System image arm eabi v7a of Android 4.4(API 20) is not noticed - sdk

I was trying to set up the environment to develop and debug a simple android app with the use of Android Virtual Device Manager. I had followed all the steps from google's website.
Moving to the next step, as I had selected the target to be 'Android 4.4W - API Level 20' details in the wizard 'create new android virtual device(AVD)', the CPU/ABI field was grayed out saying 'No system image installed for this target'.
I had opened ANdroid SDK Manager to check if the mentioned target is holding a valid system image.
It had been updated with the latest packages from the respective repositories while contacting few of the repositories was a failure.
In the end, I had a surprise that my Android 4.4W (API 20) is not having its respective system image installed.
When I actually checked the folders that I had downloaded, I couldn't also notice the System Images sub folder under the SDK folder.
Can someone please help me out with this?

Start up Android SDK manager. Under "Android 4.4W (API20), make sure "sources for android sdk" is installed. If not, check the box and installed.
P.S. - I had the same problem.

After installing the image you have to restart eclipse. Otherwise it can't see the image.

Got the same issue. If you're running SDK Manager on Windows 7, run it with the admistrator privileges. That solved the problem in my case.

Open SDK Manager -> Tools -> Options
Check Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://...
You will see sources for android SDK, install it.
Close SDK Manager and open it again, you wil see ARM EABI


Xamarin.Android when startup tracing is enabled, app cannot be deployed (NDK MISSING)

I am tring to speed up the launch of my app (forms).
But after it has compilied it says:
Could not locate the Android NDK. Please make sure the Android NDK is installed in the Android SDK Manager, or if using a custom NDK path, please ensure the $(AndroidNdkDirectory) MSBuild property is set to the custom path.
But only with startup tracing enabled. Taking it out, and everything works again.
How is that possible?
Here are several workarounds for this issue:
You can set your Android NDK locations here is a document about it
If you cannot change the default location of the Android NDK through the settings,
make sure you installed NDK, if not: Tools > Android > Android SDK manager > Tools > select NDK > Apply Changes
Create a folder named "AndroidNDK64" in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft
then Move the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AndroidNDK64\android-ndk... folder to the folder you just created
To resolve this issue I had to uninstall the NDK, and install the latest Side by Side NDK.
This is done by doing the following in Visual Studio Community 2022:
Open the Android SDK Manager via Tools -> Android -> Android SDK Manager
Tools tab
Expand NDK and de-select the installed NDK (if any)
Expand Other. If Other is not visible, click the Great icon (options,) Repository, and select Full List.
Within Other, select the latest NDK (Side by side) option. I selected the latest 4 versions on a whim.
Click Apply Changes to uninstall the old NDK and install the NDK (Side by side) versions you've selected.
After doing this, I was able to deploy to my device with the Startup Tracing build option enabled.

Android Studio : "Unable to locate adb"

I just installed Android Studios and trying to build my first app. When I press play on the emulator the message "unable to locate adb" pop-up. How to solve this problem?
I had this problem when updating to Android Studio 4.0.
I even tried uninstalling (and doing a full cleanup) Android Studio and installing again. The problem persisted.
The problem was that when importing my old project, the new Android Studio couldn't find the SDK and my project had no SDK (even though it could build, go figure).
So check File -> Project Structure -> Project. In my case there was a big red NO SDK set there. Once I set the SDK to the one installed, problem was solved.
I guess you didn't set the system and user environment path in your windows.
Goto properties of This PC > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > Path > then put the path file location.
intel android driver setup install this after its worked for me

APK fails to be installed on any device

I'm new in the Xamarin Development world so I installed Visual Studio 2017 with all the needed cross compiler features.
After downloading and updating the SDKs for Android API 23, 24, 25 and 26 and some corresponding emulator images I got the emulators starting up.
I created a base Xamarin Android App within VS, compiled and deployed it to the simulator.
By deploying/installing the generated APK to the simulator I get the following error:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1: Package /data/app/BlankAndroid.BlankAndroid-1/base.apk code is missing]
It doesn't matter which SDK I choose as “Target Framework” or which Simulator I choose (Android 6, Android 7 or 7.1). The result is the same: The apk is not installed, but the “Mono Shared Runtime” are present and will be updated.
I figured out that the created apk file does not contain a file “classes.dex” or any oder dex files just some ressources. A file “” in the directory “obj\Debug\android\bin\classes” with the generated java classes out of my C# is present. These files should be compiled with the DEX-Compiler to the classes.dex file, when I understood correctly.
Even other sample projects from the Internet have exactly the same result.
What do I do wrong?
The problem got solved by fresh installing the Android SDK and all related components. It seemed to have a SDK missmatch between an old Google Android SDK and the new installed Xamarin Android SDK.
I faced the same problem and tried many solutions from the search in web but this one to an extent solved that deploy failure issue.
In the emulator, open settings -> Apps -> Uninstall your app if it is listed
Deploy the app from visual studio again.
This solved the problem that said base.apk is missing.
Try setting your project back to the current recommended defaults. Remove all of the following properties from the .csproj file:
This will let Xamarin.Android pick the current latest default values, this apply for Visual Studio for Mac and VS 2017-2019

The device version ( does not support the API level (Blackberry Native SDK 10.2)

I have blackberry playbook with OS. Version i have connected with WIFI. Now when i run project it will start executing project into my playbook
but every time i got below error
Then i click on update the project's API level
Then i click ok button i got below dialog box
I do not know what should i have to do, Do i need to install all API for example
10.1, 10.0
I don't know if you have already found the solution for your problem but personally I'm using a different Blackberry NDK for Playbook development: Link to Playbook NDK
As far as i've been told the playbook os is pretty different from the blackberry z10/q10.
Playbook is 2.x and z10 is 10.0/.1/.2
Momentics is only suitable for 10.1
For publishing to playbook youll need the playbok "tablet" sdk
Also i've been told NOT to install both sdks on the same machine. as """because weirdness happens when you have both tablet and bb10 sdks installed. it's nominally "not a bug", but merely "unsupported". """

Why can not i install an app on Motorola ET1 from Xamarin?

I just started Xamarin and trying to explore it. I made an app and trying to install it on Motorola ET1 device but i am getting following error:
Detecting installed packages
Removing old runtime
Installing shared runtime
Removing old runtimes
Installing shared runtime
Installing platform framework
Removing previous version of application
Installing application on device
Synchronizing assemblies
Deployment failed because the FastDev assembly directory could not be created.
Deployment failed. FastDev directory creation failed.
I installed the same app on my Galaxy S3 and it worked fine there. I am using mac for development. I googled and found that disabling fast development helps but i could not find where to disable that in Xamarin Studio on mac. Why can not i install this app on Motorola ET1. And how can i do it? Thanks in advance.
Disabling Fast assembly deployment in Build/Android Build/Packaging solved my problem.
Just simply follows these steps for Xamarin Studio:-
Go to Project option in menu bar and select last option i.e. YourProjectName.AndroidOption
Select Android Build Option in Build Catagory
Select Package tab and uncheck the 'Fast Assembly Option' and click on Ok
Now, you can Deploye your project successfully.
Have you enabled the Development USB Debugging (Settings -> Application Settings-> USB Debugging) and also to be able to use Unknown Sources?
Hope this helps,James
