Android Studio : "Unable to locate adb" - sdk

I just installed Android Studios and trying to build my first app. When I press play on the emulator the message "unable to locate adb" pop-up. How to solve this problem?

I had this problem when updating to Android Studio 4.0.
I even tried uninstalling (and doing a full cleanup) Android Studio and installing again. The problem persisted.
The problem was that when importing my old project, the new Android Studio couldn't find the SDK and my project had no SDK (even though it could build, go figure).
So check File -> Project Structure -> Project. In my case there was a big red NO SDK set there. Once I set the SDK to the one installed, problem was solved.

I guess you didn't set the system and user environment path in your windows.
Goto properties of This PC > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > Path > then put the path file location.

intel android driver setup install this after its worked for me


Unable to add apple device in Android studio

I want to try out the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) in Android studio. I have installed the Plugin and when I try to add configuration for IOS, nothing shows up. I just have an IOS option but nothing shows up when I click on it. The android device is already set up, so I was able to run it in Android.
I guess you are not running Android Studio on macOS. You must have macOS to compile through XCode and use Apple Simulators.
If you are running AS on macOS and you created the project with KMM plugin it's weird that you don't have the run configuration for iOS already set up, but you can try to click on the + button on the upper-left corner. Remember that you must have XCode (and Simulators) and command line tools installed on your machine.
If you are running AS on an OS different from macOS you can only compile the non native (not macOS or iOS) part of the library.
Had the same issue. What fixed it it for me was installing Xcode command line tools with xcode-select --install.
If that doesn't work, generally check the integrity of your Xcode setup.

Build failed with error Remotebuild requires your projects to use cordova-ios 4.3.0 or greater with Xcode 8.3. Please update your cordova-ios version

I am aiming to deploy a mobile application to the iOS platform using codes developed in Visual Studio for an Android phone. I am unable to open the Visual Studio file on my Macbook (macOS High Sierra ver.10.13.6) as Visual Studio here does not seem to support .jsproj files. As such, I have attempted following the instructions in the link below to run a remotebuild on my mac while debugging codes and seeing an iOS simulator on my Windows computer.
I was able to get the remotebuild running, however, I came across the error where it required my projects to use cordova-ios 4.3.0 or greater with Xcode 8.3. As my windows computer does not have Xcode, I turned to my macbook and tried updating and adding the Cordova iOS platform through the terminal, where it said "Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project." I have searched the error up and it said that it required my Visual Studio project to be open, which I am unable to do so as my file is not supported in the Mac version of Visual Studio.
The iOS version in my Windows Visual Studio is currently 4.2.0 and I am unsure how to get about updating it. I have seen the link below but in only applies to Macbook, where I cannot open the Visual Studio project file.
Install specific version of Cordova CLI in Visual Studio 2017
I have installed node.js as well as Git, also attempting to include/update the Cordova iOS platform through the command prompt (Once again unsure if that was the method, but I tried), however, the command prompt did not recognise the update to cordova. Under the toolset in Visual Studio, I have tried ticking on the checkbox under Cordova platforms to take the latest patch, where ~4.2.0 appears, but still does not update.
I am still new to coding and things seem very foreign to me, if I have missed out anything vital or am doing something fatally wrong, please do enlighten me.

APK fails to be installed on any device

I'm new in the Xamarin Development world so I installed Visual Studio 2017 with all the needed cross compiler features.
After downloading and updating the SDKs for Android API 23, 24, 25 and 26 and some corresponding emulator images I got the emulators starting up.
I created a base Xamarin Android App within VS, compiled and deployed it to the simulator.
By deploying/installing the generated APK to the simulator I get the following error:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1: Package /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1/base.apk code is missing]
It doesn't matter which SDK I choose as “Target Framework” or which Simulator I choose (Android 6, Android 7 or 7.1). The result is the same: The apk is not installed, but the “Mono Shared Runtime” are present and will be updated.
I figured out that the created apk file does not contain a file “classes.dex” or any oder dex files just some ressources. A file “” in the directory “obj\Debug\android\bin\classes” with the generated java classes out of my C# is present. These files should be compiled with the DEX-Compiler to the classes.dex file, when I understood correctly.
Even other sample projects from the Internet have exactly the same result.
What do I do wrong?
The problem got solved by fresh installing the Android SDK and all related components. It seemed to have a SDK missmatch between an old Google Android SDK and the new installed Xamarin Android SDK.
I faced the same problem and tried many solutions from the search in web but this one to an extent solved that deploy failure issue.
In the emulator, open settings -> Apps -> Uninstall your app if it is listed
Deploy the app from visual studio again.
This solved the problem that said base.apk is missing.
Try setting your project back to the current recommended defaults. Remove all of the following properties from the .csproj file:
This will let Xamarin.Android pick the current latest default values, this apply for Visual Studio for Mac and VS 2017-2019

Installing Appcelerator Studio OS X El Capitan

I've been using Appcelerator Studio a lot, never seen this problem before. I recently did a fresh installation of OS X, then installing Xcode (7.3.1) and Command Line Tools for Xcode 7.3.1.
When installing Appcelerator Studio (build: everything is going great, the CLI gets installed. When starting up Appcelerator Studio, I have to configure SDKs, hence I am only interested in iOS at the moment, I uncheck Android in the Platform Configuration. The following is that Configuring SDK encountered a problem:
An internal error occurred during: "Configuring SDK". java.lang.NullPointerException
I continuing, and go to Preferences>Studio>Platforms>iOS, where the iOS SDK home says Not specified, I click refresh - nothing happens.
I run xcode-select -p and the correct path to Xcode Developer folder is printed.
Anyone having a clue of solving this?
I've check all the version statuses, also tried to reinstall and deleting all information that can impact to this.
Share the directory hierarchy where you have stored Android SDK and Platform screen folder. Also try to follow the guidelines of Titanium to integrate iOS, but remember to clean the hidden folders in root directory of your OS X system.
I believe the problem might be with your Xcode. Are you having multiple Xcode's installed?
Use sudo xcode-select -switch <xcode_folder_path> switch between Xcode's.
Then,run appc ti info -t ios and check whether CLI is able to identify the selected Xcode. If your Xcode is listed here, then studio should be able to identify it.

System image arm eabi v7a of Android 4.4(API 20) is not noticed

I was trying to set up the environment to develop and debug a simple android app with the use of Android Virtual Device Manager. I had followed all the steps from google's website.
Moving to the next step, as I had selected the target to be 'Android 4.4W - API Level 20' details in the wizard 'create new android virtual device(AVD)', the CPU/ABI field was grayed out saying 'No system image installed for this target'.
I had opened ANdroid SDK Manager to check if the mentioned target is holding a valid system image.
It had been updated with the latest packages from the respective repositories while contacting few of the repositories was a failure.
In the end, I had a surprise that my Android 4.4W (API 20) is not having its respective system image installed.
When I actually checked the folders that I had downloaded, I couldn't also notice the System Images sub folder under the SDK folder.
Can someone please help me out with this?
Start up Android SDK manager. Under "Android 4.4W (API20), make sure "sources for android sdk" is installed. If not, check the box and installed.
P.S. - I had the same problem.
After installing the image you have to restart eclipse. Otherwise it can't see the image.
Got the same issue. If you're running SDK Manager on Windows 7, run it with the admistrator privileges. That solved the problem in my case.
Open SDK Manager -> Tools -> Options
Check Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://...
You will see sources for android SDK, install it.
Close SDK Manager and open it again, you wil see ARM EABI
