[WARN] The current working directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\sencha folder) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. - sdk

I'm new in Sencha . but after installation.. it's really becoming a headache..
I dont' know how to resolve this issue..
I downloaded -
sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial - (its SDK i think)
SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows (These are Tools for SDK)
Xampp (for Web services)
I installed xampp.
extracted sencha touch into htdocs folder under xampp.
installed senchSDKTools
And started applying commands from CMD
i typed sencha and pressed enter...
but i get following error.
[WARN] The current working directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercia
l) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards comp
atible mode.
Sencha Command v2.0.0 Beta 3
Copyright (c) 2012 Sencha Inc.
usage: sencha COMMAND [ARGS]
The available commands are:
build build a JSB project
create bootstrapdata generate boostrap data
create jsb generate a minimal JSB project for an app
create locale generate a template locale file from sourc
create manifest generate classes manifest
package package your Touch web app into a native bundle
slice theme slice a custom theme's images for IE
See 'sencha help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
-I've searched several website.. but couldn't get the solution..
Please help me.. thank you

Problem: Sencha SDK could not be recognized through cmd
[warn] the current working directory (c:\xampp\htdocs\sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial) is not a recognized sencha sdk or application folder. running in backwards compatible mode.
Issue: The problem arises because of outdated cmd that Sencha use for creating, updating, packaging apps. Check the above command when entering sencha and it showing currently installed cmd version is:
sencha command v2.0.0 beta 3
Solution : Sencha command has been updated to v3.0.0 with more features like "generating" commands which was not supported in v2.0.0. Just download it from below link and install it (in the bin folder of SDK tools, not touch SDK). That's it. Now go to the Sencha touch folder and again through it run sencha. What will you get now is:
sencha cmd v3.0.0.250
You can also fire this command
$ sencha generate app gs ../gs
And it work too!
Note: Sencha didn't say that you needed to update Sencha cmd, but updated their documentation. Numerous people are facing this Sencha problem with no luck. Hope people get rid of it which took a complete night from me :)

I faced same Error on Windows. So I uninstall Current SDK Tool version 2.0 and install new sdk tool ( version 3.0 ) . It is working fine.
download link for new version.

Follow just following steps:-
Download latest Sencha SDK
Download latest Sencha Command line
Install Sencha Command line default location in Windows is
After CMD Installation go to SDK folder install/extract in Step 1
Run following command (I am running this command using GIT Bash
on windows)
/c/Users/SMAK/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ generate app MyApp ../MyApp
We need both Sencha SDK and CMD and you have to run Command from SDK Folder

I had the same problem with Sencha Cmd. I solved this problem by uninstalling the "SenchaSDKTools".
As for me it works fine now.

I got the same message.
My web server is IIS.
sdk tool : SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3
follow the office url
I solved this problem by executing the cmd as Administrator..
It works for me

export PATH=~/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ << your sencha cmd version >> :$PATH
This may solve your problem. Sencha sometimes does not find new Sencha cmd path if it is created on other platforms or if the Sencha folder is created without the use of generate command.

I had the same problem. Downloaded the latest Sencha SDK and the latest SDK Tools on Windows, got this warning message.
The problem here was that the file .senchasdk was missing.
Simple solution: create an empty file called .senchasdk
Afterwards everything worked fine.


Alternative for hybrid web app without knowledge in app/server

i used to upload my ZIP (with HTML5/CSS web app) in phonegap since 4, 5 years and create cool mobile apps. But since some months it's look like Adobe dismiss the project, no more answer on forum etc.
Is there a good solution, when you don't know everything about shift/cocoa/java and server things, to simply upload your webapp (basically a website in a zip) and get IPA/APK ?
I heard about monaco or voltbuilder. Thanks
Not really. Although I can confirm https://build.phonegap.com works for me. If you have an error related to a malformed xml, you can try to delete the project on the website and re-uplading the zip file onto a new project. That's a bug I have experienced in the past.
Otherwise, you can install Cordova and Phonegap on your pc to build it using npm on the terminal (Linux/MacOs).
$ sudo npm install -g cordova
or for windows (CMD):
C:\> npm install -g cordova
then navigate with the command line using cd to go to a folder
eg. cd myfolder.
You can see the files in your current directory with ls (Linux/MacOs) or lsdir (windows)
Once you are in your project's folder and that you can see with lsdir or ls your config.xml file of your project, then you can run those commands to add the platform you want to build:
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
Finally to build the app, you need to:
cordova build
Note: To build an Ipa, you will need to use a device running MacOs since it requires XCode. I highly recommand you to get familiar with Cmd or the terminal if you are building an app.
I hope I have answered your question well

trigger.io is not working in mac

HELLO i am facing problem in mac with trigger.io installing , i have download trigger.io for mac and installing in Applications folder its not working, i use
$ $HOME/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create command according to https://trigger.io/forge/toolkit/ trigger.io site. but terminal said this directory not found, i also use forge create command but also its not worked,terminal said forge command is not found.Please help me.
Run the command as:
~/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create
~/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge

Gstreamer 1.0 ios sdk installer failed to install

This is my first time trying with Gstreamer for ios , I went with the tutorial and installed the SDK with the link provided by the tutorial:
The installation works fine, but after I start trying the tutorial example projects, there couple of compiling errors compiling about missing gst/video/videooverlay.h . Then I looked into the header folder under the installed GStreamer header folder, there is no filed called video/videooverlay.h
Then I search online, found this information:
Gstreamer for iOS provided is out of date. I used the freedesktop packages
from https://github.com/braincorp/gstreamer_ios_tutorial
Then I downloaded another installation pkg for GStreamer
Then while I was trying to install the later version, the installer give me error saying:
you cannot install GStreamer 1.0 (Development Files) in this location.
Then I thought I might need to uninstall the previous version, but I couldn't finder a standard uninstallation option from the installer, then I searched online, find one post suggest remove the GStreamer folder under ~/Library/Developer
I have removed the installed folder, so I don't have any header files, but the new installer still gives the same error
I have been trying to figure this out for sometime, couldn't find useful info on line , I really appreicate any clue and help you might have!
Answering my own question here..
not sure what's the issue, after restarting my mac, and run the installer couple of times with the same error, it suddenly worked ....... i am not sure what's the matter here, hope gstreamer team can improve the stability of the installer in the future.
At work we are currently trying to get the IOS tutorials from the streamer 1.0 sdk to run.
1) Compilation: Same thing: we managed to bootstrap (cerbero ... bootstrap) and compile (cerebra ... package streamer-sdk) using the official cerebero git repository.
a) We had to mock around with the /cerbero/cerbero/enums.py file:
Add in the collection of supported old IOS (6.0, 6.1, 7.0, etc...) the one corresponding to our Xcode version : IOS 8.4
b) We had to customize the /cerbero/config/ios.config and iOS-universal.config files to get them to use the right architecture in our case: arm7v or arm7 instead of X64_86 or x86
c) We removed the not found is_asm() function from the x264 plugin's recipe file in the /cerbero/recipes.
For a reason we ignore, for all other platforms but IOS, the recipes check on the architecture available using:
if self.config.target_arch == Architecture.xxx:
of iOS is was using that missing function: is_asm(self.config.target_arch)
We replaced it by:
if self.config.target_arch == Architecture.ARMv7:
Compiling an iOS app using streamer:
So far it is a failure. we bumped into the same missing overlay.h header file. We couldn't find it anywhere.
DIFFERENCE between gstreamer.com (the sdk provider) and the official streamer website (free desktop.gsteamer.org):
We found out that gstreamer.com is clearly a commercial goal company that is making available the sdk, that people struggle on with for IOS (tested and working fine on linux) and the official website is providing the gstreamer library only without an sdk.
So this is what we are trying to use instead as of today.
Versions infos:
sdk (from gstreamer.com): current cerbero git master branch: git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer-sdk/cerbero
official gstreamer library:

custom plugin installation procedure in worklight6.0

Few days back i started working on ibm worklight platformVersion="".
But i am facing some problem regarding custom plugin. For adding native functionality to hybrid application with apache cordova plugin in IOS I found the following link
I tried this but everytime on compilation i got "linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)".
So my question is that after cordova 2.9 ,it stopped adding classes and files manually. So we do the same by installing the command line. But i tried the same thing in worklight based project then it gives error that it is not a cordova based project.
So i think that we can't install the plugin into worklight project with the help of command line thats why its giving the linker error.
Please try to solve my problem by proving me the solution.
Thanks in Advance
First, the error you've mentioned as-is is meaningless, you should add the full error.
Worklight currently does not support Cordova 3's Plugman, so you cannot easily "install" plug-ins.
As a way to show how this can be done, you can follow the guidelines provided for this question: Using katzer local notification in IBM Worklight
The solution provided in the above question shows a "step-by-step" of how to add existing Cordova 3 plug-ins to a Worklight application, for Android.
It is the same for iOS with one exception. in iOS you must reference the plug-in's .m and .h files in Xcode's Classes folder (right-click and select "Add files...")

Phonegap + Blackberry webworks : ant build not generating standardinstall.zip

I am trying to build a BlackBerry 7 and earlier project that uses the WebWorks SDK using Phonegap 2.9; but the build doesn't generate the StandardInstall.zip file as it's supposed to.
The project I'm trying to build is the example app found in the Phonegap 2.9 download (phonegap-2.9.0\lib\blackberry\bbos\example).
I followed the instructions in the Phonegap documentation and there is an overview of my environment:
My OS is Windows XP, I've got JDK, ANT and BlackBerry device manager installed. I've also installed the BlackBerry Webworks SDK and I've setup my Signing Keys (sigtool.csk and sigtool.db are in the bin folder of the webworks installation).
I also updated the project.properties file as explained in the documentation.
When I try to build the app, It doesn't print any error message, but the OTAInstall and StandardInstall folders are not generated (all I get is the zipped application folder and a widget folder).
I also tried deploying to simulator and to device, the errors thrown confirm just that the build step doesn't generate the files it should.
Screenshots: http://i.stack.imgur.com/XpN4M.png
Solutions I already tried:
JDK version problem
I downgraded JDK to 1.6.0_30 version (it seems that the Webworks SDK doesn't work with upper versions); but it didn't change anything.
White spaces
I also tried to avoid white spaces in paths like advised in other posts but it doesn't work:
├ \ant
├ \java
└ \webworks
I don't know what else to do, any help would be much appreciated !
To make a blackberry phonegap project, the things you need are:
Phonegap (cordova libs)
BlackBerry WebWorks SDK
Ant, through which you will build your project.(Also add 'ANT' in you environment variables).
The steps to create a phonegap build:
Open the phonegap sample that came with it. Follow the location -
Copy cordova folder as you see the sample folder
Copy lib and www folder also. The lib folder contains the cordova library. The www folder is the only place for your files.
It contains your html, css, js and the config.xml
Copy blackberry.xml, build.xml and project.properties files.(change the properties in these files as per your project configurations)
'Build' folder is created once you run the script 'ant blackberry build'(To build the project) or 'ant blackberry load-simulator'(Build and run on simulator) or 'ant blackberry load-device'
Once you have built the project you can run it on device using the .cod files.
When you run the above build scripts you get the build folder in your PhonegapBlackberry project which looks like:
Setting the correct Java jdk home path in bbwp.properties file of my <BlackBerry SDK>/bin folder works for me.
