React-Final-Form Validating Ranges while toggling Required - react-final-form

I'd like to truly validate on blur and conditional show range fields as required if a value is entered in either. If both values are removed, the errors should clear.
Hack: I can emulate validate on blur by caching the last meta data values and checking is visited is true but then I would have to reset the field state on both fields on clearing of both otherwise visited will be true and subsequent data entry and error will display prematurely. I believe this would get me all the way there but this feels counter intuitive and due to the FormSpy subscription on values.
Is there another way to use the API to accomplish this?
Should I cache the values on the "range" outside of final-form in order to avoid subscribing to values?
Am I confusing things? Thanks.

I think the key piece you're missing is that the field-level validate() function is passed allValues. :-)
Your other option, of course, is to use record-level validation.


Trick when dynamically appending GET attributes

When dynamically building SQL queries you often see something like this:
WHEN 1=1 AND title="Example" AND ...
The purpose of the 1=1 is to be able to keep appending AND-statements without having to check if any previous statements exist. Thereby avoiding something like this happening:
WHEN AND title="Example" AND ...
I quite often come across a related issue when building the the attributes/search-query for a GET request. I don't want to keep checking if I need to prepend the attribute with '?' or '&'.
So my question is, is there any 'safe' way for me to add an initial attribute that won't interfere with any potential software on the server side. Assuming I do not have full knowledge of the backend.
Something like:
Or is this allowed?
Is there perhaps a simpler way to solve this?
Make sure the URI-string you want to add parameters to already ends in a '?'. Then for every key-value pair, add 'key=value&' to it. Optionally you can then in the end delete the last character from the resulting string. - Reddit user omepiet

Can someone explain Rails behavior for multiple fields with identical names and ids?

I needed to create a input mask for a jQuery datepicker in my Rails app, where the first form field uses m/d/yy format and the datepicker populates a hidden input with the proper database format.
I was using SimpleForm, and so I extended my own input so that the input is preceded by the mask.
I got everything set up and when checking out the browser, it all just worked well before I thought I would be done.
The form ends up with two inputs for the same attribute, each with the same id and name. I never thought this would work. Checking the development log I only see one date getting submitted, the second of the two which is the one that has the proper format for the database.
Is this all okay? Should I take some extra steps even though this appears to work fine, and more importantly, can someone explain what's going on under the hood that results in this behavior?
Rails uses the Hash params to store fields submitted. When you declare two or more inputs using the same name, it happens the same as if you do something like
Result is bar because the foo was overwritten. So the "winner" is always the field value which the browser last appended to postdata.
But if I where you, I would not rely on the browser that the second field gets appended at last.

How do i filter and validate form fields in symfony 1.4?

Im trying to integrate a content filtering API. My plan was to use pre/post validators but I've lost may way somehow.
What i need to do is send the values to the content filtering service. If the response comes back that the content has been filtered it will also return a modified value for the field (basic profanity filtering... matches are replace with asterisks). Thats all well and good i can throw validation errors no problem - simple stuff.
However i dont want just throw errors. What needs to happen is that validation errors are thrown as normal, but the values are modified in the form for re-display.
Basically if someone posts something naughty i want them to get a validation error saying their post has been modified, they can re-submit the now "clean" post, or they can go about editing it to make it clean without the word replacements.
But do clean on a validator either throws an error OR returns cleaned values, not both. How can i go about implementing both? This will be used on many different forms with many different field names, so modifying methods on the form or a form base class isnt really an option - it needs to happen in the validation sub-framework somehow.
You can adjust this plugin for your needs

Rails validation fails but object memory remains unchanged?

First time user long time reader. I have thoroughly looked for an explanation for the problem I'm having via the mighty search engine Google, but alas I have failed to produce any significant insight.
I need to be able to ensure that a model form is not reloaded with invalid data. Since the model stored in memory on the server is edited directly with the parameters of the web form first, and THEN checked for validity, without additional code invalid model data will ALWAYS be sent back to the form. This is less than desirable to me. My question is this: how do I ensure this doesn't happen?
What I'm thinking is I need some mechanism for saving the state of the object before it's modified with the parameters sent from the web form, and then after a failed validation restore the object to it's previous, correct and unmodified state of being.
The object isn't actually modified in the db if validation fails, even though the object is in an invalid state in the form ... the thinking behind this is that the user wants to see the errors they made so they can correct them.
If you don't want that to be the case, then just read back the object with a WhateverObject.find(x) and assign it to the variable that the form is referencing and it will 'restore' the object to its previous unmodified state.
To add to what concept47 said you can also get the value for a particular field using
Have a look at ActiveRecord::Dirty for details (
Using that you could retrieve the original values for just those fields that had validation errors.

Grails 'scale' dropping decimal digits

Question using Grails 1.3.4 - the 'scale' constraint does not seem to keep my decimals.
I have a field defined as: Float latitude
I have a constraint: latitude(blank: false, range:-360.0f..360.0f, scale:6)
The Oracle 10g field is defined as: NUMBER(10,6)
When I enter a value in Create or Edit, the correct value gets to the database. However, it never displays correctly in Show. If I enter 10.1234567 and update, 10.123457 is in the database but 10.123 displays in Show.
If I Edit, the value shows as 10.123, and if I update without modifying it, 10.123 will be stored in the database, replacing 10.123457 even though I never touched that field.
If I edit the value to 10.456789, but leave another required field blank, the resulting Edit screen with the error message displays the value as 10.457.
Why is Grails continually rounding the value to 3 digits? I tried the field as a Double as well, but same results. I thought maybe it was Oracle, but I tried it with the default dev database, and same result. I thought maybe it was the 'range', but I took that off with the same result.
Hmm - are you sure it's displaying correctly in your database viewer? Also - check your use of tags: See
Wasted too much time trying to figure this out, ended up using the solution suggested by snowmanjack.
The default data binding that occurs with the fieldValue call is truncating it. You can write a new data binder that handles conversion the way you want as described here
Or you can do the lazy, probably less safe method that I used and access the property directly.
I replaced.
${fieldValue(bean: countryInstance, field: "latitude")}
