Cannot use all methods in Objective-C class in Swift - ios

I am trying to make use of an Objective-C API in Swift. I can only seem to call the shareMyInstance() method from Swift, and not the initOpenApi() method for some reason. I'm not sure if there is some sort of scope identifier present in the interface, but I can't make use of initOpenApi, even though both are in the header. I also cannot see the method bodies, but I don't believe that affects the scope of the function.
This is locking me into using Objective-C, because for some reason I can access all of the functions from Objective-C, but only 3 of the 4 from Swift.
Header file (LCOpenSDK_Api.h):
#ifndef LCOpenSDK_LCOpenSDK_Api_h
#define LCOpenSDK_LCOpenSDK_Api_h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface LCOpenSDK_Api: NSObject
+ (LCOpenSDK_Api*) shareMyInstance;
- (id) initOpenApi:(NSString*)addr port:(NSInteger)port CA_PATH:(NSString*)caPath;
- (NSInteger)request:(void*)req resp:(void*)resp timeout:(NSInteger)timeout;
- (void)uninitOpenApi;
My code (.swift):
import Foundation
class LeChangePlayerView: UIView {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
var lc = LCOpenSDK_Api.shareMyInstance()!; //Fine
//Need this function!
lc.initOpenApi("", 443, "") //Value of type 'LCOpenSDK_Api' has no member 'initOpenApi'
The only possible other explanation is that there is a different header file with the same name, but different interface, but this is highly unlikely because shareMyInstance, request and unitOpenApi are all available, and going to the definition from within the swift file using Xcode points to the same file. It is a dynamic framework, and as of right now, I can only view the headers, not the method implementations. I'm not sure if there's a solution to this, but this is another problem I could use help with. Could they have locked the original source code somehow, as well as made that specific method private?

Although initOpenApi is an instance method, Swift recognises it as an initialiser as it starts with the word init. Initialisers are translated from Objective-C into Swift-style initialisers.
In Objective-C you would say something like [[LCOpenSDK_Api alloc] initOpenAPI:#"", port: 443, CA_PATH: #""]
In Swift the word init is stripped and there is no need to explicitly allocate a new instance:
let lc = LC_OpenSDK_Api(openApi:", port: 443, CA_PATH:"")
However, you need to refer to the documentation from the framework to determine if you want to access the singleton instance LC_OpenSDK_Api.shareMyInstance or whether you want to create a specific instance as I showed above.


Add Swift protocol conformance to Objective-C header and make it public

I've read along here and here about conforming to Swift protocols in Objective-C headers, and I'm not quite getting the behaviour I want - I'm also looking for a better understanding of how this all works. Here's my scenario.
I have a protocol in Swift:
protocol PersonalDetailsProtocol {
func doSomeWork()
I then have an Objective-C class with a header and implementation file
#protocol PersonalDetailsProtocol; // Forward declare my Swift protocol
#interface RegistrationPersonalDetails : NSObject <PersonalDetailsProtocol>
#import "RegistrationPersonalDetails.h"
#implementation RegistrationPersonalDetails
- (void)doSomeWork {
At this point everything compiles, although there is a warning in the RegistrationPersonalDetails.h file stating Cannot find protocol definition for 'PersonalDetailsProtocol'. Other than that warning, the issue I'm facing is I can't publicly call the doSomeWork method on an instance of RegistrationPersonalDetails.
The call site in Swift would look something like:
let personalDetails = RegistrationPersonalDetails()
but I get an error stating:
Value of type 'RegistrationPersonalDetails' has no member 'doSomeWork'
I get that the method isn't public, because it's not declared in the header file. But I didn't think it should have to be as long as the protocol conformance is public i.e. declared in the header file.
Can anyone point me on the right path here and offer an explanation? Or is this even possible? I can obviously rewrite the protocol in ObjC, but I just always try to add new code as Swift.
In pure objective-c, you cannot make a class conform to a protocol without importing it in the header. To make the use of a protocol private, the conformance shouldn't be declared in the header. It remains possible to call such a method using a cast however, but it should be done with caution because it's a little bit unsafe :
if ([anInstance respondToSelector:#selector(myProtocolMethod)])
[(id<MyProtocol>)anInstance myProtocolMethod];
I'm not familiar with Swift, but I think you can do the same this way (or something close to it) :
if let conformingInstance = anInstance as? MyProtocol
EDIT : To complete my first assertion, forward declarations can still be used in the header when you need to declare a method receiving or returning an instance conforming to that protocol :
// This is not possible
#interface MyClass : NSObject <SomeProtocol>
// But this is possible
#property (nonatomic) id<SomeProtocol> someProperty;
-(void) someMethod:(id<SomeProtocol>)object;
In this document Apple clearly said that :
Forward declarations of Swift classes and protocols can be used only
as types for method and property declarations.
So it seems that the rule is the same whatever the protocol is an Objective-c protocol or a Swift protocol.

gomobile: binding callbacks for ObjC

I have a Go interface
type GetResponse interface { OnResult(json string) }
I have to subscribe on that event OnResult from ObjC using this interface.
func Subscribe( response GetResponse){ response.OnResult("some json") }
ObjC bind gives me a corresponding protocol and a basic class
#interface GetResponse : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, GetResponse> {
#property(strong, readonly) id _ref;
- (instancetype)initWithRef:(id)ref;
- (void)onResult:(NSString*)json;
So, I need to get this json in my ObjC env. How can I do that?
Subclassing If I subclass this GetResponse or just use it as is and pass to Subscribe routine, it crashes
'go_seq_go_to_refnum on objective-c objects is not permitted'
Category if I create struct on Go side with the protocol support, I can't subclass it but at least it's not crashes:
type GetResponseStruct struct{}
func (GetResponseStruct) OnResult(json string){log.Info("GO RESULT")}
func CreateGetResponse() *GetResponseStruct{ return &GetResponseStruct{}}
I have a solid object without obvious way to hook up my callback. If I make a category and override the onResult routine, it's not called. Just because overriding existing methods of class is not determined behavior according to AppleDoc. Anytime OnResult called from Go, the default implementation invokes and "GO RESULT" appears.
Swizzling I tried to use category and swizzle (replace method's implementation with mine renamed method) but it only works if I call onResult from ObjC env.
Any way to solve my issue? Or I just red the doc not very accurately? Please help me
I ran into a similar issue today. I thought it was a bug in gomobile but it was my misunderstanding of swift/objc after all.
The TLDR of that bug is that you must subclass the protocol, and not the interface. If you are using swift then you can subclass the GetResponseProtocol:
class MyResponse: GetResponseProtocol
If in objc, then you probably want to directly implement the GetResponse protocol, rather than subclassing the interface.

Objective C++: Call Objective C method from C++

I'm using NSURLSession to connect to a database. I have this already implemented in C++ for Windows and am trying to get it working on iOS also. I have a .h file derived from a base C++ class that is the header for my .mm file. If I'm correct I have to implement all the functions in my .h file in C++. However NSURLSession is an Objective-C function. How do I call an Objective-C method from my C++ function?
I have a C++ function called Connect() where I make a C++ object m_Delegate that has an alloc and init.
this->m_Delegate = [[PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate alloc] initWihParent:this];
//where PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate is the name of my interface.
That interface has -(bool)NSConnect (with implementation in the #implementation) which I'm trying to call from:
void Connect()
[PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate NSConnect];
//This however gives me the error: +[PrivateNSRLSessionDelegate NSConnect]: unrecongnized selector sent to class
I also tried it using my C++ object
void Connect()
[m_Delegate NSConnect];
//This gives me a error that is unrecognized selector sent to instance
Is there a better way to do this? I basically want to ask the Objective-C to do all the NSURL stuff and send just the data back to the C++.
I'm completely new to Objective-C so any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Here the - indicates it is an instance method. Conversely + would indicate a class method.
That being said, [PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate NSConnect]; calls a class method, since you call it on the interface PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate.
However, this is not defined as it is defined as NSConnect is defined as an instance method (btw the convention is that (instance) methods always start with a lowercase).
[m_Delegate NSConnect];
Does however call the instance method. You should define -(bool)NSConnect in the header file of PrivateNSURLSessionDelegate, not above the #implementation in the implementation file, that makes in a private method and thus inaccessible.
There is Objective-C, which is a superset of C, and Objective-C++, which is a superset of C++. Objective-C++ source code files have a .mm suffix, where Objective-C would have a .m suffix.
You cannot call Objective-C from C++. You can however call Objective-C from Objective-C++, and you can write your usual C++ classes in Objective-C++ as well.

Implementing Methods from Objective C Library with Swift

I am trying to implement the following method in swift:
From the class FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate, which is subclassed inside my ViewController class as so:
class ViewController: UIViewController, FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate,
Note that I have already created a bridging header etc.
In the FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate header file:
- (void) FLIROneSDKDelegateManager:(FLIROneSDKDelegateManager *)delegateManager didReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888Image:(NSData *)msxImage imageSize:(CGSize)size;
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the correct way to implement this function?
func FLIROneSDKDelegateManagerdidReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888ImageimageSize(delegateManager: FLIROneSDKDelegateManager!, msxImage: NSData, size: CGSize){
Note that FLIROneSDKDelegateManager is a class.
Off the top of my head, but try this:
func FLIROneSDKDelegateManager(delegateManager: FLIROneSDKDelegateManager!, didReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888Image msxImage: NSData!, imageSize size: CGSize) {
// method imp
#Laxsnor's solution in the comments on the answer by #aaron-wojnowski helped me too, thanks both.
To consolidate:
The problem is a conflict created by the name FLIROneSDKDelegateManager being used as a both a class name and a function name - which seems to be OK in Objective-C but not in Swift.
Replacing the class FLIROneSDKDelegateManager with NSObject in the function parameter seems to solve the problem without side-effects. This has to be done in both the Objective-C protocol header file and the Swift delegate class source file.
NOTE I also found this same solution applied more broadly to Swift-ify the entire FLIROneSDK at
Happy developing for FLIROne on Swift. (I'm new to FLIROne and relatively new to Swift so apologies if my language isn't quite precise enough.)

How to access an internal Swift class in Objective-C within the same framework?

Working on a mixed framework. imported inside the Obj-C file but the internal classes are not visible, only the public ones.
The documentation clearly states the internal clasees should be available between Swift and Obj-C:
Importing Swift into Objective-C To import a set of Swift files in the same framework target as your Objective-C code, you don’t
need to import anything into the umbrella header for the framework.
Instead, import the Xcode-generated header file for your Swift code
into any Objective-C .m file you want to use your Swift code from.
Because the generated header for a framework target is part of the
framework’s public interface, only declarations marked with the public
modifier appear in the generated header for a framework target. You
can still use Swift methods and properties that are marked with the
internal modifier from within the Objective-C part of your framework,
as long they are declared within a class that inherits from an
Objective-C class. For more information on access-level modifiers, see
Access Control in The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2).
Code Sample (Create a new project with a framework)
// SwiftObject.swift
public class SwiftObject: NSObject {
public class func doSomething() {}
internal class YetAnotherSwiftObject: NSObject {
internal class func doSomething() {}
// SomeObject.m file
#implementation SomeObject
- (void)someMethod {
[SwiftObject doSomething];
- (void)someOtherMethod {
[YetAnotherSwiftObject doSomething]; // Use of undeclared identifier
As indicated in the docs, declarations marked with internal modifier don't appear in the generated header, so the compiler does not know about them and thus complaints. Of course, you could send messages using performSelector approach, but that's not convenient and bug-prone. We just need to help the compiler know that those declarations are there.
First, we need to use #objc attribute variant that allows you to specify name for your symbol in Objective-C:
// SwiftObject.swift
internal class YetAnotherSwiftObject: NSObject {
internal class func doSomething() {}
And then you just need to create #interface declaration with the methods you want to use in your code - so the compiler will be happy, and also apply SWIFT_CLASS macro with the symbol name you've specified earlier - so the linker would pick the actual implementation:
// SomeObject.m file
#interface YetAnotherSwiftObject : NSObject
+ (void)doSomething;
#implementation SomeObject
- (void)someOtherMethod {
[YetAnotherSwiftObject doSomething]; // Should work now !!!
I've used the interface declaration in .m file just for clarity, the better option would be to combine such declarations in .h file, and include it.
By declaring methods in that interface we're making a promise to compiler, and it won't complain if you'll put there a method that does not exist (or with wrong signature, etc.) Obviously, you'll crash in runtime in that case - so be cautious.
For me it just worked by checking: "Allow app extension API only". You find it by going to the project setting, select your target and then it is in the General tab under Deployment Info.
Can someone explain to me, why this does solve the problem?
While the above solution works (, it seems overly complicated and unintuitive:
Complicated, because it seems to add more things than necessary – I will provide a smoother solution below.
Unintuitive, because the objc macro SWIFT_CLASS resolves to SWIFT_RUNTIME_NAME, and the provided value is not actually the runtime name – nor is the objc class name in the header matching the Swift attribute param in #objc. Still, surprisingly, the solution works – but to me it is not clear why.
Here is what we have tested in our own project, and believe to be the better solution (using the example above):
// YetAnotherSwiftObject.swift
internal class YetAnotherSwiftObject: NSObject {
#objc internal class func doSomething() {}
// OBJCPREFIXYetAnotherSwiftObject.h
#interface OBJCPREFIXYetAnotherSwiftObject : NSObject
+ (void)doSomething;
That's it. The interface looks like a regular objc interface. This gives the added benefit that you can include it in other header files (which you cannot do if you use the SWIFT_CLASS macro, as it comes from the autogenerated Swift header file, which in turn you cannot include in an objc header, due to circular dependency).
On the Swift side, the only thing relevant is that you provide the class with the proper objc name. Mind that I only used the name prefix for language consistency – you can even just use YetAnotherSwiftObject everywhere (i.e., in the objc header and in the #objc attribute in Swift – but you need to keep this attribute with explicit naming in any case, and need to keep it consistent with the class name in the header).
This also makes your life easier if you're in the process of converting your objc framework step by step to Swift. You just keep the objc header as before, and now provide the implementation in Swift.
Methods and properties that are marked with the internal modifier and declared within a class that inherits from an Objective-C class are accessible to the Objective-C runtime.
so let's make use of that:
class MyInternalClass: NSObject {
#objc var internalProperty = 42
#interface MyPublicClass()
#implementation MyPublicClass
+ (void) printValue {
Class myInternalClass = NSClassFromString(#"MyPackageNameIfAny.MyInternalClass");
id myInternalClassInstance = [myInternalClass new];
int value = [myInternalClassInstance performSelector:#selector(internalProperty)];
NSLog(#"Value is %d ", value); // "value is 42"
Using the SWIFT_CLASS macro and #objc class attribute could easily lead to errors when archiving. This approach is safer.
