this in code I would prefer to do it that way.
The example is exactly the one from Jena, which does work.
It looks like you have a confusion of jar versions. Have you tried using maven to resolve the dependencies? Looking at "mvn dependency:tree" shows you what versions are used.
jena-text is built for Lucene 4.3.1 or Solr 4.3.1.
See the POM from:
