i used to upload my ZIP (with HTML5/CSS web app) in phonegap since 4, 5 years and create cool mobile apps. But since some months it's look like Adobe dismiss the project, no more answer on forum etc.
Is there a good solution, when you don't know everything about shift/cocoa/java and server things, to simply upload your webapp (basically a website in a zip) and get IPA/APK ?
I heard about monaco or voltbuilder. Thanks
Not really. Although I can confirm https://build.phonegap.com works for me. If you have an error related to a malformed xml, you can try to delete the project on the website and re-uplading the zip file onto a new project. That's a bug I have experienced in the past.
Otherwise, you can install Cordova and Phonegap on your pc to build it using npm on the terminal (Linux/MacOs).
$ sudo npm install -g cordova
or for windows (CMD):
C:\> npm install -g cordova
then navigate with the command line using cd to go to a folder
eg. cd myfolder.
You can see the files in your current directory with ls (Linux/MacOs) or lsdir (windows)
Once you are in your project's folder and that you can see with lsdir or ls your config.xml file of your project, then you can run those commands to add the platform you want to build:
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
Finally to build the app, you need to:
cordova build
Note: To build an Ipa, you will need to use a device running MacOs since it requires XCode. I highly recommand you to get familiar with Cmd or the terminal if you are building an app.
I hope I have answered your question well
I am trying to simulate a project with ionic using the command ionic emulate ios. I have installed xcode last version on mac Sierra. But no work. this is the error:
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to iPhone-SE, 10.2 simulator
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=163):
Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=163):
Unable to lookup in current state: Shutdown
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/var/root/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/4A052961-F773-4156-9D6C-76F137CC761B/system.log'
I found this solution(https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/66665) but no work for me.
Open a Project within Xcode
Cordova for iOS projects can be opened in Xcode. This can be useful if you wish to use Xcode built in debugging/profiling tools or if you are developing iOS plugins. Please note that when opening your project in Xcode, it is recommended that you do NOT edit your code in the IDE. This will edit the code in the platforms folder of your project (not www), and changes are liable to be overwritten. Instead, edit the www folder and copy over your changes by running cordova build.
Plugin developers wishing to edit their native code in the IDE should use the --link flag when adding their plugin to the project via cordova plugin add. This will link the files so that changes to the plugin files in the platforms folder are reflected in your plugin's source folder (and vice versa).
Once the ios platform is added to your project and built using cordova build, you can open it from within Xcode. Double-click to open the ${PROJECT_NAME}/platforms/ios/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj file. The screen should look like this:
Then follow the instructions to deploy to a simulator:
You will be able to see errors more clearly.
In my case it was the problem of an unmatched resource file. I simply deleted it.
After this, I tried:
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config
in terminal and was able to run the app in a simulator
I am trying to create an ionic app on Mac.
I followed the instructions on ionic's website to create a basic app and was able to run it in the browser but when I run "ionic build ios" I get following error. I cannot find a log file or any other error to debug this. How do I go about fixing this?
Check your Gulp version and gulpfile.js. You may need to remove the calls to gulp.src
Gulp TypeError: Arguments to path.join must be strings
ok, after lot of looking and searching I figured my npm install was messed up.
Part of my installs were in /usr/local and few of them were in /User/user.name/npm folders. /Users/user.name/npm was set in the npm config prefix.
I had two installs of cordova, one on each folder above. Some how the cordova from /usr/local was getting used to create the project and that was the old version.
To fix the problem, I uninstalled all my global npm installs and pointed my npm config prefix to /usr/local and gave myself execute permission on that folder. Everything is working now.
Here is the video that explains how to do it: https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions
I'm working on a Cordova based mobile application, and wanted to make use of the Cordova CLI's ability to deploy and run my mobile app right from the command line, without having to go into XCode to do the build
When doing:
cordova run ios --device
Cordova graciously tells you that you should install the ios-deploy node module. I did so following the steps on their GIT site.
When I next tried to do a run, I started to get codesign errors, specifically:
/Users/blahblah/platforms/ios/build/device/myApp.app: Permission denied
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
I couldn't get the code signing to work from Terminal, and worse, going back into XCode resulted in the same error!
Fortunately the error messages says it all: permission denied; I was able to correct this by popping back into Terminal and running a chmod on my entire app folder, i.e.:
chmod -R a+rwx myApp
I could then go back into XCode and get the project building and deploying again (whew!), however if I tried to do the deploy via the Cordova CLI, then same issue would occur.
It seems like the ios-deploy and / or cordova is messing around with the folder permissions, but I'm not sure how to correct this.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
To be clear, I am able to successfully sign the app within XCode if I first go into Terminal, and then into the platforms/ios folder and perform a chmod -R a+rwx on the "www" folder.
The problem I'm having is trying to get this to build / sign successfully from the command line.
I've done some further diagnosis, and it seems that the problem is with the Cordova CLI itself, and not with ios-deploy; when I execute:
cordova prepapre
It copies my "www" folder over to the "platforms/ios/www", however it changes the permissions when doing so from everyone having write access (i.e.: drwxrwxrwx) to only my user having write access i.e.: (drwxr-xr-x)
It seems that this is fouling up the codesign application, and is causing my permission denied errors above.
I'm just hoping someone knows how I can work around this, or what I might be doing wrong with my build - I'd prefer not to have to go into XCode to do these builds.
So it turns out that the Cordova CLI is working just fine, as is the ios-deploy npm package.
The problem turns out to be within the solution itself, and has nothing to do with the tools.
I am using the Ionic framework within this particular Cordova application, and their framework installs some "after_prepare" hooks (within the hooks folder) which attempt to help prepare / clean up some extraneous files prior to the build.
One of these hooks (named "020_remove_sass_from_platform.js") was trying to help out by cleaning up unneeded SASS files prior to the build in order to reduce the size of the compiled app.
Unfortunately this hook was adjusting the folder permissions (I guess in order to ensure the delete could succeed), and this was the cause of the "www" folder's permissions changing during a "cordova prepare".
I deleted the hooks, and now the Cordova CLI builds and signs the APK as expected, and the ios-deploy package pushes it to the device, all without using XCode.
Hope this can be of some help to someone else.
Check the CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY property in your build settings. Is your provisioning profile selected there?
You also need to enter a valid bundle identifier in your apps .plist.
The identifier has to match the one you provided when generating the profile.
Try this
sudo npm install -g ios-deploy --unsafe-perm
I know this is very basic question , but i want to start with phone gap ,and i have no ideas about it. so i started with phone gap official site .
but i am so confuse there is not straight forward way to start. and i also did googling and find some nice tutorial but all is so old .
I am confuse with Cordova . before it we have to only install phone gap Dmg and it show in our Xcode but now it it very confusing
there are some command on site to install like
$ sudo npm install -g phonegap
$ phonegap create my-app
$ cd my-app
$ phonegap run android
but cant move forward here
Please suggest some tutorial with latest SDK.
Your question is somewhat broad, but I'll try to help. Working with PhoneGap involves a few steps. You want to begin by installing a mobile SDK. This is used by PhoneGap to create applications and which you pick is up to you. Android is the most cross platform, but on Mac, iOS is a bit easier. The platform guides (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.5.0/guide_platforms_index.md.html#Platform%20Guides) walk you through the entire process. You should get that setup first.
Then, installing PhoneGap is as you said - one npm install. npm is a Node.js tool, but you don't have to know Node at all. Just install it so you have the npm tool, then literally just type in what they said.
At that point, you can use the PG CLI to create projects. The general process is:
make a new project - phonegap create foo
add platform support (based on what you install - phonegap local platform add android
add plugins that you may need
then send to an emulator - phonegap run android --emulator
If this doesn't make sense, then I'd recommend narrowing down your question a bit.
I'm new in Sencha . but after installation.. it's really becoming a headache..
I dont' know how to resolve this issue..
I downloaded -
sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial - (its SDK i think)
SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows (These are Tools for SDK)
Xampp (for Web services)
I installed xampp.
extracted sencha touch into htdocs folder under xampp.
installed senchSDKTools
And started applying commands from CMD
i typed sencha and pressed enter...
but i get following error.
[WARN] The current working directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercia
l) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards comp
atible mode.
Sencha Command v2.0.0 Beta 3
Copyright (c) 2012 Sencha Inc.
usage: sencha COMMAND [ARGS]
The available commands are:
build build a JSB project
create bootstrapdata generate boostrap data
create jsb generate a minimal JSB project for an app
create locale generate a template locale file from sourc
create manifest generate classes manifest
package package your Touch web app into a native bundle
slice theme slice a custom theme's images for IE
See 'sencha help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
-I've searched several website.. but couldn't get the solution..
Please help me.. thank you
Problem: Sencha SDK could not be recognized through cmd
[warn] the current working directory (c:\xampp\htdocs\sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial) is not a recognized sencha sdk or application folder. running in backwards compatible mode.
Issue: The problem arises because of outdated cmd that Sencha use for creating, updating, packaging apps. Check the above command when entering sencha and it showing currently installed cmd version is:
sencha command v2.0.0 beta 3
Solution : Sencha command has been updated to v3.0.0 with more features like "generating" commands which was not supported in v2.0.0. Just download it from below link and install it (in the bin folder of SDK tools, not touch SDK). That's it. Now go to the Sencha touch folder and again through it run sencha. What will you get now is:
sencha cmd v3.0.0.250
You can also fire this command
$ sencha generate app gs ../gs
And it work too!
Note: Sencha didn't say that you needed to update Sencha cmd, but updated their documentation. Numerous people are facing this Sencha problem with no luck. Hope people get rid of it which took a complete night from me :)
I faced same Error on Windows. So I uninstall Current SDK Tool version 2.0 and install new sdk tool ( version 3.0 ) . It is working fine.
download link for new version.
Follow just following steps:-
Download latest Sencha SDK
Download latest Sencha Command line
Install Sencha Command line default location in Windows is
After CMD Installation go to SDK folder install/extract in Step 1
Run following command (I am running this command using GIT Bash
on windows)
/c/Users/SMAK/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ generate app MyApp ../MyApp
We need both Sencha SDK and CMD and you have to run Command from SDK Folder
I had the same problem with Sencha Cmd. I solved this problem by uninstalling the "SenchaSDKTools".
As for me it works fine now.
I got the same message.
My web server is IIS.
sdk tool : SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3
follow the office url
I solved this problem by executing the cmd as Administrator..
It works for me
export PATH=~/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ << your sencha cmd version >> :$PATH
This may solve your problem. Sencha sometimes does not find new Sencha cmd path if it is created on other platforms or if the Sencha folder is created without the use of generate command.
I had the same problem. Downloaded the latest Sencha SDK and the latest SDK Tools on Windows, got this warning message.
The problem here was that the file .senchasdk was missing.
Simple solution: create an empty file called .senchasdk
Afterwards everything worked fine.