Highcharts - Adding css to highcharts legend - highcharts

I am attempting to customize my Highcharts legend to html with in line style tag in order to change the color using this.color
I am using
labelFormatter: function () {
return "Total amount of <b style='" + this.color + ">" + this.name + " Percentage"
in attempt to accomplish this. I would like the legend of graph to display "Total amount of LOW Percentage" I am able to accomplish this but I am now trying to add styling to "LOW", "MEDIUM" or "HIGH" which is coming from this.name; I would like to make that color the same color that it is in the graph such as :
LOW = Green,
MEDIUM = Orange
I attempted to accomplish this by using this.color but it did not have any affect on my legend.
Here is a jsfiddle with my code: https://jsfiddle.net/uyr2tb7n/3/

The returned string should look like this:
legend: {
labelFormatter: function() {
return "Total amount of <span style='color:" + this.color + "'>" + this.name + "</span> Percentage"
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/jv3p5z8t/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/legend.labelFormatter


How to add more attributes in tooltip series in Angular NVD3 line chart

I need to add more attributes in tooltip series in Angular NVD3 line chart, if possible, without modifying the NVD3 source code. I know there are similar posts, but none of them covers this scenario.
Here is my tooltip section in options:
interactiveLayer: {
tooltip: {
contentGenerator: function (d) {
// output is key, value, color, which is the default for tooltips
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1)"}
// and I need more attributes to be added
// into data points, such as label, count, location (see data below)
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1), "label" : "some label", "count" : 23, "location" : "Paris"}
And here is my data:
$scope.data =
values: FirstGraphPointsArray,
key: 'Name',
color: 'rgba(255,140,0, 1)'
values: SecondGraphPointsArray
key: 'City',
color: 'rgba(255,140,0, 1)'
Finally, the structure of the arrays in data:
FirstGraphPointsArray -> [{ x: xVariable, y: yVariable, label: labelVariable, count: countVariable, location : locationVariable }, {second element...}, {third element...}];
SecondGraphPointsArray -> [a similar array...]
How to get more attributes (label, count, location) from these arrays into the contentGenerator: function (d). As mentioned above, I only receive the default ones from within function parameter (d)
//{"key":"Name","value":1000,"color":"rgba(255,140,0, 1)"}
I came up with a solution and wanted to share it, in case someone else comes across the same task. I ended up accessing some of the parameters from d through the default route - function(d), while some of the custom ones - directly from $scope.data.
Important: using the d.index, which indicates the place of the data point in the list is critical hear. This makes sure that for any given index the parameters pulled from the function(d) and those of pulled directly, belong to the same data point (see the code below).
interactiveLayer: {
tooltip: {
contentGenerator: function (d) {
var customTooltipcontent = "<h6 style='font-weight:bold'>" + d.value + "</h6>";
customTooltipcontent += "<table class='custom-tooltip-table'>";
customTooltipcontent += "<tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid green;'><td></td><td>Name</td><td>Value</td><td>Count</td></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < d.series.length; i++) {
customTooltipcontent += "<tr><td><div style='width:10px; height:10px; background:" + d.series[i].color + "'></div></td><td>" + d.series[i].key + "</td><td>" + d.series[i].value + "</td><td>" + $scope.data[0].values[d.index].count + "</td><td>" + $scope.data[0].values[d.index].location + "</td></tr>"
customTooltipcontent += "</table>";
return (customTooltipcontent);

Set a different tooltip formatter for each sunburst levels - Highcharts

I created a sunburst chart with highcharts. I set the config object given to Highcharts.chart('type', config) in python. I want to have one different tooltip for each level of the sunburst chart.
I can do a big js function that search the level of the point in my data then give the level to the tooltip formatter to display the specific data, but that is not suitable I think.
Is there any highcharts function to get the point's level or to define the tooltip in series.levels[]?
You could get this based upon the slice's level property. You can do something like:
tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
console.log(this); // see what each slice's properties are
if (this.point.node.level == 4) {
return 'Population of <b>' + this.point.options.name +
'</b> is <b>' + this.point.options.value + '</b>';
} else {
return 'Level <b>' + this.point.node.level + '</b> has no tooltip';
Example jsFiddle
Tank you for your answer wergled. In fact what help me is the console.log(this)! I don't know why but this refers directly to the point in my code. And since I code in python, I have to format a js function into a python string, this is quite difficult.
So I ended with something like:
config['tooltip']['pointFormatter'] = (
"var level = this.node.level;"
f" {myValues}[level] + '<span style=\"text-transform: uppercase;font-weight:bold\">{myPythonVar}:</span> '"
f"+ {myJsFormatter}.call(this) + '<br>'"
It mixes python and js, it hard to read but needed in my case.

How to Add Custom Data to Highchart.js Tooltip

Can you please take a look at This Demo and let me know how I can add some custom data from an array to tooltip in highchart?
var extras = ["Values More Than 1000", "Values More Than 2000", "Values More Than 3000", "Values More Than 4000", "Values More Than 5000"];
As you can see the array length is equal to the column numbers so the extras[0] with go with tooltip for column 1
some thing like
You can customize the tooltip with the formatter option.
tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
var index = this.series.points.indexOf(this.point);
return extras[index] + ': ' + this.y;
style: {
width: 250,
fontSize: '15px'
Here's a jsFiddle:

How to format the tooltip content in nvd3-angularjs

Im using Stacked area chart of nvd3-angularjs
This is my html
<div ng-controller="Eth2GraphController">
noData="No Data For You!"
Now, I have a function that should format the tooltipcontent, but its not working. Maybe it has something to do with the useInteractiveGuideline attribute. I used the same tooltipcontent function to edit the tooltip of my other charts, its working on those charts the only difference is that those chart dont use useInteractiveGuideline.
$scope.toolTipContentFunction = function() {
return function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
return '<h3>' + x + '</h3>' +
'<p>' + key + ' ' + y + '</p>';
I want x to be in the center, and other formatting for the data. How would I do that? Am I using the correct attribute that would format the tooltip?
Change tooltipcontent="toolTipContentFunction()" to:
useInteractiveGuideline must be set to false for the tooltipContent to work. I believe it is because useInteractiveGuideline uses it's own popup.

Highchart - yAxis - 1,000 should be displayed like 1000

I can't find the settings for my problem in the Highchart API.
I've cerated an example on jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/qErT2/
How can I swap 1,000 into 1000 ??
HighChart number format is the same like PHP NUMBER FORMATS
you can use this format any where
for tooltip
tooltip: {
formatter: function ()
return '<b>' + this.series.name + '</b><br/>' + this.x + ' - <b>' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0,'',''); + '</b>';
for yAxis
yAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 0,'','');
AND UPDATED DEMO (tooltip and yAxis labels)
Take look at lang options http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#lang and obviously you can use Highcharts.numberFormat() http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#Highcharts.numberFormat() which can be used in tooltip formater / label formatter to display numbers as you need.
