Implementing Methods from Objective C Library with Swift - ios

I am trying to implement the following method in swift:
From the class FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate, which is subclassed inside my ViewController class as so:
class ViewController: UIViewController, FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate,
Note that I have already created a bridging header etc.
In the FLIROneSDKImageReceiverDelegate header file:
- (void) FLIROneSDKDelegateManager:(FLIROneSDKDelegateManager *)delegateManager didReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888Image:(NSData *)msxImage imageSize:(CGSize)size;
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the correct way to implement this function?
func FLIROneSDKDelegateManagerdidReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888ImageimageSize(delegateManager: FLIROneSDKDelegateManager!, msxImage: NSData, size: CGSize){
Note that FLIROneSDKDelegateManager is a class.

Off the top of my head, but try this:
func FLIROneSDKDelegateManager(delegateManager: FLIROneSDKDelegateManager!, didReceiveBlendedMSXRGBA8888Image msxImage: NSData!, imageSize size: CGSize) {
// method imp

#Laxsnor's solution in the comments on the answer by #aaron-wojnowski helped me too, thanks both.
To consolidate:
The problem is a conflict created by the name FLIROneSDKDelegateManager being used as a both a class name and a function name - which seems to be OK in Objective-C but not in Swift.
Replacing the class FLIROneSDKDelegateManager with NSObject in the function parameter seems to solve the problem without side-effects. This has to be done in both the Objective-C protocol header file and the Swift delegate class source file.
NOTE I also found this same solution applied more broadly to Swift-ify the entire FLIROneSDK at
Happy developing for FLIROne on Swift. (I'm new to FLIROne and relatively new to Swift so apologies if my language isn't quite precise enough.)


Cannot use all methods in Objective-C class in Swift

I am trying to make use of an Objective-C API in Swift. I can only seem to call the shareMyInstance() method from Swift, and not the initOpenApi() method for some reason. I'm not sure if there is some sort of scope identifier present in the interface, but I can't make use of initOpenApi, even though both are in the header. I also cannot see the method bodies, but I don't believe that affects the scope of the function.
This is locking me into using Objective-C, because for some reason I can access all of the functions from Objective-C, but only 3 of the 4 from Swift.
Header file (LCOpenSDK_Api.h):
#ifndef LCOpenSDK_LCOpenSDK_Api_h
#define LCOpenSDK_LCOpenSDK_Api_h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface LCOpenSDK_Api: NSObject
+ (LCOpenSDK_Api*) shareMyInstance;
- (id) initOpenApi:(NSString*)addr port:(NSInteger)port CA_PATH:(NSString*)caPath;
- (NSInteger)request:(void*)req resp:(void*)resp timeout:(NSInteger)timeout;
- (void)uninitOpenApi;
My code (.swift):
import Foundation
class LeChangePlayerView: UIView {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
var lc = LCOpenSDK_Api.shareMyInstance()!; //Fine
//Need this function!
lc.initOpenApi("", 443, "") //Value of type 'LCOpenSDK_Api' has no member 'initOpenApi'
The only possible other explanation is that there is a different header file with the same name, but different interface, but this is highly unlikely because shareMyInstance, request and unitOpenApi are all available, and going to the definition from within the swift file using Xcode points to the same file. It is a dynamic framework, and as of right now, I can only view the headers, not the method implementations. I'm not sure if there's a solution to this, but this is another problem I could use help with. Could they have locked the original source code somehow, as well as made that specific method private?
Although initOpenApi is an instance method, Swift recognises it as an initialiser as it starts with the word init. Initialisers are translated from Objective-C into Swift-style initialisers.
In Objective-C you would say something like [[LCOpenSDK_Api alloc] initOpenAPI:#"", port: 443, CA_PATH: #""]
In Swift the word init is stripped and there is no need to explicitly allocate a new instance:
let lc = LC_OpenSDK_Api(openApi:", port: 443, CA_PATH:"")
However, you need to refer to the documentation from the framework to determine if you want to access the singleton instance LC_OpenSDK_Api.shareMyInstance or whether you want to create a specific instance as I showed above.

Calling to a variable of swift view controller file in Objective-C

I have a project that is a cross of Swift and Objective-C using a bridging-header.
In my main ViewController.swift file, outside of the class declaration, I have this code:
var mainView = ViewController()
In other views that I segue to, I can use this to call a function to run back on the main ViewController by using mainView.runFunction()
How can I call this function in an Objective-C .m implementation file?
First of all for using swift in objective-c you need to import TargetName-Swift.h. Note that it's the target name.
For more information look at this.
You can achieve what you want in this way:
ViewController *mainView = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[mainView runFunction];
Also you should declare your runFunction with #objc to use it in objective-c like below:
#objc func runFunction {
// what you want to do ...
Follow this apple article and done : Load Swift in Objective-C.
Or I already did is a "trick" using "#objc" key, look at this little explanation: What is #objc attribute, one easy way is just create a helper function that will be visible to your Objective-c class and done like:
#objc func retrieveMainView() -> UIViewController { return MyViewController() }
And you call this from your objective-c class, maybe you need to anotate your swift class with #objc, look at this two reference and you will get the idea and figure out for sure .
In your Objective file i.e. .m file add below import statement:
import "<ProjectName>-Swift.h"
For example your project name is MyProject, so import statement would look like:
import "MyProject-Swift.h"
And call your function like: [mainView runFunction];
I hope this will help. You can also refer one of my answer:
How can I import Swift code to Objective-C?

Objective C to Swift interoperability issues

I have a curious case where I have the following Objective C protocol:
#protocol AccountCriteria <NSObject>
- (BOOL)criteriaIsApplicableForIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- (nullable id <ModularFactory>)criteriaMetForAccount:(Account *)account error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NOTHROW;
To which I have decided to have a Swift class implement the protocol, like so:
import Foundation
public class PaymentCriteria: NSObject, AccountCriteria {
public func criteriaIsApplicable(forIdentifier identifier: String) -> Bool {
//Lots of code here
public func criteriaMet(for account: Account, error: NSErrorPointer) -> ModularFactory? {
//Lots of code here
The intention is to use the PaymentCriteria class in other Objective C code. However with this particular code I keep getting a Lexical or Preprocessor Issue. Now if I remove the public from the class everything builds fine. However, I can't use PaymentCriteria in any Objective C code.
If I keep the class as public but remove AccountCriteria from the class, everything still builds fine. However, I have to have this class abide by the protocol. So this route doesn't help me very much as well.
So my question is, why can't I have a Swift class abide by an Objective C protocol and then try and use that Swift class in Objective C? Or is there something pernicious that I'm doing wrong in the Swift class?
As I understood, the issue here with let's call it, cyclic importing.
So, You've created Objc protocol, then add this Objc file to Bridging header. It is being imported to all swift files, including your PaymentCriteria.swift file.
Then you try using PaymentCriteria back in objc, which leads to adding it to umbrella header. And generally because of such a path I experienced similar errors.
The simplest workaround would be creation AccountCriteria as a protocol using Swift with #objc.

{Module_name}-Swift.h file not working well only in Swift 4 projects unlike Swift 3.2

Anyone faced problems in {Module_name}-Swift.h file for Swift 4 projects? I've noticed -Swift.h autogenerated file not working well with Swift 4 syntax unlike Swift 3.2!.
For example, -Swift.h file doesn't contain all variables and methods which implemented in the custom Swift classes which inherited from NSObject class!
I've used #objc and #classkeywords but no way.
I don't get any errors! the problem is if I've created a class like this:
import Foundation
class Utils: NSObject {
let abc: String?
func xyz() {
and navigate to {Module_name}-Swift.h I see something like that:
#interface Utils : NSObject
- (nonnull instancetype)init OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
Both let abc: String? and func xyz() have been never included in {Modue_name}-Swift.hfile!
I think in Swift 4 you have to mark a lot more things #objc (nothing implicit anymore) but other than that it should just be in there.
You can all check it to confirm class name in .h file like:
#class filename;
The generated file {Module}-Swift.h does not contain your variables and methods, the file is generated to give you access to the Module namespace.
The actual interface for the generated module lives in Module.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule (depending on built architecture).
More information on its contents:
however... the format is not documented anywhere and is subject to change. A good starting point would be to look in include/swift/Serialization/ModuleFormat.h
As to why it's not working - Swift 4 has a migration process, please ensure you have followed it:
Xcode will pick up most things ... but it won't get everything!
And why do you need header files for Swift classes? You just can mark swift class as #objc and you will be able to reach all its properties.

I want to call a class function written in Swift from the AppDelegate (which is in Objective C). What am I doing wrong?

I have a swift file "SomeController.swift" it is like this:
import Foundation
func performSomeStuff() {
println("Performing stuff")
Now in the app delegate, I am trying to do this: (note that the swift bridging header is imported)
[SomeController performSomeStuff]
But its not working.
I have also tried this:
import Foundation
class SomeController:NSObject {
class func performSomeStuff() {
println("Performing stuff")
But it still fails.
What is the correct way?
before the class keyword in your swift code so it will be:
#objc class SomeStuff: NSObject {
Also add #obj in front of any function that you want to call.
Then in your app delegate make sure to use #import "projectName-Swift.h"
Are you able to access "SomeController" class in objective-c, if not then you firstly need to add "${ProjectName}-Swift.h file and add Swift compilation support in Build settings as:
And for accessing methods from Swift to Objective-C, add
import Foundation
class SomeStuff:NSObject {
#objc class func performSomeStuff() {
println("Performing stuff")
before functions name.
In some cases, you need finer grained control over how your Swift API is exposed to Objective-C. You can use the #objc attribute if your Swift class doesn’t inherit from an Objective-C class, or if you want to change the name of a symbol in your interface as it’s exposed to Objective-C code.
Ok, So I figured it out. First, here's the correct way. Its like some of you said:
In the swift file, I have it like this:
class MyController:NSObject{
class func performTask {
// Here my task is running.
Then in the app delegate, I just import the swift header file. And do this:
[MyController performTask];
Now for the part I had wrong. It was an error on my part, but maybe it'll be useful to someone else out there.
When I first created the first swift file, I had placed it inside a folder within the my Source folder. But when I started having multiple swift files, I moved the bridging header outside that folder and into the main Source folder (just for organising).
The problem was, it did not give me a direct error to tell me what was the problem. I had to check the issue navigator to identify the problem.
Hope this helps someone out there.
