Outlook REST API Flagging Message losing start date - microsoft-graph-api

I'm building an Outlook Add-In and using the Outlook REST API 2.0. When updating a mail message to flag the message for follow-up, the update is accepted and in the Outlook Web client it briefly shows the start and due dates, but within a few seconds the start date goes away. When looking at the message through the API, the start date is completely removed, even though it was successfully added.
The API is PATCH Office.context.mailbox.restUrl + '/v2.0/me/messages/' + messageId ...
EDIT: I confirmed that this same behavior is exhibited in the Graph API as well.
As soon as the API is called, the UI on the message is updated:
Shortly after that (sometimes within a second, sometimes a little longer), the UI changes to:
And once the UI updates, if you query the API for the message and look at the Flag property, the StartDateTime object is completely gone.
Has anyone seen this or know why it might be happening?

Checked it on Graph with the following payload for PATCH-Message call and it seems to be working fine.
I suspect that there is another application/outlook add-in that's removing this flag. Can you check once?


How to start using Delta function in Microsoft graph by skipping initial data

Microsoft recommends to use delta function in combination with Subscriptions/Notifications to synchronize mailbox. So my plan is:
Create subscription
Receive notification about new mail in inbox
Use delta function to get latest changes in the inbox
My mailbox already has several thousands of letters. If I run the query
It will return in response #odata.nextLink with $skiptoken param many times and only after I get all the thousands of emails in my mailbox I will receive response with $deltatoken to track new changes.
Is there a way to get deltatoken after the first request? I don't want to synchronize the old messages. I want to skip all old messages in inbox and have a fresh start.
Today the delta query functionality does not support this scenario. To request new features please post ideas to uservoice
This is supported for some endpoints. You can use $deltaToken=latest to get just a deltaToken without any resource data. It's not, as far as I can tell, available for mailboxes… but who knows, maybe it will be soon.
This is not documented anywhere in the documentation for the specific APIs that do support it, but is instead documented in the Overview for change tracking. Why? Because Microsoft wants you to be sad all the time.

Synchronization of outlook messages attributes (Flag, IsRead) and deletion status

According to this documentation Synchronize messages API users have ability to synchronize messages with pretty simple skipToken mechanics. And it works well for fetching new messages in folders.
But! What I'm also interested is how to sync flags and status like is message read or not.
For example I synced all messages from Inbox folder. After that user goes to his Outlook account and reads message and set some flag for this message.
How can I get this info? Should I resync all messages to get only those changes?
Also how I get notion about message removal? If some user deleted message from inbox, how I get to know which message was deleted without fetching all messages again?
You should use the Microsoft Graph API and move away from using the Outlook Rest API as it has been deemphasized with no more effort being put into the developer experience.
Use Microsoft Graph to synchronize and track changes by using the Delta query feature.
An initial sync call will happen with a Delta query. Make sure you select the properties you care about:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailfolders/AQMkADNkNAAAgEMAAAA/messages/delta?$select=subject,sender,isRead
Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=50
If the response has an #odata.nextlink in the response JSON object, GET that URL to the next page of results.
If the response has an #odata.deltaLink in the response JSON object, cache that URL until the next time you want to check for changes.

IFTTT doesn't trigger on new row for Google Sheets service

I'm creating an Applet that will trigger as follows:
If New row added to, then Send an email from myemail#gmail.com
This is Applet version ID 100348625.
Notice the "to," which sounds to me like a bug. I've verified that everything is done properly and still this applet is never triggered. I'm adding rows to the spreadsheet and nothing happens. The applet says "Never run" so it doesn't even attempt to do it. It's like the adding of the row isn't being detected by IFTTT.
The spreadsheet contains an email address for the destination. The body of the email is long but within the maximum. I'm connected to my Google account for both the Google Sheet and Gmail services. My spreadsheet URL is good. I've tried both the internal URL and the Shared URL. I've also tried with the path and name instead of the URL but the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
I replicated your issue and I have managed to find a workaround, using Mail, instead of Gmail. When using the Gmail as that I got exactly the same result as yours - my applet was never triggered. Then I did it anew with Mail as that, and it started to trigger right away, sending me a bunch of notifications on each edit/row added. But the emails I receive are from "Google Sheets via IFTTT" which is action#ifttt.com instead of my own email.
Then I figured that something is probably wrong with the service and I headed to the services outage page of IFTTT which is located here. As of the time of this answer, one of the issues states:
Gmail actions may fail for some users Incident Report for IFTTT
The issue has been identified and a fix is being worked on.
It will require a large rework in how Gmail is implemented, we
appreciate your patience as we get Gmail up and running for everyone.
(Posted May 15, 2019 - 16:51 PDT)
This sounds to me like a serious issue, that is probably the explanation of all your trouble. It probably fails silently in the background and it the whole applet never registers as triggered.
Until they've fixed it, I suggest using Mail, instead of Gmail.
Here is how my working version looks:
Hope this helps!
In the end, I had to switch to another solution than IFTTT because this bug is not going to be fixed soon enough. Until it is fixed, I have no choice.
So I went with Integromat and I was able to do my integration work easily.

Too many concurrent connections opened Microsoft Graph API

I'm currently running a web application that uses Microsoft Graph's API and we encountered the following message today which severely impacted our application, for a whole day:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorTooManyObjectsOpened",
"message": "Too many concurrent connections opened., The process failed to get the correct properties.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "removed",
"date": "2017-12-13T17:01:14"
please note that the request-id was removed
Let me summarize what our web application does.
Basically, we have 2 email folders that we are actively subscribed to, Junk and Folder A.
If anything hits Folder A, we strip the body of the email message and then move the message to Folder B. The subscription on our Junk folder also strips the body and sends them over to Folder B.
Sometimes the webhook subscription service skips messages that may come at the same time, therefore we have 2 cron jobs in our server that run a script and check Junk/Folder A for any messages every 5 minutes, therefore my assumption is that the cron job runs about 288*2 times per day. Not counting our subscription to the folders, we usually get around 200-300 email messages per day.
Unfortunately Microsoft's Graph error codes page does not provide us with any explanation about this code. I would really appreciate if anyone can explain what this means and how to avoid it from happening.
This is occurring because your application is exceeding the throttling thresholds.
There are several different throttling metrics that can affect Microsoft Graph requests. For a high-level overview, see the Microsoft Graph throttling guidance. Since in this case you're hitting Exchange Online via Graph, you can find more specific information from What throttling values do I need to take into consideration? in the Exchange documentation.
Architecturally, you are making a lot of unnecessary calls into the API. Rather than having both a subscription and a scheduled job, you should use just the webhook subscription and the /delta endpoint.
Each call to the /delta endpoint gives you a token that can be used to fetch any changes to a given resource since the token was originally issued. So regardless of if 1 email came in or 1,000, you only get the new emails.
Once you're using the /delta to find your changes, you then use a webhook only as a "trigger". When you receive the webhook, you can ignore the contents and instead issue a request to /delta. This ensures that you capture every incoming email even if you didn't necessarily receive separate webhook notifications.
There is a bug. After making 500 message move requests, a "cannot copy/move error" occurs. Subsequently, a "429: Too many concurrent connections opened" error occurs. Most applications miss the first error because you continually get the 429 error afterwards.
If you let the application "rest" for 30 minutes, the throttle resets itself and you can continue on. I do not think there is a time limit for hitting the 500 moves. My application did 500 moves after 6.5 hours and then we started getting the error.
And, if you keep trying your move call before the 30 min rest period, it never resets. Also, in the response, the retry-after is null... so, that doesn't help you.
If you find a work around, please let me know. We are trying a few things like setting the category, then manually moving the messages. I am also investigating making a rule the moves them for us or some other job. I cannot find a way to execute a rule from the Graph API.
See this link for more information. Also, the more people who report having this issue, hopefully the sooner it can be resolved. Outlook API Throttling documentation #144

Web part async postback getting Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '
Line: 5
I recently converted a SmartPart + UserControl web part to a 'real' web part. The user control part remained essentially unchanged and contains an UpdatePanel. The aim is to have an interactive calendar control which updates its own data but does not cause a full page refresh. The main reason for converting to a real web part is to make use of personal storage so that users can choose a particular setting and store it.
The problem I now have is that when one of the LinkButtons in my web part are clicked I get the error listed above. I am not doing any Response.Writes and there don't seem to be any HttpHeader entries in IIS.
Can anyone help here? Thanks.
New clue
Just noticed that the postback events work when the page is checked out but not when it has been published. What is the significance of this?
Have you added the sharepoint script manager:
It sounds like a HttpModule is altering the json postback of the update panel
