Executing command in docker container after compose up - docker

I'm trying to automate the execution of some command(s) in a docker container after compose up. My first idea was to use a gradle DockerExecContainer task (provided by docker plugin) and retrieve the target container id from the dockerCompose extension (provided by docker compose plugin).
I thought something like this would work:
plugins {
id 'com.avast.gradle.docker-compose' version '0.12.1'
id 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api' version '6.4.0'
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.container.DockerExecContainer
task setupPhabricator(type: DockerExecContainer) {
commands.add(['echo', '$PHABRICATOR_HOST'] as String[])
dockerCompose {
This fails because dockerCompose.servicesInfos.phabricator is null. This makes sense because at configuration time the container is not up yet.
I figured I should set the container ID during the execution phase:
task setupPhabricator(type: DockerExecContainer) {
commands.add(['echo', '$PHABRICATOR_HOST'] as String[])
doFirst {
But this fails with:
No value has been specified for property 'containerId'
I assume I'm missing something fundamental here so any idea is welcome.


Using docker for only some processes in Nextflow

I am writing a pipeline in Nextflow, which contains multiple processes, where most of them use docker. Now I am trying to add a new process which includes only a python script to preprocess some results - no docker image needed.
However, I get the error Missing container image for process 'my_python_process'.
I define the docker images in nextflow.config as follows:
process {
withName:process1 {
container = 'some/image1:1.0'
container = 'some/image2:1.0'
container = 'some/image3:1.0'
docker {
enabled = true
I found a discussion, where they suggested using container = null for the process without container, but it still gives the same error, no matter what the process script contains.
Does anyone know what I'm missing please? Thank you!
With docker.enabled = true, Nextflow will try to run each process in a Docker container created using the specified image. You then get the error you're seeing when the container directive has not been specified for a particular process. The usual way is to just specify a 'base' or 'default' container for your workflow. You may want to choose one that comes with Python. Otherwise, Ubuntu would be a good choice in my opinion.
Note that the withName process selector has the highest priority1.
process {
container = 'ubuntu:22.04'
withName: my_python_process {
container = 'python:3.9'
withName: process1 {
container = 'some/image1:1.0'
withName: process2 {
container = 'some/image2:1.0'
withName: process3 {
container = 'some/image3:1.0'
docker {
enabled = true
I'm not aware of a way to disable Docker execution for a particular process, but nor would you really want to2. The above approach should be preferred:
Containerization allows you to write self-contained and truly
reproducible computational pipelines, by packaging the binary
dependencies of a script into a standard and portable format that can
be executed on any platform that supports a container runtime.
Furthermore, the same pipeline can be transparently executed with any
of the supported container runtimes, depending on which runtimes are
available in the target compute environment.

Explanation of Container From Scratch

I am learning about containers and docker in particular. I just watched this Liz Rice video in which she created a container from scratch (repo is on github.com/lizrice). I wasn't able to follow it completely as I am new to Docker and containers and I don't know Go programming language. However, I wanted to see if someone could give me a very quick explanation of what these items in the code are/trying to accomplish:
package main
import (
// go run main.go run <cmd> <args>
func main() {
switch os.Args[1] {
case "run":
case "child":
func run() {
fmt.Printf("Running %v \n", os.Args[2:])
cmd := exec.Command("/proc/self/exe", append([]string{"child"}, os.Args[2:]...)...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Cloneflags: syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS | syscall.CLONE_NEWPID | syscall.CLONE_NEWNS,
Unshareflags: syscall.CLONE_NEWNS,
func child() {
fmt.Printf("Running %v \n", os.Args[2:])
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[2], os.Args[3:]...)
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
must(syscall.Mount("proc", "proc", "proc", 0, ""))
must(syscall.Mount("thing", "mytemp", "tmpfs", 0, ""))
must(syscall.Unmount("proc", 0))
must(syscall.Unmount("thing", 0))
func cg() {
cgroups := "/sys/fs/cgroup/"
pids := filepath.Join(cgroups, "pids")
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(pids, "liz"), 0755)
must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(pids, "liz/pids.max"), []byte("20"), 0700))
// Removes the new cgroup in place after the container exits
must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(pids, "liz/notify_on_release"), []byte("1"), 0700))
must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(pids, "liz/cgroup.procs"), []byte(strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())), 0700))
func must(err error) {
if err != nil {
In particular, my understanding of a container is that it is a virtualized run-time environment where users can isolate applications from the underlying system and that containers are only isolated groups of processes running on a single host, which fulfill a set of “common” features. I have a good sense of what a container is and trying to accomplish in a broader sense, but I wanted help to understand a specific example like this. If someone understands this well -What is being imported in the import block; what are the cases for in the main function; what is the use of the statement in the run function, and what is being accomplished by the child and cg functions?
I think with my current understanding and going through Docker tutorial, plus an explanation of a real code from scratch example would be extremely beneficial. Just to confirm - this code is not related to Docker itself outside of the code creates a container and Docker is a technology that makes creating containers easier.
She is creating a sort of container by doing this:
she will execute main.go and pass a command to be executed in the container
to do this she runs a process that executes the run() function
in the run() function she prepares a process to be forked that will execute the child() function
but before actually forking, via syscall.SysProcAttr, she configures a new namespace for:
"unix timesharing" (syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS) this essentially will allow to have a separate hostname in the child process
PIDs (syscall.CLONE_NEWPID) such that in the "container" she is creating she will have new PIDs starting from 1
mounts (syscall.CLONE_NEWNS) will enable the "container" to have separate mounts
next she executes the fork (cmd.Run())
in the forked process the child() function is executed an here:
she prepares a control group via cg() that will limit the resources available to the "container", this is done by writing some proper files in the /sys/fs/cgroup/
next she prepares the command to be executed by using the args passed to main.go
she uses chroot to a new root under /home/liz/ubuntufs
she monuts the special fs proc and another temporary fs
finally she executes the command provided as args to main.go
in the video containers from scratch she presents all of this very well.
There she executes a bash in the container that sees new PIDs, has a new hostname, and is limited to 20 processes.
To make it work she needed a full ubuntu fs clone under /home/liz/ubuntufs.
The 3 key points to take home are that a continer (well her "container") essentially does this:
uses namespaces to define what the container will see in terms of
PIDs/mounts (she did not handle networking in this container example)
uses chroot to restrict the container to a portion of the filesystem
uses cgroups to limit resources the container can use
Due to my lack of experience in GO & limited experience with custom docker containers, I can not confirm what this code does.
While this is not directly answering the question in the title, I want to provide an answer that helps you learn the basics in docker to get you started.
You're understanding of containers is correct. Try to find a tutorial that uses a simpler example in a language you're familiar with .
One simple example to get you started would be to create a container of your preferred linux OS, attach the docker container to your current terminal then run few OS specific commands within the container (such as installing a software inside the container or any linux command) .

How can nomad' job from local docker images

nomad docker image will be fetched from Docker Hub.But I have want use some local images.How can I use theme.(I dont want to use private repo)
Example I want to use local image test
> docker images
test latest da795ca8a32f 36 minutes ago 567MB
job "test" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
group "example" {
task "test" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "test"
resources {
cpu = 500
memory = 256
It's wrong !
I'm not sure if this can be treated as an answer or a "hack".
But if you want Nomad to use docker image that is already present on a node the image MUST NOT be tagged latest.
For testing I tag my images as IMAGE:local. This way Nomad uses it if present, pulls it from remote if not.
Looking at Nomad's source code here and here, it seems that using machine local images is not supported. That would make sense, as in a cluster environment with several nodes, the scheduler needs to be able to get the image irrespective of which machine the job is allocated to.
(One possible workaround would be to run a registry service within the Nomad cluster, and use whichever storage backend is most convenient for you)
Nomad now supports tar docker images.
here is an example
artifact {
source = "http://path.to/redis.tar"
config {
load = "redis.tar"
image = "redis"
However, the tar size may be too large to be resiliently transport and provisioned.
While #Miao1007 s answer works, you need to be aware of one thing. It seems that you you cannot use the tag latest or omit the tag altogether ( see the discussion here). You need to tag your docker build with some version number like
sudo docker build --tag dokr:1.0.0 .
sudo docker save dokr:1.0.0 > dokr-1.0.0.tar
then use the following in the job file
artifact {
source = "http://localhost:8000/dokr-1.0.0.tar"
config {
load = "go-docker-dokr-1.0.0.tar"
image = "go-docker-dokr:1.0.0"
Starting from version 0.9.0, Nomad checking whether the image has already been loaded.
Source code
Contributor comment
// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
// is "latest", or ForcePull is set, we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.

has anyone created a docker container using cake?

Has anyone been able to create a cake.build file that compiles a c# code then creates a docker container? I would like to be able to create a docker file once the base code is built and then run the docker image in a container.
You can build and run Docker images from your Cake scripts using the Cake.Docker community addin.
Add #addin nuget:?package=Cake.Docker to the top of your build script and you can then use the DockerBuild alias to build your container. You can also optionally use DockerRun to run your container.
You can find full documentation on this addin on the website, including for DockerBuild (and DockerRun).
For example, assuming your Dockerfile in a folder called docker:
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Docker
// the rest of your build script
.Does(() => {
var settings = new DockerImageBuildSettings { Tag = new[] {"dockerapp:latest" }};
DockerBuild(settings, "./Docker");

How to get the container Id of the running container using docker-java?

I am running a container with name tag which allows me to identify it.In docker-java,it requires container id for most of the operations and i do not know how to get that using docker-java.Can anyone help me how to get the container Id for the running container?
For example:
docker ps
8945dcd6195b e7a064b1705a "java '-Duser.time..." 4 days ago Up 20 seconds runDataMock
I am looking for a way by which i could get the ContainerId using the ContainerNames.
NOTE: I am aware of the below method which creates a new container and picks the id.
You can filter the containers by status and by other properties using withXXX methods but there is not a WithNameFilter method in docker-java API. A workaround is to use a generic filter:
//get the docker client
DockerClient docker = DockerClientBuilder.getInstance(config).build();
//prepare command to retrieve the list of (running) containers
ListContainersCmd listContainersCmd = client.listContainersCmd().withStatusFilter("running");
//and set the generic filter regarding name
listContainersCmd.getFilters().put("name", Arrays.asList("redis"));
//finally, run the command
List<Container> exec = listContainersCmd.exec();
and that's it!
If you are working with a local Docker Daemon, you could use https://www.github.com/amihaiemil/docker-java-api, version 0.0.1 has just been released.
To iterate over all the running containers, all you have to do is the following:
final Containers containers = new LocalDocker(
new File("/var/run/docker.sock")
for(final Container running : containers) {
Study the README of the project, the motivational blogpost and the wiki, they are quite short :)
Since this original posting date, the docker-java-api has gone through some updates. To update #amihaiemill's original answer to the updated api the code should be
final Docker docker = new UnixDocker( new File( "/var/run/docker.sock" ) );
final Containers containers = docker.containers();
for ( final Container running : containers ) {
System.out.println( running.containerId() );
Thank you amihaiemil for your work on this project
