Navigation Controller segue is presented modally - ios

I tried to build a simple segue. Therefor I embedded a Navigation Controller and set it as the initial View Controller. I then created the segue (kind: show) to a different ViewController.
Even the storyboard looks right and I can run the app without any Errors or Warnings.
But when I open the app in the simulator and press on the button to switch screens the new view pops up like a modal presentation.
None of this is done programmatically. To solve this issue I tried different segue kinds after that I rebuild the Navigation Controller and segue entirely but it changed nothing.

I just created two view controllers, embedded a nav controller and then connected a button in the first view controller to the second. In the simulator, pressing the button showed the second view controller with a nav bar on top. Try deleting the current segue and nav controller, and then embed in the nav controller and create the segue again.
First page
Second page


Navigation Controller doesn't appear on Dashboard ViewController

I am using a Navigation Controller in Xcode8, the navigation bar doesn't appear on the following View Controller on the Dashboard. They will appear on the simulator and on the ViewController topDown tree, but nothing on the view of the dashboard.
Navigation Controller Screenshot
Its'a strange problem, It always happen to me too. You can change your segue type to deprecated Push to see nav bar, after that you can change again.
When you connect your navigation controller to the view controller it happens, because it creates segue type to Show. When you change the segue type to Push segue, you can see the Nav Bar on your View Controller.
Just click the segue, you should see the segue options on the right like the picture.
The problem was the segue before the Navigation Controller. When I delete it, all the Navigation Bar come back. Don't know why, but if the problem happen, you just have to delete this segue and then with Ctrl+Z, the segue come back and the nav bar stay

Navigation bar is empty, created from storyboard

This is my story board:
Whenever I jump to a view controller embedded in navigation controller, the navigation bar is shown but empty, why?
The sequence I created it is:
connect buttons with destination view controllers
embed destination view controllers in navigation view controller
And the segue I use is present modally - cross dissolve.
The First root controllers of a navigation controller won't have any Back button attached to its navigation bar. You should add an additional View Controller next to any root View Controller of Navigation Controller with Push Segue ( or Show Segue for newer IOS ) to navigate between them.
I tested different segue transition methods with test projects, the answer I got is: if you are transitioning by presenting it modally, you don't get the back button, you only get it by push.

The TabBarItem disappear when I push in other view

I have a TabBarApplication with four views in the main TabBarItem. The problem comes when I go to any of these views and click in any button to go to another view and when I go back by a button linked to the main view, the TabBarItem of the app disappear!!
For example, one view of the app is a tableView in which each element of the list is linked to his external view and it has a back button that should return to the tableView. All the segues are by modal, not push because push segue crash the application and by modal it runs correctly but the problem comes when I returned by clicking the back button of the NavigationItem in the header of the view to his main view and the TabBarItem of the app is not there, is empty.
Each tab should have the view controller set to a navigation controller, with the view controller you want set as the root view controller of the navigation controller. Now you can use push segues and the standard back button that will be added for you. This will bypass the issue (and work much better for you and users).
You current issue is likely related to not really ever going back. Instead, just always presenting new modal view controllers which replace any existing content on screen.

Push segue from a view controller controlled by UITabBarController

Let's assume that a first view controller is connected with a UITabBarController and I want to make a push segue to the second view controller from this first view controller.
From my googling, it seems that a modal segue from a view controller connected with a UITabBarController hides the bottom tab bar, while a push segue doesn't.
However, my push segue is also hiding my tab bar in the second view controller. I have overridden prepareForSegue method in the first view controller.
Below are images of my storybard and the simulator. Anyone has an idea why this is the case? Thank you in advance for your helps.
Your trouble is because your tabViewController is embedded in the navigation stack that you initialise with your login screen.
you need to rearrange things so that each of your tab bar controller tabs opens to a new navigation stack.
What I suggest
your loginscreen should navigate to your tab bar controller with a modal/presenting segue, not a push segue. Remove the navController that encloses the loginscreen, you don't need it (well, even if you keep it, don't use a push segue, use a modal segue, and you won't then be referring back to that navController's viewController stack from inside your tab bar).
embed each of the first viewControllers in your tabViewCOntroller inside a separate navController.
Now you can push segue within your tabViewController's tabs.

(iOS) Why does second 'push' segue in navigation controller always crash?

I have a storyboard setup as a Tabbed Application with first view controller containing a
UITableView. The Protoype cell has a "push" segue to detail view which is embedded in a navigation controller. So far so good. The detail view pushes when a cell is selected and there is a navigation bar item to get back to the table view.
Now I run into trouble. The detail view has 2 buttons "Map" and "Ticket". If I create a new UIViewController, embed it in a navigation controller, and ctril-drag a 'push' segue from a button to the new view controller as before, the app crashes instantly with a SIGABRT when I click the button. If I don't embed in nav controller and use a 'modal' segue instead it doesn't crash but it seems a natural flow to continue with the 'horizontal slide' animation and the nav bar button back to the detail view.
Once I can stop that crashing I would like to connect the other button to it's own view controller with a UIMapView.
What am I doing wrong?
You don't need to embed a navigation controller in the detail view. You only need one at the top level. Take out the navigation controller in the detail view controller and just do a push from there to the next view.
