Freedesktop Appstream XML: DTD? - xml-parsing

I'm currently writing metainfo for GUI and non-GUI applications.
For that, I'm extensively studying the official metainfo documentation, but its unspecific to ambiguous in many places, to put it mildly (optionality, multiplicity of tags, ordering, …; in fact, the doc is using <tag/> to define tags that actually have content <tag>foobar</tag> and those that' don't, <tag prop="foobar"/>, alike).
Since I'm planning adhere to a format that will probably be rejected by a parser if validation fails, I'd like to have the DTD that parser uses. This is XML, after all, and I'm pretty certain the developers chose XML exactly because it comes with a schema specification language.
I can't find that schema, however. I tried finding my way through the source code of appstream-generator and appstream-cli, but I had no success.

With IMSoP's hint I started looking into the appstream source code. Turns out:
Appstream used to have an XSD. They deleted it, because they didn't maintain it for four years and it fell out of sync with the documentation.
I cannot applaud that decision, though I find it understandable, given that maintaining a schema takes time, and duplicating the effort of a parseable schema in a separate validating CLI tool simply eats time.


reading/parsing common lisp files from lisp without all packages available or loading everything

I'm doing a project which involves parsing the histories of common lisp repos. I need to parse them into list-of-lists or something like that. Ideally, I'd like to preserve as much of the original source file syntax as possible, in some way. For example, in the case of the text #+sbcl <something>, which I think means "If our current lisp is sbcl, read <something>, otherwise skip it", I'd like to get something like (#+ 'sbcl <something>).
I originally wrote a LALR parser in Python, which sort of worked, but it's not ideal for many reasons. I'm having a lot of difficulty getting correct output, and I have tons of special cases to add.
I figured that what I should really do is is use lisp itself, since it already has a lisp parser built in. If I could just read a file into sexps, I could dump it into something (cl-json would do) for further processing down the line.
Unfortunately, when I attempt to read, I get the error
There is no package with the name WOO.EV.TCP
which is of course coming from line 80 of that file, since that package is defined in src/ev/tcp.lisp, and we haven't read it.
Basically, is it possible to just read the file into sexps without caring whether the packages are defined or if they contain the relevant symbols? If so, how? I've tried looking at the hyperspec reader documentation, but I don't see anything that sounds relevant.
I'm out of practice with actually writing common lisp, but it seems potentially possible to hack around this by handling the undefined package condition by creating a blank package with that name, and handling the no-symbol-of-that-name-in-package condition by just interning a given symbol. I think. I don't know how to actually do this, I don't know if it would work, I don't know how many special cases would be involved. Offhand, the first condition is called no-such-package, but the second one (at least in sbcl) is called simple-error, so I don't even know how to determine whether this particular simple-error is the no-such-symbol-in-that-package error, let alone how to extract the relevant names from the condition, fix it, and restart. I'd really like to hear from a common lisp expert that this is the right thing to do here before I go down the road of trying to do it this way, because it will involve a lot of learning.
It also occurs to me that I could fix this by just sed-ing the file before reading it. E.g. turning woo.ev.tcp:start-listening-socket into, say, woo.ev.tcp===start-listening-socket. I don't particularly like this solution, and it's not clear that I wouldn't run into tons more ugly special cases, but it might work if there's no better answer.
I am almost sure there is no easy portable way to do this for a number of reasons.
(Just limiting things to the non-existent-package problem for now.)
First of all there is no portable access into the bit of the reader which decides that tokens are going to be symbols and then looks for package markers &c: that just happens according to the rules in 2.3. So you can't easily intervene in this.
Secondly there's not portably enough information in any kind of condition the reader might signal to be able to handle them.
There are several possible ways out of this bit of the problem.
If you felt sufficiently heroic you might be able to teach the reader that all of the token-starting characters are in fact things you control and then write a token-reader that somehow deals with the whole package thing by returning some object which isn't a symbol. But to do that you need to deal with numbers, and if you think that's simple, well, it's not.
If you felt less heroic you could write a more primitive token-reader which just doesn't even try to deal with anything except grabbing all the characters needed and returns some kind of object which wraps a string. This would avoid the whole number problem at the cost of losing a lot of intofmration.
If you don't care about portability, find an implementation, understand how its reader does it, and muck around with it. There are more open source or source-available implementations than I can easily count (perhaps I am not very good at counting) so this is a pretty good approach. It's certainly what I'd do.
But this is only the start of the problems. The CL reader is hairy and, in its standard configuration (the configuration which is used for things like compile-file unless people have arranged otherwise) can run completely arbitrary code at read time, including code which modifies the reader itself, some of which may do so in an implementation-dependent way. And people use this: there's a reason Lisp is called the 'programmable programming language' and it's that people program it.
I've decided to solve this using sed (actually Python's re.sub, but who's counting?) because it'll work for my actual use case, and was easy.
For future readers: The various people saying this is impossible in general are probably right. The other questions posted by #Svante look like good easy ways to solve part of the problem. Other parts of the problem might be solved more elegantly by replacing the reader macros for #., #+, #-, etc with ones which just make a list, which sounds less heroic than the suggestions from #tfb, but I don't have time for that shit.

Is there a way to preprocess ruby code and find errors that would occur runtime?

We have huge code base and we are generating issues that would have been caught at compile time in type languages such as Java but we are not catching them until runtime in Ruby. This is bad since we generate bugs that most of the time are typos or refactoring that leaves some invalid code.
def mysuperfunc
# some code goes here
# this was a valid call but not anymore since enforcesecurity
# signature changed
I mean, IDEs can do it but some guys use ATOM or sublime, so we need something to "compile" and report that kind of issues so they don't reach deployment. What have you been using?
This is generating a little percentage of our bug reports, but since we are forced to produce at a ridiculous pace we don't have 100% code coverage. If there is no tool to help, I'll just make sure everybody uses and IDE and run the reports with tools such as Rubymine.
Our stack includes, rspec, minitest, SimpleCov. We enforce code reviews, multistack deployments (dev, qa, pre-prod, sandbox, prod). And still some issues are reaching higher level and makes us programmers look bad. I'm not looking of magic, just a little automation that might help a bit.
Unfortunately, the Halting Problem, Rice's Theorem, and all the other Undecidability and Uncomputability Results tell us that it is simply impossible in the general case to statically determine any "interesting" property about the runtime behavior of a program. We cannot even statically determine something as simple as "will it halt", so how are we going to determine "is bug-free"?
There are certain things that can be statically determined, and there are certain restricted programs for which some interesting properties can be statically determined, but largely, this is not possible. And even to the small extent that it is possible, it generally requires the language to be specifically designed to be easy to statically analyze (which Ruby isn't).
That being said, there are certain tools that contain certain heuristics to point out code that may have problems. There are certain coding standards that may help avoid bugs, and there are tools to enforce those coding standards. Keywords to search for are "code quality tools", "linter", "static analyzer", etc. You have already been given examples in the other answers and comments, and given those examples and these keywords, you'll likely find more.
However, I also wanted to discuss something you wrote:
we are forced to produce at a ridiculous pace we don't have 100% code coverage
That's a problem, which has to be approached from two sides:
Practice, practice, practice. You need to practice testing and writing high-quality code until it is so naturally to you that not doing it actually ends up being harder and slower. It should become second nature to you, such that under pressure when your mind goes blank, the only thing you know is to write tests and write well-designed, well-factored, high-quality code. Note: I'm talking about deliberate practice, which means setting time aside to really practice … and practice is practice, it's not work, it's not fun, it's not hobby, if you don't delete the code you wrote immediately after you have written it, you are not practicing, you are working.
Sustainable Pace. You should never develop faster than the pace you could sustain indefinitely while still producing well-tested, well-designed, well-factored, high-quality code, having a fulfilling social life, no stress, plenty of free time, etc. This is something that has to be backed and supported and understood by management.
I'm unaware of anything exactly like you want. However, there are a few gems that will analyze code and warn you about some errors and/or bad practices. Try these:
Via the repo
Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal
values, variable, class, method names, whitespace, programming style,
braces vs do/end, etc are all ignored. Making this totally rad.
Reports differences at any level of code.
Adds a score multiplier to identical nodes.
Differences in literal values, variable, class, and method names are ignored.
Differences in whitespace, programming style, braces vs do/end, etc are ignored.
Works across files.
Add the flay-persistent plugin to work across large/many projects.
Run --diff to see an N-way diff of the code.
Provides conservative (default) and --liberal pruning options.
Provides --fuzzy duplication detection.
Language independent: Plugin system allows other languages to be flayed.
Ships with .rb and .erb.
javascript and others will be
available separately.
Includes FlayTask for Rakefiles.
Uses path_expander, so you can use:
dir_arg -- expand a directory automatically
#file_of_args -- persist arguments in a file
-path_to_subtract -- ignore intersecting subsets of
Skips files matched via patterns in .flayignore (subset format of .gitignore).
Totally rad.
Via the repo
Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report.
The higher the score, the more pain the code is in.
Easy to read reporting of complexity/pain.
Uses path_expander, so you can use:
dir_arg – expand a directory automatically
#file_of_args – persist arguments in a file
-path_to_subtract – ignore intersecting subsets of files/directories
% ./bin/flog -g lib
Total Flog = 1097.2 (17.4 flog / method)
323.8: Flog total
85.3: Flog#output_details
61.9: Flog#process_iter
53.7: Flog#parse_options
There is a ruby gem called guard that does automated testing. You can set your own custom rules.
For example, you can make it where anytime you modify certain files, the test framework will automatically run.
Here is the link for guard

Parsing a Programming Language and Identifying Components of it

I'm looking for steps/libraries/approaches to solve this Problem statement.
Given a source file of a Programming language, I need to parse it and Subdivide it into components.
Given a Java File, I need to find the following in it.
list of Imports
Classes present in it
Attributes in the Class
Methods in it - along the Parameters if any.
I need to extract these and store it separately.
Reason Why I want to do it?
I want to build an Inverted Index on the top of these Components.
Example queries to Inverted index
1. Find the list of files with Class name: Sample
2. Find the positions where variable XXX is used within the class AAA.
I need to support queries likes the above
So, my plan is given a file, if I build these components from it, It would be easy to build an Inverted index on the top of it.
Example: Sample -- Class - - Component - FileName )
I want to build an Inverted index like above.
I see it is being implemented in many IDEs like IntelliJ.What I'm interested it how much effort it would take to build something like this. And I want to try implementing the same for at least one language.
Thanks in advance.
You can try to do this "just" a parser; for your specific example, that might be enough.
But you'll need a parser for each language. If you stick to just Java, you can find Java parsers pretty easily; just reuse one, there is little point in you reinventing one more set of grammar rules to describe Java.
For more than one language, this starts to get tricky. You can:
try to find a separate parser for each language. This may be sort of successful for mainstream languages. As you get to less well known languages, these get a lot harder to find. If you succeed, you'll have the problem that the parsers are likely incompatible technology; now gluing them together to collectively collect your index information is going to be a mess.
pick one parsing technology and get grammars for all the languages you care about. You have only two realistic choices: YACC/Bison, and ANTLR.
As a practical matter the YACC and Bison have been used to implement LOTS of languages... but the grammar files are not collected in one place, so they are hard to find. ANTLR at least has a single repository you can find at their web site. So that might kind of work.
Its going to be quite the effort to assemble all these into an integrated whole.
A complication is that you may want more than just raw syntax; you might want to know the meaning of the symbols, and for each symbol, precisely where it is defined in which file. After all, you want your index to be accurate at scale, and this will require differentiating foo the variable name from foo the function name. Arguably you need symbol tables.
As a general rule, this is where pure-parsing of languages breaks down;
there is serious Life After Parsing.
In that case, you want an integrated set of tools for extracting information from the different languages.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a framework, and has some 40 languages predefined for it. We use something like OP's suggested process to build indexes of a code base for search tools based on DMS. Building something like DMS is an enormous effort.

Relationship between parsing, highlighting and completion

For some time now I've been thinking about designing a small toy language from scratch, nothing that will "Rule The World", but mostly as an exercise. I realize there is a lot to learn in order to accomplish this.
This question is about three different concepts (parsing, code highlighting and completion) that strike me as extremely similar. Of course, parsing and ASTgen is part of the compilation, while code highlighting and completion is more of a feature of the IDE, yet I wonder what are the similarities and differences.
I need some hints from someone more experienced in this topic. What code can be shared between these concepts and what are the architecture considerations that could help in this sense?
What you want is a syntax-directed structure editor. This is one that combines parsing with AST building and uses the parser to predict what you can type next (either syntax completion), or has a tie to the compiler's last run, so that it can interpret the edit point to see what valid identifiers might come next by inspecting the compiler's symbol table that was last relevant at that point in the code.
The most difficult part is offering the user a seamless experience; she pretty much has to believe she is editing text or (experience with structure editors shows) she will reject it as awkward.
This is a lot of machinery to coordinate and quite a big effort. The good news is that you need a parser anyway for the compiler; if editing also parses, the AST needed by the compiler is essentially available. (Of course you have to worry about batch compiling, too). The compiler has to build a symbol table; so you can use that in the editing completion process. The more difficult news is that the parsers are a lot harder to build; they can't just declare a user-visible syntax error and quit; rather they have to be tolerant of a number of errors extant at the same moment, hold partial ASTs for the pieces, and stitch them together as the errors are removed by the user.
The Berkeley Harmonia people are doing good work in this area. It is well worth your trouble to read some of their papers to get a detailed sense of the problems and one approach to handling them.
THe other major approach people (notably Intentional Programming and XText) seem to be trying are object-oriented editors, where you attach editing actions to each AST node, and associate every point on the screen with an AST node. Then editing actions invoke AST-node specific actions (insert-character, go right, go up, ...) and it can decide how to act and how to modify the screen. Arguably you can make these editors do anything; its a little harder in practice. I've used these editors; they don't feel like text editors. There are some enthusiastic users, but YMMV.
I think you probably ought to choose between trying to build such an editor, vs. trying to define a new langauge. Doing both at once is likely to overwhelm you with troubles.

What do people do with Parsers, like antlr javacc?

Out of curiosity, I wonder what can people do with parsers, how they are applied, and what do people usually create with it?
I know it's widely used in programming language industry, however I think this is just a tiny portion of it, right?
Besides special-purpose languages, my most ambitious use of a parser generator yet (with good old yacc back in C, and again later with pyparsing in Python) was to extract, validate and possibly alter certain meta-info from SQL queries -- parsing SQL properly is a real challenge (especially if you hope to support more than one dialect!-), a parser generator (and a lexer it sits on top of) at least remove THAT part of the job!-)
They are used to parse text....
To give a more concrete example, where I work we use lexx/yacc to parse strings coming over sockets.
Also from the name it should give you an idea what javacc is used for (java compiler compiler!)
Generally to parse Domain Specific Languages or scripting languages, or similar support for code snipits.
Previously I have seen it used to parse the command line based output of another software tool. This way the outer tool (VPN software) could re-use the base router IPSec code without modification. As lots of what was being parsed was IP Route tables and other structured repeated text.
Using a parser allowed simple changes when the formatting changed, instead of trying to find and tweak the a hand written parser. And the output did change a few times of the life of the product.
I used parsers to help process +/- 800 Clipper source files into similar PRGs that could be compiled with Alaksa Xbase 32.
You can use it to extend your favorite language by getting its language definition from their repository and then adding what you've always wanted to have. You can pass the regular syntax to your application and handle the extension in your own program.
