Impact of Docker Containers in Kubernetes Master Node - docker

I am currently working with a Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 deployment over k8s. The chaincode containers that are generated are basically create by the container running within the peer pods and k8s as such has no knowledge and control of the chaincode containers. In such a scenario where there is a Docker container running along with k8s and k8s has no knowledge of a particular docker container, is it possible for the Docker container to in some way gain access to the k8s master API and gain access to the whole k8s cluster consequently?
My intention with asking this question is to figure out if there is a way to use an container external to any pods in k8s, to cause any undesirable impact to the k8s cluster by gaining unauthorized access to k8s. The chaincode container that I talked about, is created using a trusted template image and the only possible malicious component in the container is a single golang, java or nodejs script that is provided by the user. So my real question here is, "Is it possible using these user scripts gain unauthorized access to the k8s cluster?" And I am primarily focusing on a manager k8s service like Azure Kubernetes Service.

Your question totally changed the meaning so I'll try to rewrite the answer.
You have to remember that the pod you are running the code on by default is limited to just the namespace it's running on. If you didn't gave it any higher privileges. Also the code is not running as root.
You can read about Pod Security Policies and Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container.
As long as you don't give it any special privileges or rights it should be fairly save for your cluster.


Containerized applications with docker swarm on GCP

I have a project to containerize several applications (Gitlab, Jenkins, Wordpress, Python Flask app...). Currently each application runs on a Compute Engine VM each at GCP. My goal would be to move everything to a cluster (Swarm or Kubernetes).
However I have different questions about Docker Swarm on Google Cloud Platform:
How can I expose my Python application on the outside (HTTP load balancer) as well as the other applications only available in my private VPC ?
From what I've seen on the internet, I have the impression that docker swarm is very little used. Should I go for a kubernetes cluster instead ? (I have good knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes)
It is difficult to find information about Docker Swarm in cloud providers. What would be an architecture with Docker Swarm on GCP?
Thanks for your help.
I'd create a template and from that an instance group for all VM, which shall host the Docker swarm. And a separate instance or instance group for said internal purposes - so that there is a strict separation, which can then be used to route the internal & external traffic accordingly (this would apply in any case). Google Kubernetes Engine is about the same as such an instance group, but Google managed infrastructure. See the tutorial, there's not much difference - except that it better integrates with gcloud & kubectl. While there is no requirement to want or need to maintain the underlying infrastructure, GKE is probably less effort.
What you are basically asking is:
Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: What’s the Difference?
Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes: A Helpful Guide for Picking One
Kubernetes vs. Docker: What Does it Really Mean?
Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes: A Comparison
Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

How to access a Kubernetes Pod in Docker?

The setup below is all done on Google Cloud.
I have a Docker setup running on a VM instance having a Hyperledger Fabric Network of 3 Orderers and 2 peers of a single organization.
I have a Kubernetes Cluster running on GKE having just 2 peer pods.
What I want to achieve is:
I want the peer pod of Kubernetes to be able to communicate with the network setup in Docker.
i.e. I want at least 1 peer of the Kubernetes to be able to join the network channel on the Docker
Network and be able to perform some transaction/query.
Till now what I have done is exposed the services of the 2 peer pods in Kubernetes i.e. ClusterIP -> NodePort.
I have done some reading as to what options are there such as having an Nginx proxy and other things, but I am new to this and still in a beginner phase so a few things are still confusing to me.
Any help would be appreciated.
Since you have two separate container setups (and two different container technologies), containers in one space have to communicate with the other as though they're outside the cluster. You can't join arbitrary Docker containers on another instance into the Kubernetes network environment, nor can you join Kubernetes pods into a single-host Docker network environment.
Using a NodePort or LoadBalancer-type Service as you already have is close to the best you can do, particularly if the underlying protocol isn't HTTP. If you need a multi-host setup, migrating the whole thing into GKE might be a better long-term answer.

Automatically Generate Pods in Kubernetes

I previously created a Flask server that spawns Docker containers using the Docker Python SDK. When a client hits a specific endpoint, the server would generate a container. It would maintain queues, and it would be able to kill containers that didn't respond to requests.
I want to migrate towards Kubernetes, but I am starting to think my current server won't be able to "spawn" jobs as pods automatically like in docker.
docker.from_env()'alpine', 'echo hello world')
Is Docker Swarm a better solution for this, or is there a hidden practice that is done in Kubernetes? Would the Kubernetes Python API be a logical solution for automatically generating pods and jobs, where the Flask server is a pod that manages other pods within the cluster?
'Kubectl run' is much like 'docker run' in that it will create a Pod with a container based on a docker image (e.g. How do i run curl command from within a Kubernetes pod). See for more comparison. But what you run with k8s are Pods/Jobs that contain containers rather than running containers directly so this will add an extra layer of complexity for you.
Kubernetes is more about orchestrating services rather than running short-lived jobs. It has some features and can be used to run jobs but that isn't its central focus. If you're going in that direction you may want to look at knative (and knative build) or kubeless as what you describe sounds rather like the serverless concept. Or if you are thinking more about Jobs then perhaps brigade ( (For more see If you are looking to run web app workloads that serve requests then note that you don't need to kill containers that fail to respond on k8s as k8s will monitor and restart them for you.
I don't know swarm well enough to compare. I suspect it would be a bit easier for you as it is aimed more centrally at docker (the k8s API is intended to support other runtimes) but perhaps somebody else can comment on that. Whether using swarm instead helps you will I guess depend on your motivations.

Kubernetes vs. Docker: What Does It Really Mean?

I know that Docker and Kubernetes aren’t direct competitors. Docker is the container platform and containers are coordinated and scheduled by Kubernetes, which is a tool.
What does it really mean and how can I deploy my app on Docker for Azure ?
Short answer:
Docker (and containers in general) solve the problem of packaging an application and its dependencies. This makes it easy to ship and run everywhere.
Kubernetes is one layer of abstraction above containers. It is a distributed system that controls/manages containers.
My advice: because the landscape is huge... start learning and putting the pieces of the puzzle together by following a course. Below I have added some information from the:
Introduction to Kubernetes, free online course from The Linux Foundation.
Why do we need Kubernetes (and other orchestrators) above containers?
In the quality assurance (QA) environments, we can get away with running containers on a single host to develop and test applications. However, when we go to production, we do not have the same liberty, as we need to ensure that our applications:
Are fault-tolerant
Can scale, and do this on-demand
Use resources optimally
Can discover other applications automatically, and communicate with each other
Are accessible from the external world
Can update/rollback without any downtime.
Container orchestrators are the tools which group hosts together to form a cluster, and help us fulfill the requirements mentioned above.
Nowadays, there are many container orchestrators available, such as:
Docker Swarm: Docker Swarm is a container orchestrator provided by Docker, Inc. It is part of Docker Engine.
Kubernetes: Kubernetes was started by Google, but now, it is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.
Mesos Marathon: Marathon is one of the frameworks to run containers at scale on Apache Mesos.
Amazon ECS: Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a hosted service provided by AWS to run Docker containers at scale on its infrastructrue.
Hashicorp Nomad: Nomad is the container orchestrator provided by HashiCorp.
Kubernetes is built on Docker technology. It is an orchestration tool for Docker container whereas Docker is a technology to create and deploy containers.
Docker, starting with a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider named dotCloud.
All in all, Kubernetes is related to the Docker container, allowing you to implement application portability and extensibility in container orchestration.
Easy and fast to install and configure
Functionality is provided and limited by the Docker API
Quick container deployment and scaling even in very large clusters
Automated internal load balancing through any node in the cluster
Simple shared local volumes
Require some work to get up and running
Client, API and YAML definitions are unique to Kubernetes
Provides strong guarantees to cluster states at the expense of speed
To Enable load balancing requires manual service configuration
Volumes shared within pods
This is just a basic idea which at least explains the difference.If you want to go in depth see my posts
Docker and Kubernetes are complementary. Docker provides an open standard for packaging and distributing containerized applications, while Kubernetes provides for the orchestration and management of distributed, containerized applications created with Docker. In other words, Kubernetes provides the infrastructure needed to deploy and run applications built with Docker.

Platform to test with docker containers in developer environment

We are currently moving towards microservices with Docker from a monolith application running in JBoss. I want to know the platform/tools/frameworks to be used to test these Docker containers in developer environment. Also what tools should be used to deploy these containers to this developer test environment.
Is it a good option to use some thing like Kubernetes with chef/puppet/vagrant?
I think so. Make sure to get service discovery, logging and virtual networking right. For the former you can check out skydns. Docker now has a few logging plugins you can use for log management. For virtual networking you can look for Flannel and Weave.
You want service discovery because Kubernetes will schedule the containers the way it sees fit and you need some way of telling what IP/port your microservice will be at. Virtual networking make it so each container has it's own subnet thus preventing port clashes in case you have two containers with the same ports exposed in the same host (kubernetes won't let it clash, it will schedule containers to run until you have hosts with ports available, if you try to create more it just won't run).
Also, you can try the built-in cluster tools in Docker itself, like docker service, docker network commands and Docker Swarm.
Docker-machine helps in case you already have a VM infrastructure in place.
We have created and open-sourced a platform to develop and deploy docker based microservices.
It supports service discovery, clustering, load balancing, health checks, configuration management, diagnosing and mini-DNS.
We are using it in our local development environment and production environment on AWS. We have a Vagrant box with everything prepared so you can give it a try:
