add extra include directories config on podspec file - ios

In plugin ios, I import library as below
Currently I have some .h file like tflite-dist/include/tensorflow/lite/c/model.h.
In ImageSegmentator.cpp. I want to import like below
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/model.h"
But when I compile it throws errors fatal error: 'tensorflow/lite/c/model.h' file not found .
I try to set up folder tflite-dist/include/tensorflow/lite/ as same Classes folder
s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*', 'cpp/include/**', 'tflite-dist/include/**'
s.resources = ['cpp/include/**', 'tflite-dist/include/**']
It did not work. In CMakeLists.txt I see they can config like
# add extra include directories
But I dont know how we can config like this on podspec file.


CocoaPods project depend on a local static C library

I have locally built C library (.h and .a files) that I want to include in a Swift-based CocoaPods pod. How do I configure the podspec to depend on the .a files and the With a normal non-CocoaPods Xcode project, I simply drag in the directory that contains include and lib and then add a With CocoaPods I can't do this because pod install will overwrite the Xcode project file. s.library won't work because the the static library isn't hosted anywhere. I tried s.vendored_libraries but still remains unknown to Xcode, the end result being that import foo from my Swift files is an error.
Edit: I tried using preserve_paths, vendored_libraries and xcconfig as answered here. The issue is still how to import the module from Swift.
Edit 2: I also tried using module_map to point to my file as documented here, but sadly CocoaPods 1.1.1 crashes ([!] Oh no, an error occurred.).
I got it working. In my case I'm depending the libtiff C library which is prebuilt for iOS (x86 and arm) using
I used a subspec as outline here. Here's the podspec subspec snippet, assuming the static library lives at libtiff off the root of the pod module.
s.subspec 'libtiff' do |libtiff|
libtiff.source_files = 'libtiff/include/*.h'
libtiff.public_header_files = 'libtiff/include/*.h'
libtiff.preserve_paths = 'libtiff/include/*.h'
libtiff.vendored_libraries = 'libtiff/lib/libjpeg.a', 'libtiff/lib/libpng.a', 'libtiff/lib/libtiff.a', 'libtiff/lib/libtiffxx.a'
libtiff.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => "${PODS_ROOT}/#{}/libtiff/include/**" }
# you can't specify "libz" here, must specify "z", see
libtiff.library = 'z'

How to link JRE.framework in swift framework

I create a swift framework with objectiveC code which are translated by j2objc.
I have add java files to compile source, and use the following setting:
HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "${J2OBJC_HOME}/frameworks/JRE.framework/Headers" "${GENERATED_FILES_DIR}" "${J2OBJC_HOME}/include" $(inherited);
OTHER_LDFLAGS = -ljre_emul
and I got error:
include "J2ObjC_header.h" >> Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'XXXXX'
Then i do the following:
The error still exist.
I link 'JRE.framework' and set the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
The error still exist.
How to fix it?
You also want to set DEFINES_MODULE = NO;
Besides that, you don't need the "${J2OBJC_HOME}/include" in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS and you can also remove LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ${J2OBJC_HOME}/lib; OTHER_LDFLAGS = -ljre_emul; since you are using the JRE framework now.
If you are translating the .java sources without the --no-package-directories flag and you want to preserve the directory structure, then you also want to do following:
Add the generated files as a folder references in Xcode
Remove them from Copy Bundle Resources phase
Drop the folders in Public section of the Headers phase
Add new Run Scrip phase to remove the .m files from Headers directory:
find "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH" -name "*.m" -exec rm -f {} \;
Now you can reference them in your umbrella header using #include <your-framework-name/path/to/header/Header.h>

Cannot add files to the bundle Cmake

I want to add two files inside MyPlugin.plugin directory.
I follow the instructions provided here but files are not added in the directory.
I have also tried to add them in "Contents" directory and failed.
What I managed to do is add them inside "Resources/English.lproj" directory.
The structure is the following:
The code that I add inside projectDef.cmake in order to add files inside MyPlugin.plugin is:
I should mention that I use the same code to add files inside Resources/English.lproj, only changing line:
MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION "Resources/English.lproj"
Most likely you need a package location of "" or perhaps "/"; this should be the location inside the bundle, not the name of the bundle itself.

Cocoapods importing a framework to source code

In my cocoapod for iOS, I have a essentially items:
Open-source classes (.m & .h files)
MyFramework.framework (.framework directory, header files, and .bundle for resources)
One of the open-source classes calls import <MyFramework.MyFramework.h> so it can use the components of MyFramework in its implementation. But because of this, I'm having trouble getting the podspec to pass the spec lint test (pod spec lint MyCocoapod.podspec). When I run the spec lint validation, it says:
ERROR | [iOS] [xcodebuild] .../MyFile.h:54:9: fatal error: 'MyFramework/MyFramework.h' file not found
While investigating, I noticed that the podspec does pass the spec lint validation if I remove that open-source class in the podspec's source_files section, s.source_files = 'MyFiles.{h,m}'. Any idea why my class can't import my custom framework during the spec lint validation?
The relevant code in the podspec looks like this:
s.preserve_paths = 'myframework/MyFramework.framework'
s.frameworks = 'Foundation', 'MyFramework'
s.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(SRCROOT)/myframework/' }
s.public_header_files = 'MyFramework.framework/Headers/*.h', 'SourceCode/*.h'
s.source_files = 'SourceCode/*.{h,m}' # Crashes here - Source_file imports MyFramework.h. If I take this out, it passes spec lint validation
EDIT This process is now entirely handled by the vendored_frameworks option. This handles preserving the paths, the framework search paths, and linking to the project.
To include a framework you can use:
s.vendored_frameworks = 'path/to/SomeFramework.framework'
To include bundle files do:
s.resources ='path/to/SomeBundle.bundle'

How to Integrate Qt4 qm files into binary using cmake and QRC?

I have a Qt4 CMake project and I'd like to integrate the QM files for i18n into the output binary. These are the rules I have so far for generating the TS and QM files:
I tried the following to add the QM files to the executable:
add_executable(myapp ${myapp_SRCS} ${myapp_MOC_SRCS} ${myapp_RCC_SRCS} ${QM})
This is the initialization from main.cpp:
QTranslator qtTranslator;
qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath));
QTranslator appTranslator;
appTranslator.load("myapp_" + QLocale::system().name());
However, strings mypp shows that the translations are not going into the binary.
Update: I added each qm file to a i18n/translations.qrc:
<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
<qresource prefix="/resources">
<file> ... .qm</file>
and using
QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(myapp_QM_RCC_SRCS i18n/translations.qrc)
and adding myapp_QM_RCC_SRCS to the executable dependencies.
But this fails during build time thanks to the fact that CMake does a shadow build (building outside the source dir) but parses the QRC files for dependencies expecting the referenced files relative to the QRC file (nice feature but there's no make rule how to build the QM file at that location). The QM files are in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} (where they belong using shadow building) but expects it in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} (where non-generated files should be - so both locations would be correct, depending on situation).
I had the exact same problem. I came up with the following solution:
Create a QRC file that contains only the expected QM files, and give it a different prefix so it won't conflict with your other resources:
<qresource prefix="/translators">
Add a CMake rule to copy the QRC file to the output directory and then another rule to run the resource compiler:
# Change 'myapp_en' to be the base file name of the qrc file.
SET( trans_file myapp_en )
SET( trans_srcfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${trans_file}.qrc)
SET( trans_infile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${trans_file}.qrc)
SET( trans_outfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qrc_${trans_file}.cxx)
# Copy the QRC file to the output directory, because the files listed in the
# qrc file are relative to that directory.
OUTPUT ${trans_infile}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${trans_srcfile} ${trans_infile}
MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${trans_srcfile}
# Run the resource compiler (rcc_options should already be set). We can't
# use QT4_ADD_RESOURCES because the qrc file may not exist yet.
OUTPUT ${trans_outfile}
ARGS ${rcc_options} -name ${trans_file} -o ${trans_outfile} ${trans_infile}
MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${trans_infile}
DEPENDS ${qm_files}
# Add compiled resources to executable dependency list
ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${APP_NAME} ... ${trans_outfile} )
Use ${Qt5Core_RCC_EXECUTABLE} instead of ${QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE} if you use Qt 5.
I have found a very simple way to do it in CMake 3.0 (and, maybe, earlier) without ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and other complications.
First, you should create a QRC file with all .qm files listed ( thanks, the_fly_123 ):
<qresource prefix="/translators">
Then you can copy this QRC file into the output directory using configure_file and use standard Qt routines to build and add it:
# Change lang.qrc to the name of QRC file, created on the previous step
set(lang_qrc "lang.qrc")
configure_file(${lang_qrc} ${lang_qrc} COPYONLY)
qt5_add_translation(myapp_QM ${myapp_TRANSLATIONS})
qt5_add_resources(myapp_QM_RC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${lang_qrc})
Then include ${myapp_QM_RC} in add_executable along with other sources.
Note: For Qt4 replace all qt5_ prefixes with qt4_
My solution is to generate ts.qrc XML file with compiled translations from scratch and then complie it with app.
Here is example:
file(GLOB QRC_FILES *.qrc)
file(GLOB TS_FILES ts/*.ts)
# Option for updating translations
option(UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS "Update source translation ts/*.ts files (WARNING: make clean will delete the source *.ts files. Danger!)" OFF)
qt4_create_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
# Compiling translations *.ts -> *.qm
qt4_add_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
# Create translations QRC file - ts.qrc
file(WRITE ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "<RCC>\n\t<qresource prefix=\"/ts\">")
foreach(QM_FILE ${QM_FILES})
get_filename_component(QM_FILE_NAME ${QM_FILE} NAME)
file(APPEND ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "\n\t\t<file alias=\"${QM_FILE_NAME}\">${QM_FILE_NAME}</file>")
file(APPEND ${TRANSLATIONS_QRC} "\n\t</qresource>\n</RCC>")
# Compiling *.qrc files
qt4_add_resources(QRC_SRCS ${QRC_FILES})
# Add compiled resources to executable dependency list
add_executable(${APP_NAME} ... ${QRC_SRCS})
File tree:
/ - source code root
/rc.qrc - contains app icons etc.
/ts/appname_*.ts - application translations
/build - build root
/build/appname_*.qm - compiled translations
/build/ts.qrc - translations rescources
/build/Release/qrc_rc.cxx - compiled icon etc. resources
/build/Release/qrc_ts.cxx - compiled translation resources
Files in ts dir initially generated by lupdate tool.
You need to use Qt resources system to include your translation directly into your application binary. Use QT4_ADD_RESOURCES macro to do this. There is some example how to use it:
