I made a vlc extension subtitles extension that autoloads the proper subtitle if available in the current folder. However, I can't implement the following:
I can't automatically run the extension on each video load. I can only run the extension manually (ie via function activate()). This may be a built in safety feature. If there isn't a way to automatically run on each video load, is there a way to assign the extension a hotkey?
After loading the subtitles, I can't have it automatically select it. I have to manually set it after its loaded. I am using the following to add subtitles with uriSub set as a file path to the subtitle:
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), 'sub-file', uriSub)
FYI, I am basing my code on existing extensions since I hadn't found documentation to base it off.
Update 1
I was able to resolve issue 2 by vlc.input.add_subtitle(uriSub, true)
Still need help with issue 1
For this issue, I wasn't able to fully resolve it. It might be a security pre-caution by vlc. However, I was able to make it run on each video after the initial activation.
vlc.input.add_subtitle(uriSub, true) resolved it
i'm developing an App where I can upload images/photos from my phone photo gallery (ios device) to firebase.
Since I want to upload the images/photos in original format (e.g. *.HEIC for pictures taken by an iPhone) I need a plugin which allows me to do that.
Following plugin's I've tried so far:
wechat_assets_picker: this one does what I want to have and returns me a temporary path which contains the the picked image in it's original format (e.g.: /anyPath/tmp/IMG_0024.HEIC). But since I don't really like the UI of wechat_assets_picker, I would like to have sth. else. Maybe more native looking
image_picker: returns a path where the picture is converterd to *.jpeg (e.g.: /anyPath/image_picker_randomNumber.jpg). This is not what I want!
images_picker: same as image_picker... converts the image to *.jpg
image_pickers: similar to wechat_assets_picker but it does what I want. But I don't like the UI either
likk_picker: same - not what I'm looking for
file_picker: same - returns *.jpg
I'm getting tired trying all the plugins.
Is there anyone who can support? Maybe any other way how to pick an image from my gallery in it's original format and quality?
Given the fact that other plugins usually compress HEICs when picking, I would suggest you consider the below solutions:
wechat_assets_picker allows you to build your widgets using delegations. By override build delegates, you can customize each part or the whole part of the interface.
wechat_assets_picker depends on the underlying plugin photo_manager which allows you to build your widgets from the bottom on your own.
Is it possible in a Flutter App to "concatenate" sound files without calling Swift/Java code to handle it for me? (Partially because I don't know Swift, and partially because I haven't figured out ffmpeg yet) The microphone provides either mp3 or wav files, and either works fine for me.
I'm attempting to make a Recording app that has more functionality than the ones I've previously found. Specifically, I want it to be able to pause the recording for an indefinite amount of time, and start again WITHOUT creating two files for the user to save -- it should combine them and save it later as a single file.
You can take a look about this
and for splitting
I am currently trying to figure out an issue with an Application Protocol Handler I've created. Following the directions listed on MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa767914%28v=vs.85%29.aspx), I was able to register my application, PDF Annotator, to open via a URL. The issue I am experiencing is when I try to pass a parameter along with the call. The application will open, but the file parameter that gets passed is not opening within the application.
My registry key is verbatim as dictated by MSDN. My HTML code is as follows:
The way I understood the protocol handler is it takes the URL and tries to launch it via the command line. That being said, I am able to open my pdf file in PDFAnnotator with following command in the prompt:
PDFAnnotator.exe C:\path\to\file\file.pdf
I've tried formatting the file path in the HTML differently thinking that would be the issue too. Has anyone else come across this issue or something similar?
Obligatory Update for future generations (http://xkcd.com/979/):
The reason I was doing this is because half of the PDFs my application handled would be editable while the other half were read-only. I was trying to keep the read-only ones in browser with the Acrobat plugin (I'm targeting chrome only) while the protocol would allow me to set the links of the editable ones to open with Annotator. I tried, on whim, to reverse this (setting the default to Annotator and creating a protocol for Acrobat). I did this, first by trying Acrobat's URI Scheme (acrobat://), which didn't work outside of opening Acrobat. Then, I tried creating a protocol for Acrobat. When that fired off, it gave me an error stating the path was wrong for the file name, path name, or volume. So, progress? I'm giving up on this for now as other priorities have come up, but hopefully this helps somebody down the road.
I have been told this is possible to do but cannot get this to work.
Basically I am trying to cache and image using forge.file.cacheURL()
Now I can get the file just fine and display it in the page by creating a new Image object but what I want to do is use this cached image to change the image in the topbar.
When ever I try to do it I get an error saying "file not found" and after reading the docs a little more it seems that trigger may have "src/" coded into the class because if I put just "image/logo.png" the logo.png will show up in the header because its part of the app package.
I guess the question is.. Is my assumption correct?
The native UI elements (topbar/tabbar) load images directly from your apps package, not through a URL in the same ways images are shown in the webview.
What this means is that currently you can only use images included in your app in the topbar/tabbar modules.
in case anyone is interested in this, the ability was added a while ago to the API so you can now use a cached image or filesaveURL feature of forge to change the header image dynamically.
I am using appfile:/. The path is correct; if I put it on screen and copy-paste it in the explorer it links to the image.
Is there anything else I need to do?
UPDATED I have updated the library, now is more easy to use. Can you test it?
I am the author of the StageWebViewBridge class. There is a known problem if you are using Android. Anyway, I have a working solution I will update the next week.
If the problem is not in Android, then send me some code.
I am also confused on how to access locally packaged assets. I put them in the HTML folder as requested and when I send a signal to the StageWebViewBridge to set the .src attribute of a video I'm not sure how to do it.
Without StageWebViewBridge and entirely in a website I can just reference the file for a video object via JavaScript directly e.g. swvRef.src = 'file.mp4';. This works perfectly fine. When I try to tell flash to send a call via StageWebViewBridge it does receive the call to the StageWebView (I have JavaScript reporting it). However when I try to set the .src of a video object I can't figure out the correct path.
The documentation says to put all things in a 'html' folder. I did so. No reference to a .src of 'html/a.mp4' or 'a.mp4' or 'htmlCache/a.mp4' ever makes the new javascript html5 video class work.
Bridge otherwise is working perfectly sending AS->JS and JS->AS. I'm just looking for info on how to reference packaged files. I want to play a video I put in the /html folder and so far, I just can't do it.
Got the same issue and fixed it with "appfile:/"
Why do you require "appfile:/ for a local html file ?
If the treated html/js/css is local and asset is relative (aka ../ or no http://) you should treat them as "appfile:/" ?
If the treated file is distant you do not have to handle assets ?
Is there a best practice to work with "appfile:/" ?
Actually I debug my html/js/css game in the browser but if I use appfile:/ it will no longer works. I will have to handle 2 behaviors.