How to install mongoDb connector under Windows? - ksqldb

I use KSQLdb, and I have tried to install MongoDb connector. Tutorial says to use confluent hub client or download connector jar file that include in java application.
But I want to use KSQLDB as CLI.
Default installations is:
Download installation Or download the ZIP file and extract it into one
of the directories that is listed on the Connect worker's plugin.path
configuration properties. This must be done on each of the
installations where Connect will be run.
Where to place these files?

The connector simply needs to be on the java class path. Adding the jars to the lib or ext folder should be sufficient.


Deploy resource adapter and application in websphere liberty image

I have a requirement to create a spring boot application and connect it to EIS via dtpraUnisys JCA adapter. the flow is
Application -> ADapter RAR -> EIS
I want to use the websphere liberty image and then bundle the rar and the application jar file
Where should I give the rar file location, application jar file details.
is there any example which I can refer based on docker image
I don't know of anything official, but I did go through something similar (but with Java EE instead of Spring Boot) with IBM MQ on my Github.
The basic idea is that you typically place resource adapters and other shared in /opt/ol/wlp/usr/shared/resources/ for Open Liberty or /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/shared/resources for WebSphere Liberty. I do that in my Dockerfile:
RUN mkdir /opt/ol/wlp/usr/shared/resources/wmq/ && chown -R 1001:0 /opt/ol/wlp/usr/shared/resources/wmq/
COPY --chown=1001:0 docker/wmq.jmsra.rar /opt/ol/wlp/usr/shared/resources/wmq/
Then you reference them in server.xml, using the shared.resource.dir variable:
<resourceAdapter id="mqJmsRa" location="${shared.resource.dir}/wmq/wmq.jmsra.rar">
<classloader apiTypeVisibility="spec, ibm-api, api, third-party"/>
From there, you might have to create some config items. I'm not sure what EIS needs, but the entire server.xml syntax is documented on the Open Liberty website (this applies to WebSphere Liberty, too) so you can find what you need. You'll usually need to reference your resource adapter to set properties on it using the properties.<adaptorName> element.
This works for any type of application on Liberty. Deploying the spring boot app might require some extra steps. There's a good guide to deploy a spring boot app on Liberty in Docker on the Open Liberty guides site.

Springboot running on Docker unable to read files from resources

I have a springboot project with default structure. I have an excel file under resources/data. My program need to load excel file and dump data into different tables from each sheet.
When I run from Eclipse, program loads excel file correctly and everything looks good. However, when I deploy the same App on Docker, it fails to read the File from resources.
Have anyone encountered this issues? How have you solved it?
First of all try to check whether the Docker is a reason, or there is an issue with java code. Spring boot creates an artifact that can be run with just java -jar <your-spring-boot-artifact.jar>
If this doesn't run even without docker, then you should change the way you access Excel files from spring boot application (your java code):
if the file is in resources folder, it should be packaged into the spring boot artifact.
In this case, you have to use getClass().getResourceAsStream() to access the file, and not rely on API, because File API doesn't allow working with files inside a Jar, its not a regular filesystem.

Compiling Mosquitto Authentication plugin

I have mosquitto server installed in debian. Now I am trying to install mosquitto authentication plugin.
In oder to compile the plugin I need mosquitto location path to supply at MOSQUITTO_SRC= in the
I have tried /var/lib/mosquitto and /etc/mosquitto without success. Checked manually in /usr/local/.... nothing.
What is mosquitto path exactly?
It is path to mosquitto source code. You can download it from here :
The Authentication plugin requires access to some of the source files from the actual source for the mosquitto broker. Those files are not normally included in the mosquitto-dev package that you can install via apt-get.
You need to check what version of mosquitto that was packaged for debian (the default one is normally pretty old) and then find the matching source bundle from
You should unpack this and set the MOSQUITTO_SRC variable to point to the unpacked version.
You will also need the dev packages for which ever backend you choose to enable.

Is it possible to run a private Hex (Erlang) dependency manager (and if so how)?

I'm working in an Erlang environment. I'm looking to establish a dependency manager so that our build server can publish binaries for reuse instead of using source code dependencies. The Hexpm GitHub project implies that it is possible to run it outside of the website, but I don't see any instructions for doing so. Specifically, I would like my build server to be able to publish packages either directly (via the filesystem) or via rebar3, and for subsequent rebar3 builds to be able to use those published packages
Is it possible to run Hex on my own server?
If so, where would I find some documentation on how to set it up (or provide the instructions directly)?
If you look at there are instructions in the for both installing and running it. It's a phoenix application, so it should all be relatively familiar ground if you've looked at the phoenix framework before.
As for getting rebar3 to work with your installation, there is documentation here as to the config values to use for setting the URLs to use for hex packages:

Deploy features.xml in servicemix during jenkins Build

I have my features.xml file in src/main/resources/features folder , when I build my project through Jenkins after building my bundle goes to the nexus repository , my requirement is that after my bundle goes to nexus then features.xml should automatically be deployed on servicemix as part of build only. I should not open the servicemix console to install the feature. Please help
You may think about using a KAR (KAraf aRchive).
More information can be found here:
You can build а KAR (through Jenkins), containing your feature, then you can use a hot deployment.
Apache Karaf also provides a KAR deployer. It means that you can drop
a KAR file directly in the deploy folder.
Apache Karaf will automatically install KAR files from the deploy
folder. You can change the behaviours of the KAR deployer in the
I have also been working on this and my solution was to turn to automated scripting to accomplish this. I wrote a ssh and FTP based program which would stop an smx, delete the ${karaf.home}/data/cache/ directory, replace the new feature file with the one retrieved from the ftp operation, then restart the karaf container.
If you are open to looking into other possibilities:
You can look into Fuse Fabric which can link many smx Containers together and implement version increases and rollbacks. Currently I believe this would also need scripting to accomplish it automatically.
The third option is relatively new and comes in the form of Building docker images and deploying them via OpenShiftV3 which was just unveiled at the Redhat Summit 2015. Its worth noting its fairly new, but it does pack a very impressive feature set.
