iOS Swift Canvas Drawing and frame function - ios

I am fairly new to iOS Development and I have a question, where the internet couldn't help me.
At first, I want to have a canvas, where I can draw rects, circles, lines, etc. I already tried the 'workaround' with the image view, but I don't think, that this is a clean solution and it's really not that efficient.
Secondly, is there any function, which gets called every frame? Currently I have a timer which calls a function every 1/60 second, but I've read, that this also isn't very efficient.
Thanks for any response in advance!

If I understand you correctly, you want a canvas with animation support on iOS?
1.need a canvas? a UIView and its sub class is simply a canvas,you can draw shapes in draw method
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
} want to implement fancy animation on canvas? search CALayer Animation on google and you will get tons of resources teaching you how.Not like other canvas animation,you do not have to use a timer to draw frame animation on iOS.


How to properly use setNeedsDisplayInRect for iOS apps?

I'm on Yosemite 10.10.5 and Xcode 7, using Swift to make a game targeting iOS 8 and above.
EDIT: More details that might be useful: This is a 2D puzzle/arcade game where the player moves stones around to match them up. There is no 3D rendering at all. Drawing is already too slow and I haven't even gotten to explosions with debris yet. There is also a level fade-in, very concerning. But this is all on the simulator so far. I don't yet have an actual iPhone to test with yet and I'm betting the actual device will be at least a little faster.
I have my own Draw2D class, which is a type of UIView, set up as in this tutorial. I have a single NSTimer which initiates the following chain of calls in Draw2D:
[setNeedsDisplay]; // which calls drawRect, which is the master draw function of Draw2D
drawRect(rect: CGRect)
scr_step(); // the master update function, which loops thru all objects and calls their individual update functions. I put it here so that updating and drawing are always in sync
CNT = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // get the curret drawing context
switch (Realm) // based on what realm im in, call the draw function for that realm
case rlm.intro: scr_draw_intro();
case scr_draw_mm();
case rlm.level: scr_draw_level(); // this in particular loops thru all objects and calls their individual draw functions
default: return;
var i = AARR.count - 1; // loop thru my own animation objects and draw them too, note it's iterating backwards because sometimes they destroy themselves
while (i >= 0)
let A = AARR[i];
i -= 1;
And all the drawing works fine, but slow.
The problem is now I want to optimize drawing. I want to draw only in the dirty rectangles that need drawing, not the whole screen, which is what setNeedsDisplay is doing.
I could not find any tutorials or good example code for this. The closest I found was apple's documentation here, but it does not explain, among other things, how to get a list of all dirty rectangles so far. It does not also explicitly state if the list of dirty rectangles is automatically cleared at the end of each call to drawRect?
It also does not explain if I have to manually clip all drawing based on the rectangles. I found conflicting info about that around the web, apparently different iOS versions do it differently. In particular, if I'm gonna hafta manually clip things then I don't see the point of apple's core function in the first place. I could just maintain my own list of rectangles and manually compare each drawing destination rectangle to the dirty rectangle to see if I should draw anything. That would be a huge pain, however, because I have a background picture in each level and I would hafta draw a piece of it behind every moving object. What I'm really hoping for is the proper way to use setNeedsDisplayInRect to let the core framework do automatic clipping for everything that gets drawn on the next draw cycle, so that it automatically draws only that piece of the background plus the moving object on top.
So I tried some experiments: First in my array of stones:
func scr_draw_stone()
// the following 3 lines are new, I added them to try to draw in only dirty rectangles
if (xvp != xv || yvp != yv) // if the stone's coordinates have changed from its previous coordinates
MyD.setNeedsDisplayInRect(CGRectMake(x, y, MyD.swc, MyD.shc)); // MyD.swc is Draw2D's current square width in points, maintained to softcode things for different screen sizes.
MyD.img_stone?.drawInRect(CGRectMake(x, y, MyD.swc, MyD.shc)); // draw the plain stone
img?.drawInRect(CGRectMake(x, y, MyD.swc, MyD.shc)); // draw the stone's icon
This did not seem to change anything. Things were drawing just as slow as before. So then I put it in brackets:
[MyD.setNeedsDisplayInRect(CGRectMake(x, y, MyD.swc, MyD.shc))];
I have no idea what the brackets do, but my original setNeedsDisplay was in brackets just like they said to do in the tutorial. So I tried it in my stone object, but it had no effect either.
So what do I need to do to make setNeedsDisplayInRect work properly?
Right now, I suspect there's some conditional check I need in my master draw function, something like:
if (ListOfDirtyRectangles.count == 0)
[setNeedsDisplay]; // just redraw the whole view
However I don't know the name of the built-in list of dirty rectangles. I found this saying the method name is getRectsBeingDrawn, but that is for Mac OSX. It doesn't exist in iOS.
Can anyone help me out? Am I on the right track with this? I'm still fairly new to Macs and iOS.
You should really avoid overriding drawRect if at all possible. Existing view/technologies take advantage of any hardware capabilities to make things a lot faster than manually drawing in a graphics context could, including buffering the contents of views, using the GPU, etc. This is repeated many times in the "View Programming Guide for iOS".
If you have a background and other objects on top of that, you should probably use separate views or layers for those rather than redraw them.
You may also consider technologies such as SpriteKit, SceneKit, OpenGL ES, etc.
Beyond that, I'm not quite sure I understand your question. When you call setNeedsDisplayInRect, it will add that rect to those that need to be redrawn (possibly merging with rectangles that are already in the list). drawRect: will then be called a bit later to draw those rectangles one at a time.
The whole point of the setNeedsDisplayInRect / drawRect: separation is to make sure multiple requests to redraw a given part of the view are merged together, and drawing only happens once per redraw cycle.
You should not call your scr_step method in drawRect:, as it may be called multiple times in a cycle redraw cycle. This is clearly stated in the "View Programming Guide for iOS" (emphasis mine):
The implementation of your drawRect: method should do exactly one
thing: draw your content. This method is not the place to be updating
your application’s data structures or performing any tasks not related
to drawing. It should configure the drawing environment, draw your
content, and exit as quickly as possible. And if your drawRect: method
might be called frequently, you should do everything you can to
optimize your drawing code and draw as little as possible each time
the method is called.
Regarding clipping, the documentation of drawRect states that:
You should limit any drawing to the rectangle specified in the rect
parameter. In addition, if the opaque property of your view is set to
YES, your drawRect: method must totally fill the specified rectangle
with opaque content.
Not having any idea what your view shows, what the various method you call do, what actually takes time, it's difficult to provide much more insight into what you could do. Provide more details into your actual needs, and we may be able to help.

What is the best practice for creating custom UIView's?

For creating custom views i have three options.
func drawRect(_ rect: CGRect)
Add sub-layers to the view's Layer.
Do both.
What is the best practice? why would i override drawRect if i can draw everything in a sub-layer (With an easier API)?
Rendering in drawRect means that you are using the CPU to draw your view using Core Graphics.
If you can use a composition of CALayer sub-layers, then that is almost always the better option as the heavy lifting is then done by GPU.
On top of that, drawRect is called on the main thread, and if your drawing code isn't fast your app will be less responsive (of course you can use a background thread to solve this problem, but you will still be using the CPU to draw your bitmap).

What's the best most CPU efficient way to draw views with a lot of animations in iOS?

I'm trying to draw a graphic equaliser for an iOS project.
The equaliser will have 7 bars, representing different frequency bands, than move up and down based on real-time audio data.
Can anyone suggest the best way to approach this in iOS?
New frequency data comes in at about 11Hz, and so the bars would have to animate to a new size 11 times per second.
Do I create a UIView for each bar and dynamically resize it's frame height?
Do I draw the bars as thick CGStrokes and redraw them within the parent view as needed?
Another option?
Thanks in advance
You want to use Core Animation. The basic principle is to create a bunch of "layer" objects, which can either be bitmap images, vector shapes, or text. Each layer is stored on the GPU and most operations can be animated at 60 frames per second.
Think of layers like a DOM node in a HTML page, they can be nested inside each other and you can apply attributes to each one similar to CSS. The list of attributes available matches everything the GPU can do efficiently.
It sounds like you want vector shapes. Basically you create all your shapes at startup, for example in the awakeFromNib method of a UIView subclass. For simple rectangles use CALayer and set a background colour. For more complicated shapes create a CAShapeLayer and a UIBezierPath, then apply it with shapeLayer.path = bezierPath.CGPath;.
Then, whenever you want to change something, you apply those changes to the layer object. For example, here I'm rotating a layer with a 1 second linear animation:
[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setAnimationDuration:1];
[CATransaction setAnimationTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear]];
[self.needleLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:DegreesToRadians(degrees) forKeyPath:#"transform.rotation.z"];
[CATransaction commit];
// you'll want to declare this somewhere
CGFloat DegreesToRadians(CGFloat degrees)
return degrees * M_PI / 180;
More complicated animations, eg a series of changes scheduled to execute back to back, can be done using a CAKeyframeAnimation:
Note Core Animation only does 2D graphics. Apple has Scene Kit which is basically the same thing for 3D, but so far it's only available on OS X. Hopefully iOS 8 will include it, but until then if you want 3D graphics on iOS you need to use Open GL.
CALayers which you resize on demand would probably be the most efficient way to do this, if the bars are solid colours. This allows you to optionally animate between sizes as well.
View resizing triggers off layout cycles, which you don't want. Drawing using CG calls is pretty slow.
Obviously the only real way to find out is to profile (on a device) using instruments and the core animation tool. But from experience, layer sizing is faster than drawing.
Definitely not a UIView for each - instead, a single UIView for the entire equalizer. Fill in the drawRect method with the appropriate CG calls to draw whatever is required. You can queue the view to refresh as needed with the appropriate data. Tapping into CADisplayLink will help you get the frame-rate you're looking for.
NOTE: You can also subclass CALayer and draw in it if you prefer something lighter-weight than UIView but I think you'll be fine with the former.

Animating custom Bezier paths by looping drawRect

I have custom drawing code that uses bezier paths , gradients and strokes to perform my drawing. I want to run custom animations by looping drawRect and changing the values of properties on the bezier paths.
I have looked at using CAShapeLayer (UIView animation in drawrect) but that doesn't seem to cut it for me. My drawing code is quite complex, runs into a few hundred lines and all the drawing is done through bezier paths and gradients. Changing the drawings to a CAShapeLayer and then adding colors and gradients to it will be very time consuming!
I know that it is not recommended by Apple to explicitly call drawRect rather to use setNeedsDisplay to call draw rect (How to use DrawRect correctly). But the problem with doing that is i experience slight difference in the animation each time (very minute though). It may have something to do with the fact that setNeedsDisplay schedules drawRect to be called on the run loop but doesn't directly call it by itself.
I want to know what strategies i can use to use to loop drawRect and achieve synchronized perfectly timed animations each time. Is it possible to do this?
Both Animating Pie Slices Using a Custom CALayer and Animating Custom Layer Properties by Rob Napier are two good resources to learn how to make custom animations when you are doing completely custom drawing inside drawInContext:.
If you still feel that setting up an external mechanism to synchronize the drawing then I suggest that you look at CADisplayLink.

On iPhone and iPad, can we draw anything without using drawRect?

It seems that the standard way to draw dots, lines, circles, and Bezier paths is to draw them in inside of drawRect. We don't directly call drawRect, but just let iOS call it and we can use [self setNeedsDisplay] to tell iOS to try to call drawRect when it can...
It also seems that we cannot rely on
[self setClearsContextBeforeDrawing: NO];
to not clear the background of the view before calling drawRect. Some details are in this question: UIView: how to do non-destructive drawing?
How about directly drawing on the screen -- without putting those code in drawRect. For example, in ViewController.m, have some code that directly draw dots, lines, circles on the screen. Is that possible?
Without having to drop into OpenGL, the closest you can do to get around the erasure is to convert the context as an image using something like CGBitmapContextCreateImage. From there, you can retain the image in memory (or write it to disk if necessary), and then when you redraw the view, you first draw this original image into the context and then overlay it with new content.
