Does background audio work without .longFormAudio policy on WatchOS? - ios

Does anyone know wether audio can be both recorded and played back in the background on the Apple Watch?
It's possible to playback audio in the background by adding the .longFormAudio policy on the audio session however this does not work with the .playAndRecord mode.
I'd like to be able to record audio from the device's microphone then play it back either through the device speaker or paired Bluetooth headphones.
The audio will also need to continue recording and playing if the user lowers their wrist and the watch display turns off.


How are some alarm apps such as Alarmy able to play a sound on iPhone when the app is in the background and the phone is on vibrate

I am working on app that can alert users for some critical things. I use local notifications to alert the user. On iOS, I find that the notifications will not ring if the phone is on vibrate. This is a deal-breaker for many users of the app but I have been putting that question off till now since I thought that iOS doesn't allow an app to play a sound if the app is in the background.
Music apps are able to play songs even when the phone is on vibrate by enabling the audio background mode but it doesn't allow you to schedule a song to be played at a certain time.
Lately I have seen that some apps are able to play a sound at a certain time even though the app is in the background. One such app is Alarmy alarm app. I don't think that they are playing the music via the local notification when the alarm expires because the music continues to play even after I clear the notification. From the local notification documentation, I understood that I am can't run any code when local notification fires till the user clicks on the notification. So, I can't start an audio player which may be able to play the sound in vibrate.
How are such apps able to play a sound even though the phone is on vibate and the app is in background in iOS?
There are few methods to implement this kind of functionality.For reference I recommend this link.
For actually playing the sound while the device’s ringer switch is set to vibrate
First off make sure to include the audio background mode in the capabilities, in order to play audio in the background.
Swift 4
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, with: [.duckOthers, .defaultToSpeaker])
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
} catch {
NSLog("Audio Session error: \(error)")
Here we set the shared audio session’s category to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, so that we can play sound, while the device’s ringer switch is set to vibrate.
The .duckOthers is specified to make other audio quieter, if there’s any mixable audio playing, so that our alarm can be heard. You can leave that out or use another option, if you prefer a different behavior.
The .defaultToSpeaker is specified, so that the volume would go to the speaker, where it’ll be much louder and should wake up our user with ease.
beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents makes it so that the app handles the remote control options, like the play/pause buttons on the lock screen, in order to make it easier for our user to mute their alarm, once they wake up.
The way this can be done (I have implemented this in my app) is by starting an AVAudioPlayer and specifying a specific time to play. So:
Enable background audio in the app capabilities.
Start and audio session with .playback mode, and start a player at the time you like it to play:
do {
//set up audio session
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, options: [.defaultToSpeaker, .duckOthers])
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
//Start AVAudioPlayer time) //time is a TimeInterval after which the audio will start
catch {
This does not play silence in the background, which violates Apple's rules. It actually starts the player, but the audio will only start at the right time. I think this is probably how Alarmy implemented their alarm, given that it's not a remote notification that triggers the audio nor is the audio played by a local notification (as its not limited to 30 seconds or silenced by the ringer switch).

How can I prevent my iOS VoIP app from playing audio when the user switches their phone to silent?

I'm building a VoIP app on iOS and I'm using the AVAudioSession category of AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, which is recommended for VoIP apps that need to constantly play and record audio.
However, when the user switches their iPhone ringer to silent mode, the VoIP application will still play sound for an incoming call. This is not desired behavior.
Is there a way to prevent the incoming calls from playing audio when the user has their phone on silent, but still allow them to answer the call and have audio resume?
If you take a look here at the docs for AVAudioSession Categories, you can see that AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord unfortunately does not obey the silencing of a phone, as seen below:
Your audio continues with the Silent switch set to silent and with the screen locked. (The switch is called the Ring/Silent switch on iPhone.)
If you want the audio to stop when you turn the phone to silent, you should use AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient.
I think I found a solution that works for a VoIP application. If the phone is set to silent, I wanted the phone to show an alert and vibrate instead of playing the audible ring.
I can solve this by using local notifications and moving the sound out of the application and adding it to the notification itself. By specifying a sound file as part of the notification, iOS will handle whether it should play the audio or vibrate the phone. This is determined by the position of the Ring/Silent switch on the side of the phone.
Here's an Apple article on adding a sound to a local notification.

AVAudioRecorder doesn't append the recording after comes from background

I am using AVAudioRecorder for recording while I am recording I press home button and comes to fore ground and checked the status of the AVAudioRecorder (isRecording) is still YES. But when i play the audio it plays only what i recorded before goes to background.
Note: This problem comes only in ios7. It works well in ios6
Have you set the app to allow background recording? Under the Project Capabilities, turn on Background Modes and select Audio and AirPlay.
Be warned, in iOS7, when background recording through AVAudioRecorder is interrupted, the recorded file is closed instead of paused. If a user get a phone call while recording in the background, the audio file will stop recording and cannot be resumed. You will need to start a new audio file and merge them, or use Audio Queues and manage the interruptions yourself.
See this answer for more info: Audio interruption when iOS application is recording in background

How to continue playing a youtube video at background when switch from my app back to home screen

Seems the default action for iOS 6 is to stop the video from playing after I switch to HOME screen. Then if I want to listen to the audio I have to go back to the app and press the 'Play' button again. I am using youtube API.
How can I continue playing the video when the application is in UIApplicationStateInactive and UIApplicationStateBackground. I just want to be able to listen to the audio even if I am on HOME screen or the screen is locked. Should I use a background thread or restart playing the video at the previous position as it was before turning the app inactive?
Take a look at the app 'Jasmine'. They managed to do something similar to what you are seeking. However, UIApplicationStateInactive/UIApplicationStateBackground will cause the video to pause. Double tapping the home button and then pressing the audio play button will cause the video's audio to resume without keeping the app active.
Take a look at the new iOS 7. You may have some luck there.
Inter-App Audio
Now your apps can make beautiful music together. With Inter-App Audio,
apps can register their audio streams to share with other apps. For
example, a series of apps could publish audio streams of instrument
tracks while another uses the combination of these streams to compose
a song. Inter-App Audio also provides for MIDI control of audio
rendering, remotely launching other registered Inter-App Audio apps
and more.

Airplay of audio using AVPlayer does not work in the background

I am doing audio playback using the AVPlayer class from a remote URL.
It plays fine if I just play to the headphones/built in speaker, but I am seeing some oddities with AirPlay.
When I change to use an AppleTV for AirPlay, it will stream the audio, but on my iphone the audio playback indicator (the small 'play' triangle in the top menu bar) disappears, and when I lock the phone instead of continuing in the background, it stops. (When playing normally, it plays in the background fine).
Why is the AVPlayer not working in the background for audio over AirPlay?
Is this what other see? Is there a way around it?
Ok - I dug through the apple dev forums and found a hint.
If you are using AVPlayer for audio only, and want it to work in the background while doing airplay, you need to disable the allowsAirPlayVideo setting.
Apparently AVPlayer on iOS 5+ assumes that it is playing back video via AirPlay, and so does not allow backgrounding, unless you explicitly disable video AirPlay.
Once you disable this (i.e. self.player.allowsAirPlayVideo = FALSE;) then your audio will still play via AirPlay, but now it will not be treated as video, only as audio, and so will allow the backgrounding to work.
Have you enable the 'Background Audio' mutlitasking setting in the app plist?
