Passing hidden params into url - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails application in which I would like to generate a url based on a parameter, but for that parameter to be hidden from public view. So essentially working like a POST request but being able to be typed in like a GET request.
For example using a QR reader I could have the address as but when a user scans the QR image it only shows but displays the results related to lot_no=18007.
Not sure if this is possible or not. But any help would be greatly appreciated.

If all you want to do is to prevent it from showing up in the address bar of the browser, you could use Rails.ajax to make the request dynamically through Javascript.
That will at least hide it from casual inspection, but there is no way to suppress the parameters from the query string on a GET completely, so anyone looking at the Networks tab in the browser (for example) would still see them.
Another alternative would be to encrypt the parameter value.

Maybe the Friendly id gem may be of help here
The following is an example of it's use is
instead of:
This is not going to work with a post request as you mention though. It is a way of using a get request that would normally send an id in the params hash to retrieve existing records.
The gem can be found here
It is well maintained and up to date

Configure different route for public facing URL, the URL should include encrypted lot id as a path param.
get '/view_lot/:id' => 'QrCodesController#view_lot`, as: :public_view_lot
now in QrCodesController add action view_lot
def view_lot
encrypted_id = params[:id]
id = decrypt_it(encrypted_id)
#lot = Lot.find(id)
render "your_template"
in you QR code generation, pass URL to above action with encrypted id like public_view_lot_url(lot_id)


Why url params doesn't work in some sites?

I'm trying to add param in the url, like in this example: >
Opening the last link you can see "qq" in the "q" input.
For this site it doesn't work (this is the problem):
Can I add url param also in the last one? I need it.
I tried using different input names, different params ecc but it doesn't work.
Google's server side code is designed to generate an HTML document with an input field that is prefilled with the current search term which is reads from the URL. That is why adding q=search+term to the URL populates the input field.
You can't make arbitrary third-party websites prefill inputs. They have to explicitly provide a mechanism to make it possible.
Parameters only work as long as the code for the target website is expecting to handle a parameter named "nome" with a value "mario". In the case of the google website, it is expecting a parameter named "q" and has a form input for it.
Clicking a URL sends a a GET request type, and the target site may only be accepting parameters from a POST request type. You could consider using the application known as "PostMan" to help with that.
Alternately, the target page you are viewing may be forwarded / routed from a different page which accepts parameters.

How to remove a query parameter from URL without refresh the router in Ember js

I have a website built from Ember.js. A user can access a page through URL http://..../view?showTitle=true. However I don't want to explicitly expose the parameter showTitle=true to the user (meaning user will only see http://..../view). This URL is automatically generated and serves as a redirect destination URL. So, I have to remove it manually somewhere before the page load. But I still need this value of this query parameter to query data. Is there a way to achieve that (A example would be great)? What about do it without refreshing the router?
Actually, an example of your scenario would be greater :)
There are some other ways to store data while transitioning to a route. Such as: storing the params in transition object or storing the value in a service. Create a redirection route, use beforeModel hook to grab the value from query params then do a redirection to the real route.
A working example is: ember-twiddle-1
By the way, even if you don't describe your queryParamsin your routes, you can access them via transition.queryParams. This seems a bit hacky. But it works: ember-twiddle-2 (Note: It doesn't work in the same route.)
At the setupController hook you can override the controller parameters. So you can remove the parameters from the url. ember-twiddle-3

POST request in rails

I need to create a post request in a somewhat weird(speaking leniently) format. The exact request to be sent should be in the following format
Its easy to send a post request to an url of the following format :-
This can be achieved using code like this :-
Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(""), params)
where, the params variable is appropriately populated(hash).
What modification should i make to account for this change from normal scenario, particularly to account for the double quotes around event data.
Read and adapt the information from the links below. After going through them, I can deduce 4 possible ways to do this:
Use Mechanize. See link 1
Do a post request from your controller using Net::HTTP. See link 2 - 3(3rd answer).
Post form data containing a hash or array. See links 4 - 7
Add hidden field to your form that will contain the extra data. See link 8
Use the params merge pattern ie Link 9
Using Ruby/Rails To Programmatically Post Form Data To Another Site
Submitting POST data from the controller in rails to another website
Post and redirect to external site from Rails controller? (the section 3.1 Hash and Array Parameters, then section 8 on Request Forgery Protection)
Rails: How do I make a form submit an array of records?
Ruby on Rails: Submitting an array in a form
Send querystring params as part of form post
You need to make sure that the event_data parameter is properly escaped to do this. I'm pretty sure that calling post_form will do this for you already.
params["app_id"] = 123
params["adv_id"] = 345
params["event"] = 'sale'
params["event_data"] = '"amt=30_USD;user_id=204050"'
Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(""), params)
That should more or less do it for you.

pass variable but not show in the url?

I want to pass a variable in my URL but not show it in the URL for SEO purposes
e.g should looks like and still be able to retrieve the value of "city" on the page.
Simply use a POST request and you're done. However, is a common pratice to use GET request for search forms because the user can bookmark the url. Using POST, this isn't possible.
I just used Rewrite rules to accomplish this.

Rails 3 - Friendly params in url (GET)

I have a rails 3 app and now i implementing filter for my catalog. Filters form pass data to controller through GET request. As a result i have link like this in my browser after i submit
my form (apply search):
Is there a way to do URL more beautiful?
PS i dont want use POST request, because I read that it is bad for SEO
TLDR: just leave it.
HTML forms serialize in a straightforward manner; the parameters are named after the HTML elements. The actual issue here is how the form elements are named. It looks like they have names like filter[ShoeBottomType][]; look into your HTML to see the name attributes. Since you're in Rails, I'm guessing you having a filter hash passed to your Rails controller method as a single argument, and since Rails expects hashes to use a certain URL format for hashes and arrays (it has to know how to deserialize it from the request), the form helper writes the form that way. And yours is especially complicated because the hash values are arrays, hence the extra set of brackets. Then it's URL encoded and you end up with an ugly mess.
You could avoid some of this problem by passing the inputs individually back to the controller instead of as a big hash. Something like:
def index
shoe_bottom_types = params[:bottom_types]
shoe_classifications = params[:classifications]
shoe_elations = params[:elations]
which will get you to: /shoes?bottomTypes[]=1&bottomTypes[]=2.... That doesn't seem much better, and now your controller is all gross. And I don't see how you're going to get rid of the brackets entirely if you want to have more than one of the same filter. I guess you could get crazy and do your own parsing in your controller, like breaking apart shoeBottomTypes=1|2, but then you'll have to do your own form serialization too. Again, just not worth it.
Backing up for a sec, the SEO stuff doesn't make much sense. Search engines won't fill out your form; they just follow links. The real reason you should use GET is that (presumably), submitting your form doesn't have side effects, since it's just a search. See here; it's important to use the right HTTP methods. If you use POST, you'll get weird warnings on reloads and you won't be able to bookmark the search.
Backing up even further, why do you care, especially now that SEO is out of the picture? Just as a quick demo, I did a google search for the word "thing" and this was the URL:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=220ef4545fdef788&biw=1920&bih=1086
So URLs for form submissions can be long. The user won't even look at it.
The only possibility I can think of for why you'd care about the length/ugliness of your URL here is that you want, separately from the form, to create links to certain searches. There are several ways to handle that, but since I don't know whether that's relevant to you, I'll let that be a follow-up.
So bottom line, it looks like I'd expect, and trying to fix it sounds ugly and pointless.
If you do not want to use a POST request, then there is no other way then to put the form values in the URL -- they have to get to the server one way or another.
On the other hand however, I do not see why doing a POST would be bad for SEO and I would love to see the article that stated so.
My suggestion is that you could add some custom routes to beautify your urls.
For example :
This is far much shorter than your initial URL ;)
The counterpart is that, as far as I know, you have to use always the same order for params in your url.
The routing rule is the following :
match "shoes/Type/:type/Classification/:classification/Elation/:elation/LiningColor/:liningcolor/TopColor/:topcolor/only_action/:only_action/page/:page" => "shoes#show"
You can retrieve the passed values in params array. You have to split the string containing , in order to retrieve the multiple values.
