I am looking for a way to change the tooltip background color in slickgrid - tooltip

Is there a way to change the tooltip background and text color in slick grid. Currently, I have a formatter in column that looks like this
return { text: '', toolTip: dataContext.documentComments };
When I hover over the icon the tooltip background is black. How can I change the background color? I have tried every css trick/override known to man with no resolve. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


multiple text colors in jQuery Tooltip

I'm trying to get some words in a jQuery tooltip text, another colour. Is this possible? I would like to give the words 'CONTROL PANEL BUTTON' another colour. I already give the tooltip a custom class. Can I for instance use two classes for different parts of the tooltip text?
Here's my script:
content: "CONTROL PANEL BUTTON<br><br>Click to show or hide the Fluid Control Panel.",
tooltipClass: "ui-tooltip_trans"

Angular material datepicker arrow color

In the material datepicker there is a small arrow for changing the year, I managed to change every component's color in the calendar but not this arrow.
I inspected it in the browser and found a mat-calendar-arrow class but I can only change the background-color of it and not the arrow's color. Is there a possible way to change it to white? I need it for my dark-theme.
Try this out:
.mat-calendar-arrow {
border-top-color: white;

How can I prevent tooltip to appears when I hover another element?

I'm developing a chart that have 2 splines and 2 scatter. I use the default tooltip formatter to exhib a tooltip based in the spline data. But when I hover a scatter despite I hide the default tooltip, before show the scatter one, it appears to have triggered again.
How can I prevent the default tooltip to be triggered?
ps: im using Highcharts 3.0.1
EDITED: I tried "chartObj.tooltip.enabled = false" but it didn't work.
If you don't want to show the tooltip for a particular serie in the chart, see if setting
enableMouseTracking: false
on you desired serie's properties does it.
Hope this help.
I solved using this code:
chartObj.tooltip.options.enabled = false;
Setting to "false" when I hover and to "true" on mouseout.

HighCharts: Keeping Tooltip on Chart Click (Chart, Not Series)

I'm using the following code so that if a person clicks on one of the candlesticks in the chart, the tooltip actually stays on the page:
events: {
click: function(event) {
if (cloneToolTip)
cloneToolTip = event.currentTarget.chart.tooltip.label.element.cloneNode(true);
I'd like to move this from the series to the chart so that they can click anywhere on the page and have the tooltip stay. However, event.currentTarget.chart doesn't exist if they don't click on a candlestick. I looking through the result and can't find the corresponding tooltip. Can someone shed some light on this for me? Much appreciated!!
You can use this instead of event.currentTarget.chart as the context is the chart itself. Hence this.tooltip should give you the tooltip that you are looking for.

Cant change button colors and list-dividers jquery mobile

I am having issues changing the color of the buttons when clicked. It seems its inheriting the default theme when you let go of the buttons click, as it turns blue. I would like it the "g" theme color or the color set of my own, not blue.
I want to set the list-divider color but I can customize the color. I want it green but when I apply the "g" theme for data-dividertheme it uses some other light color part of the theme instead the green part....So I applied it to the and it works....only after you highlight/hover the title, for example "SMALL PLATES...." if you highlight/hover this, it changes to the right color.
I would suggest rolling your own theme as editing the current jQM CSS can be cumbersome and you might overlook something:
