Spring-data-elasticsearch #CompletionField does not create mapping type Completion - spring-data-elasticsearch

I am using annotation #CompletionField from Spring Data Elasticsearch (4.0.1 RELEASE) in my entity, but it looks the ElasticSearch index is created with wrong mapping.
public class Address {
private String cityName;
public interface AddressRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Address, String> {
Index is autocreated by calling repository.save(address)
Snippet from elasticsearch mapping
As you can see there is missing type "completion" (see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters.html#completion-suggester).
Did I miss something?

The #CompletionField must be of type Completion:
public class Address {
private Completion cityName;
You might want to check the test code for this functionality


Getting an injected object using CDI Produces

I have a class (OmeletteMaker) that contains an injected field (Vegetable). I would like to write a producer that instantiates an injected object of this class. If I use 'new', the result will not use injection. If I try to use a WeldContainer, I get an exception, since OmeletteMaker is #Alternative. Is there a third way to achieve this?
Here is my code:
public class OmeletteMaker implements EggMaker {
Vegetable vegetable;
public String toString() {
return "Omelette: " + vegetable;
a vegetable for injection:
public class Tomato implements Vegetable {
public String toString() {
return "Tomato";
main file
public class CafeteriaMainApp {
public static WeldContainer container = new Weld().initialize();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Restaurant restaurant = (Restaurant) container.instance().select(Restaurant.class).get();
public EggMaker eggMakerGenerator() {
return new OmeletteMaker();
The result I get is "Restaurant: Omelette: null", While I'd like to get "Restaurant: Omelette: Tomato"
If you provide OmeletteMaker yourself, its fields will not be injected by the CDI container. To use #Alternative, don't forget specifying it in the beans.xml and let the container instantiate the EggMaker instance:
If you only want to implement this with Producer method then my answer may be inappropriate. I don't think it is possible (with standard CDI). The docs says: Producer methods provide a way to inject objects that are not beans, objects whose values may vary at runtime, and objects that require custom initialization.
Thanks Kukeltje for pointing to the other CDI question in comment:
With CDI extensions like Deltaspike, it is possible to inject the fields into an object created with new, simply with BeanProvider#injectFileds. I tested this myself:
public EggMaker eggMakerProducer() {
EggMaker eggMaker = new OmeletteMaker();
return eggMaker;

CDI, polymorphism: Is it possible to inject an implementation of bean B into a bean A based on a field initialized during #PostConstruct of A?

In my JSF application I'm using a #ViewScoped bean Publication to show/edit data coming from my database. In that bean there is a field for a subtype-specific data object, i.e. containing a different object depending on whether the publication is, say, a book or an article.
public class Publication implements Serializable {
DatabaseStorage storage;
String id;
String type;
PublicationType typedStuff;
public void init() {
// Get an URL parameter from the request,
// look up row in database accordingly, initialize String "type".
switch (type) {
case "ARTICLE":
typedStuff = new Article(id);
case "BOOK":
typedStuff = new Book(id);
...with classes Article and Book that implement / extend PublicationType.
So far, so good, but I would like for typedStuff to be a CDI bean, so that I can inject useful resources there.
I've read this and this page on producer methods, as well as this tutorial and this very related SO question, but none of them answer precisely my question: Can I inject based on a field that the injecting bean itself only knows at runtime?
I've gotten the producer method to work as such, but I can't parametrize it, so I can't get that switch to work.
If I put the producer method in a separate class (or bean) then I don't have access to the type field.
If I inject the injecting bean into the producer class, or move the producer method into the injecting class, I get a circular injection.
If I put the producer method statically into the injecting class, I also don't have access, because type cannot be static. (Although, since it's only used momentarily...?)
Also (and that is probably the answer right there), the producer method is executed before my injecting bean's init method, so type wouldn't even have been set yet.
Does anybody have a better idea?
No you cannot, but you can select a bean based on the field value. Say:
public interface PublicationType {}
public class Article implements PublicationType{}
public class Book implements PublicationType {}
And define a qualifier:
public #interface PType {
String value();
And define an AnnotationLiteral:
public class PTypeLiteral extends AnnotationLiteral<PType> implements PType {}
Then you can use:
public class Publication {
private Instance<PublicationType> publicationTypes;
public void doSomething() {
PType ptype = new PTypeLiteral(type);
// Of course you will have to handle all the kind of exceptions here.
PublicationType publicationType = publicationTypes.select(ptype).get();
There is the javax.inject.Provider interface (I think You are using #Named and #Inject annotations from the same package).
You could use it to achieve what You want. It will create instances for You with injected fields.
One drawback is that You will have to set the id yourself.
public class Publication implements Serializable {
DatabaseStorage storage;
Provider<Article> articleProvider;
Provider<Book> bookProvider;
String id;
String type;
PublicationType typedStuff;
public void init() {
// Get an URL parameter from the request,
// look up row in database accordingly, initialize String "type".
switch (type) {
case "ARTICLE":
typedStuff = articleProvider.get();
case "BOOK":
typedStuff = bookProvider.get();

Doing interception with structuremap

I'm trying to do some attribute-based interception using structuremap but I'm struggling to tie up the last loose ends.
I have a custom Registry that scans my assemblies and in this Registry I have defined the following ITypeInterceptor whose purpose it is to match types decorated with the given attribute and then apply the interceptor if matched. The class is defined as such:
public class AttributeMatchTypeInterceptor<TAttribute, TInterceptor>
: TypeInterceptor
where TAttribute : Attribute
where TInterceptor : IInterceptor
private readonly ProxyGenerator m_proxyGeneration = new ProxyGenerator();
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
return m_proxyGeneration.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(target, ObjectFactory.GetInstance<TInterceptor>());
public bool MatchesType(Type type)
return type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (TAttribute), true).Length > 0;
public class OrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor{
public class MyRegistry : Registry{
public MyRegistry()
new AttributeMatchTypeInterceptor<TransactionalAttribute, TransactionInterceptor>());
I'm using DynamicProxy from the Castle.Core to create the interceptors, but my problem is that the object returned from the CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(...) call does not implement the interface that triggered the creation of the target instance in structuremap (i.e IOrderProcessor in example above). I was hoping that the IContext parameter would reveal this interface, but I can only seem to get a hold of the concrete type (i.e. OrderProcessor in example above).
I'm looking for guidance on how to have this scenario work, either by calling the ProxyGenerator to return an instance that implements all interfaces as the target instance, by obtaining the requested interface from structuremap or through some other mechanism.
I actually got something working with a slight caveat so I'll just post this as the answer. The trick was to obtain the interface and pass that into the CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget. My only problem was that I could not find a way to query the IContext about which interface it was currently resolving so I ended up just looking up the first interface on the target which worked for me. See code below
public class AttributeMatchTypeInterceptor<TAttribute, TInterceptor> :
where TAttribute : Attribute
where TInterceptor : IInterceptor
private readonly ProxyGenerator m_proxyGeneration = new ProxyGenerator();
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
//NOTE: can't query IContext for actual interface
Type interfaceType = target.GetType().GetInterfaces().First();
return m_proxyGeneration.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(
public bool MatchesType(Type type)
return type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (TAttribute), true).Length > 0;
Hope this helps someone

Set Inner Dependency by Type using Structuremap

I have a structuremap configuration that has me scratching my head. I have a concrete class that requires a interfaced ui element which requires an interfaced validation class. I want the outer concrete class to get the default ui element, but get a concrete-class-specific validation object. Something like this:
class MyView
IPrompt prompt
class GenericPrompt : IPrompt
IValidator validator
class MyValidator : IValidator
bool Validate() {}
How can I configure structuremap with the Registry DSL to only use MyValidator when creating dependencies for MyView. (And assumedly using BobsValidator when creating dependencies for BobsView)
Are you getting MyView (and BobsView) from the container? Can we assume that they will all take an instance of IPrompt?
One approach would be to register all of your validators with a name that matches the names of your view. You could implement your own type scanner that just removes the Validator suffix:
public class ValidatorScanner : ITypeScanner
public void Process(Type type, PluginGraph graph)
if (!typeof (IValidator).IsAssignableFrom(type)) return;
var validatorName = type.Name.Replace("Validator", "");
graph.AddType(typeof(IValidator), type, validatorName);
Now, if you assume an IPrompt will always be requested by a View that follows that naming convention, your registry could look like:
public class ValidatorRegistry : Registry
public ValidatorRegistry()
Scan(scan =>
ForRequestedType<IPrompt>().TheDefault.Is.ConstructedBy(ctx =>
var viewName = ctx.Root.RequestedType.Name.Replace("View", "");
ctx.RegisterDefault(typeof(IValidator), ctx.GetInstance<IValidator>(viewName));
return ctx.GetInstance<GenericPrompt>();
To retrieve your view with the appropriate validator, you would have to request the concrete type:
var view = container.GetInstance<MyView>();
Note that this will only work if you are retrieving your view with a direct call to the container (service location), since it depends on the "Root.RequestedType". Depending on how you plan to get your views, you might be able to walk up the BuildStack looking for a View (instead of assuming it is always Root).

How to bind String to variable in Guice?

I'm new to Guice and here is a naive question. I learned that we could bind String to a particular value through:
.annotatedWith(Names.named("JDBC URL"))
But what if I want to bind String to any possible characters?
Or I think it could be described this way:
How can I replace "new SomeClass(String strParameter)" with Guice?
You first need to annotate the constructor for SomeClass:
class SomeClass {
SomeClass(#Named("JDBC URL") String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
I prefer to use custom annotations, like this:
class SomeClass {
SomeClass(#JdbcUrl String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public #interface JdbcUrl {}
Then you need to provide a binding in your Module:
public class SomeModule extends AbstractModule {
private final String jdbcUrl; // set in constructor
protected void configure() {
Then an time Guice creates SomeClass, it will inject the parameter. For instance, if SomeOtherClass depends on SomeClass:
class SomeOtherClass {
SomeOtherClass(SomeClass someClass) {
this.someClass = someClass;
Often, when you think you want to inject a String, you want to inject an object. For instance, if the String is a URL, I often inject a URI with a binding annotation.
This all assumes there is some constant value you can define at module creation time for the String. If the value isn't available at module creation time, you can use AssistedInject.
This might be off-topic, but Guice makes configuration much easier than writing an explicit binding for every String you need. You can just have a config file for them:
Properties configProps = Properties.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("myconfig.properties");
Names.bindProperties(binder(), configProps);
and voilĂ  all your config is ready for injection:
#Provides // use this to have nice creation methods in modules
public Connection getDBConnection(#Named("dbConnection") String connectionStr,
#Named("dbUser") String user,
#Named("dbPw") String pw,) {
return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionStr, user, pw);
Now just create your Java properties file myconfig.properties at the root of your classpath with
dbConnection = jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
dbUser = username
dbPw = password
or merge authorization information from some other source into the properties and you're set.
I was able to inject a string through Named annotation.
String stage() {
return domain;
class SomeClass {
String stageName;
I find a solution in the FAQ of Guice:
In addition to define an annotation and a String attribute in MyModule, I need to write below line to get a instance of SomeClass:
SomeClass instance = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule("any string i like to use")).getInstance(SomeClass.class);
But I remembered that Injector.getInstance() should not be used except for the root object, so is there any better way to do this?
